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Center for Academic and Faculty Enrichment . Universal design for learning . Sandy Odrowski. Session Outcomes. Draw a parallel between UDL and good teaching Perform a UDL course outline audit using the UDL checklist provided
Center for Academic and Faculty Enrichment Universal design for learning Sandy Odrowski
Session Outcomes • Draw a parallel between UDL and good teaching • Perform a UDL course outline audit using the UDL checklist provided • Commit to three “easy to implement” short term UDL goals/revisions to add to your course outline.
Agenda • Introduction- Story time • What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL) • UDL Guidelines • The Power of 3 • Q & A
Before we begin • A full copy of the PowerPoint will be available on your PD website with all other handouts used today.
Take-aways • Medicine cabinets can be a dangerous place…think you probably already knew this. • Elastics have more uses than one could imagine. • Pong is addictive and made many teenagers ignore their parents –some things never change.
Take Aways A universally designed medicine cabinet is designed from the outset to meet the needs of the greatest number of users, making costly, time-consuming, and after-the-fact changes unnecessary. Universal Design is a safe and inclusive practice that benefits all. curriculum to curriculum
What is Universal Design for Learning (udl)? • UDL is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. • It is proactive designof an inclusive curriculum instead of reactive retrofit. (Center for Applied Special Technologies [CAST], 2010)
Accessibility and UDL • “Accessibility” describes the extent to which all intended populations are able to use a product, device, service or environment. • Goal of UDL is to create an accessible curriculum for all.
What UDL is not… • UDL is not an Accommodation or Modification to a course or curriculum.
Impact of UDL on accommodation model CSD 2012
Impact of UDL on Accommodation Model CSD 2012
Universal design for learning • The goal is not to modify the curriculum but to maintain the standardsand rigor through an accessible curriculum. • It is essential that all students can reliably demonstrate course learning outcomes to achieve a passing grade.
We start with Universal Design for Learning
Getting Started with UDL Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means of Engagement Multiple Means of Expression CAST http://www.cast.org/
Activity You are a student in the Pooch Trick Program at Universal Studios in Hollywood. Your task is to watch the video and take notes. .
Instructions #1 Use a graphic organizer to illustrate the steps #2 Write out the steps in the video Dog Trick Video #3 Draw the steps in the video
How did that make you feel? • Group 1: graphic organizers • Group 2: Written steps • Group 3: Illustrations
UDL Guidelines 1. Multiple Means of Representation 2. Multiple Means of Expression 3. Multiple Means of Engagement
The course outline • What the student needs to be able to know/show/do by the end of the course • How the student learns/practices what they need to be able to know/show/do. • What resources they need • How we know they know what they are supposed to Course Learning Outcomes Learning Methods/Formative Assessment Evaluation /Summative Assessment
The Golden Chain Learning Methods Learning outcomes Evaluation Multiple means of Expression Multiple means of Representation/ Engagement Multiple means of Expression
UDL Principle #1 Multiple Means of Representation • I haven’t a clue what you are talking about? • I don’t get it? • There is too much text… • I still don’t get it? • What are you looking at? • Why am I learning this? • What is the point of this video? • I can’t hear the video • What does that word mean? • I am going to fail……
Multiple means of representation The Power of………… • Present content in at least 3 different modalities • Post course materials to your LMS • Provide options for Lecture notes
Harvard University • Harvard University professors designed a course called T-560: Meeting the Challenge of Individual Differences incorporating the three guiding principles of universal design. Rose, Harbour, Johnston, Daley, and Abarbanell (2006)
Harvard University Rose, Harbour, Johnston, Daley, and Abarbanell (2006)
Harvard University Rose, Harbour, Johnston, Daley, and Abarbanell (2006)
What Harvard Researchers learned • The most interesting benefit that Rose et al. (2006) observed was that of the student notes being more universally designed than the lecture itself. Rose et al. (2006)
The students do all the work • Have students post notes to Desire2Learn • Provide a percentage of their overall grade to note taking • Use one rubric to grade the student’s notes
Never say Never….. Biology UDL video
Multiple Means of Expression The “how” of learning • I am not answering –what if I am wrong • I am no good at multiple choice • I hate studying… • I just need a little more time to answer • I’m not book smart • I hate essays
Multiple Means of Expression The Power of………… • Alignment of outcomes with evaluation methods • Provide students with a variety of evaluation methods • Provide students with options/choice of evaluation methods
The Golden Chain Evaluation Learning outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes How do you write an outcome that is based on UDL principles? • Write a clear, observable, measurable, realistic outcome that contributes to the achievement of the program learning outcome • Select your performance verb carefully and with intent.
Learning Outcome Characteristics • performance based • Student centered • measurable • observable • achievable • Relevant • Realistic
Performance verbs to avoid • Understand • Know • Appreciate • Comprehend • Be familiar with • Demonstrate Why? • No level and not performance based
Construction of an Outcome Well constructed outcome statements include: • Do something + “for a reason” + “to certain level/standard” • Create an energy efficiency plan for residential and industrial buildingsusing safety, ethical and sustainable building standards
Course Learning Outcomes • course learning outcomes describe clearly what learners will know and be able to doby the endof the course. • describe learning that is significant and is related to what learners will be expected to do in the “real world” • Each outcome must be fully evaluated by the end of the course
Multiple Means of Expression Turn to Page 6 of your handout Take 5 minutes to fill in with a partner
Is providing options more work? • Discuss in your groups • 2 advantages • 2 disadvantages • What if I told you : one set of instructions and one rubric for 3 choices!
Multiple Means of Expression “Describe the three main principles of Universal Design for Learning. Group Activity • As a group discuss 3 types of evaluation methods that would evaluate this outcome.
Would these type of evaluations work? Describe the three main principles of Universal Design for Learning. Poster presentation Oral report Video/learning object Research report Creative interpretation