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Toward tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy at the solid/liquid interface

Toward tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy at the solid/liquid interface. Katrin F. Domke, Bruno Pettinger Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society Department of Physical Chemistry Berlin, Germany. STM and Raman …. … and potential control. TERSSLi at potential-controlled surfaces. 1.

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Toward tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy at the solid/liquid interface

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Toward tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy at the solid/liquid interface Katrin F. Domke, Bruno Pettinger Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society Department of Physical Chemistry Berlin, Germany

  2. STM and Raman …

  3. … and potential control

  4. TERSSLi at potential-controlled surfaces 1 physisorbed phase -2 0 chemisorbed cm phase mA * * j / -1 -2 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0.0 0.4 + E / V vs. Ag/Ag adenine open circuit: -0.08 V Cyclic voltammogram provided by Constanze Donner, Free University Berlin.

  5. TERSSLi at potential-controlled surfaces adenine controlled potential ? Cyclic voltammogram provided by Constanze Donner, Free University Berlin.

  6. FHI experimental set-up working in air

  7. Problem with old set-up + modified EC-STM TERS refractive indices air: 1 glass: 1.5 water: 1.33 focus too big, no signal correction? glasses don‘t fit, no room

  8. Parabolic-mirror approach STM tip, insulated for EC measurements sample parabolic mirror 4 mm CE RE 16 mm in: excitation laser beam out: scattered light • electrode potential control

  9. Optical path STM head parabolic mirror glass plate beam expander spectrometer fibre out (multimode) HeNe laser fibre in (633 nm)

  10. TERSSLi set-up Technical support: Klaus Grabitz

  11. New STM head 500 x 500 nm2 200 x 200 nm2 Pt(111) bead crystal 2 mm diameter crystals prepared by Juan M. Feliu, Alicante, Spain

  12. Si signal in air/water (for comparison: 10 000 cts/s with old setup)

  13. Tip coating I

  14. Tip coating I

  15. Tip coating II

  16. To come … 50 x 50 nm2 25 x 25 nm2 Metal organyls: Co(II) porphyrines/toluene at Au(111) flat, well-ordered? nanocrystal? nice focus??

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