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ISAC activities since Groningen (August 2002) Report: Carilli/Rawlings Jan 2003. 1. Finalize report on WP designs: email + telecons, w. coordination by WG chairs. Report presented as SKA memo #28. 2. Compliance Matrix: finer grading and review for correctness. Coordinated
ISAC activities since Groningen (August 2002) Report: Carilli/Rawlings Jan 2003 1. Finalize report on WP designs: email + telecons, w. coordination by WG chairs. Report presented as SKA memo #28. 2. Compliance Matrix: finer grading and review for correctness. Coordinated by WG chairs including input from proposers. ‘Living document’ at: htttp://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~sr/ska/ska_matrix.html 3. Oxford SKA meeting (Nov): organized by Rawlings/Kramer, attended by Carilli, Schilizzi, Wilkinson, + broad UK community. 4. Smaller items: a. DSN science: Carilli/Dickey suggestions to Preston/Jones (Dec 02) b. Level 0 science: Carilli suggestions (w. input from Matrix, ISAC, other), to Schilizzi (Jan 03) c. Geraldton ISAC requirements – Carilli suggestions to Kellerman (Jan 03) 5. Membership: Out – Vettolani, Cote, In – Corbelli, requests – Wilcotts, Windhorst, Morganti, Gurwell? Note: Two year limit occurs at Geraldton
ISAC requirements/goals in Geraldton and beyond • ISAC Only: • Finalize chapters and authors for the new science book. This should include identification of ‘project teams’ and instructions as to level of detail and format. The project teams could (should) include people not on the ISAC, such as theorists…, but each team should have at least one ISAC member to coordinate. It would be useful for the ISSC to delineate resources (simulations, travel funds, …) which may be available to the project teams. • Chapters to be submitted to CC/SR: May 2004. Book to be completed by August 2004. • 2. Finalize speaker suggestions for the Berlin meeting (depends on timing of Berlin meeting). • 3. Finalize ‘design reference mission’ that is communicated to the project teams, with the caveat that the teams are encouraged to identify high priority science that might be enabled with minor revisions to the DRM. • 4. Consider new membership. • Plenary: • 1. Presentations of main science themes by preliminary project teams. • 2. Second review of white paper designs: revised matrix and discussion of conflicts and open issues. • People to invite: ISAC, Osterloo, Wilcotts, Windhorst, Morganti, other?