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Unit 2 Review India and China

Unit 2 Review India and China. Who was the first emperor of the Mauryan Empire?. Chandragupta Maurya. Which continents traded with India?. Asia , Europe and Africa. What group of people spread the Indian culture to many other areas of the world?. Indian merchants.

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Unit 2 Review India and China

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  1. Unit 2 ReviewIndia and China

  2. Who was the first emperor of the Mauryan Empire?

  3. Chandragupta Maurya

  4. Which continents traded with India?

  5. Asia, Europe and Africa

  6. What group of people spread the Indian culture to many other areas of the world?

  7. Indian merchants

  8. Who brought the Mauryan Empire to its greatest height?

  9. Asoka

  10. What activity encouraged the rise of the banking system in India?

  11. Increased trade

  12. What religion did Asoka help spread?

  13. Buddhism

  14. Who was the leader of the Gupta Empire?

  15. Chandra Gupta

  16. Who was responsible for building extensive roads which made travel and communication easier?

  17. Asoka

  18. What was the period of achievement called under Chandra Gupta?

  19. the Golden Age

  20. What was an effect of Indian trade?

  21. an increase in the banking system

  22. Where were India's earliest civilizations located?

  23. river valleys

  24. How did the physical geography of China’s location affect its development?

  25. China was isolated by its geography so developed on its own

  26. What did Shi Huangdi do with the books of Confucius?

  27. He had them burned

  28. Why was the Silk Road important to China?

  29. It provided contact with other cultures through trade

  30. What was a similarity in the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and ancient Chinese civilizations?

  31. They each built irrigation systems

  32. What was the purpose of Shi Huangdi’s policy of centralization?

  33. He wanted to increase his power

  34. What was a belief in divine approval of leaders?

  35. Mandate of Heaven

  36. What is the belief that a ruler should provide rich rewards for people who carry out their duties well?

  37. Legalism

  38. What is a society in which men are most important?

  39. Patriarchal society

  40. What is a society in which women are most important?

  41. Matriarchal society

  42. What is the system where the king gives land to his nobles in exchange for loyalty and military service?

  43. Feudalism

  44. Where were the first civilizations located?

  45. In river valleys

  46. What was an unsatisfactory feature of the Hammurabi’s Code?

  47. Punishment was different for rich and poor, men and women.

  48. What was a Phoenician contribution that people still benefit from today?

  49. The invention of the phonetic alphabet

  50. What did the pyramids show about the Old Kingdom dynasties of Egypt?

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