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Balkan Investigative Reporting Network

Balkan Investigative Reporting Network. 201 6 -201 7. Balkan Investigative Reporting Network. Activities and achievements 201 6 -201 7. Journalism Prizes. 13 in 2016 7 so far in 2017. EU investigative journalism awards. A. In three years of the award scheme,

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Balkan Investigative Reporting Network

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  1. Balkan Investigative ReportingNetwork 2016-2017

  2. Balkan Investigative ReportingNetwork Activities and achievements 2016-2017

  3. Journalism Prizes 13 in 2016 7 so far in 2017

  4. EU investigative journalism awards A In three years of the award scheme, BIRN journalists won 13 out of 64 prizes awarded.

  5. Words from friends and partners

  6. BIRN Activities Covered • Publishing and broadcasting • Training • Monitoring and debating • Databases • Advocacy • Strengthening the Network • BIRN Ltd.

  7. Publishing, republishing and broadcasting In 2016 - 16 BIRN’s websites directly reached more than 5.6 million people (an increase of around 600,000 on 2015) Data for radio and TV audiences, readers of the press, and republished texts are difficult to obtain.

  8. Important revelations as a result of BIRN investigations • Hidden ownerships, donations and subventionsrevealed • Corruptionand bribery scandals revealed

  9. Impact of BIRN investigations Tender documentations modified Concessionary agreements scrapped Criminal complaints filed Public officials dismissed or resigned Contractsmade public or changed

  10. Impact of BIRN investigations As a result of BIRN Kosovo investigations: 12 judiciary investigations 6 suspensions 1 indictment 8 disciplinary measures 20 other direct actions taken after BIRN reports

  11. Political impact of the weapons export investigation Reactions from heads of states, foreign ministers and arms companies. The European Union’s foreign policy unit said it was monitoring the flow of weapons.

  12. Local, regional, international republications BIRN texts are widely republished in their own countries, within the region, and internationally. In 2016, over 32,000 republications/ citations in the Balkans and globally (25,000 in 2015)

  13. Some texts gained exceptional media attention

  14. BIRN’s story about the export of weapons to Saudi Arabia was republished across the world (in around 50 countries and 500 media outlets)

  15. TV and video production Around 100 video and TV programmes. Partnershipswith 70TV stations across the region Twelve episodes of TV Justice(BIRN BiH) in 2016 screened by 21 TV stations in the country and over satellite Jeta ne Kosove is the most watched current affairs program in Kosovo

  16. TV production 55 video-features by BIRN Albania (November 2016 - June 2017). Including 14 video-investigations on corruption in the judiciary system Partners: Voice of America and 40 national and local TV stations Estimated viewership: hundreds of thousands for each story

  17. TV production Four TV investigations by BIRN Macedonia with local TV partners Close to 300,000 viewers

  18. TV production Two films, four documentary pieces and two TV debates produced by BIRN Serbia in 2016 Two awards for the movie “Flatland without Birds”

  19. Movie production BIRN Hub’s documentary film ‘Your House Was My Home’ will air in September The story of how war (1992) forced villagers in Serbia and Croatia to exchange homes with each other in an attempt to save their own lives

  20. Two BIRN programmes marked 10 year anniversaries • Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence (BIRN Hub) • Court Monitoring – Transparency and accountability in Kosovo’s justice system (BIRN Kosovo)

  21. Court Monitoring in Kosovo In 10 years: 10,481court hearings monitored 26 municipalities 100 monitors involved

  22. BIRN Hub’s Balkan Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence In 10 years 1308 applicants 10 countries 98 fellows

  23. Trainings Topics Media: investigative journalism, multimedia techniques, video editing, court monitoring, freedom of information laws, challenging online extremist narratives, crime and court reporting Other social issues: transparency and accountability, public procurement, participative budgeting, judiciary, healthcare and public administration, open-data, security • 50 training courses and workshops organised • 800 attendees across the region

  24. Trainings BIRN Hub’s Summer School of Investigative Reporting 2016 brought together renowned investigative journalists and experts, with participants from 16 countries Enrolment for the 8th annual Summer School is open now

  25. Trainings Reporting Security in the Black Sea Area – organized by BIRN Romania Topics: energy, military, migration, reconciliation in that region Following the training, the participants produced in-depth news analysis pieces related to regional security issues

  26. Monitoring and debating 32 reports published in 2016 BIRN Serbia Topics Media, elections, Serbia-Kosovo relations, corruption, local administration and public budgeting, public procurement BIRN Albania

  27. Databases 21 databases were created or maintained in 2016 Over 350,000 new documents in 2016 In total, over 850,000 documents in the databases

  28. BIRN Macedonia’s new databases Foreign investments Agricultural subsidies

  29. Interactive War Crimes Verdict Map Map of war crimes cases by courts in the former Yugoslavia and by the UN tribunal in The Hague (BIRN Hub’s BTJ programme)

  30. Advocacy Topics: Topics: Transitional justice policies, accountable and transparent governance, freedom of media BIRN Serbia’s Participative Budgeting programme was implemented in seven municipalities, with the results of these activities incorporated into budget laws for 2017

  31. Documents drafted: HR Rules Disciplinary Procedures Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct Anti-corruption policy adopted Editorial policy and guidelines finalised Work on social media guidelines initiated Strengthening the Network Internal and external procedures:

  32. Strengthening the Network • Annual audit of BIRN Hub and one country office (this year, BIRN Macedonia) • Intranet: Equipment purchased and set-up. Folder structure in testing phase

  33. Staff trainings 117 BIRN members trained in 2016 within the Network Topics: social media, in-house journalism training, reporting on impact, project cycle management, fact-checking International seminars and training courses

  34. BIRN Ltd. In the first six months of 2017, 15 % increase in the sales of premium content BIRN Consultancy created a network of researchers in the Western Balkans Two-year contract: bi-monthly political analysis for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung South East Europe Company now covering the costs of its staff

  35. Welcome to Kopaonik and to our second Network Meeting

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