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Ancient China Unit 2

Ancient China Unit 2. Mr. Hardy RMS IB Middle School 2012-2013. Geography. Huang He- Yellow River Chang Jiang- Yangtze River Very fertile area Gobi Desert, Himalaya Mtn. Range- isolated the people of China . Shang Dynasty. Farming society Ruled by Wealthy

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Ancient China Unit 2

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  1. Ancient ChinaUnit 2 Mr. Hardy RMS IB Middle School 2012-2013

  2. Geography • Huang He- Yellow River • Chang Jiang- Yangtze River • Very fertile area • Gobi Desert, Himalaya Mtn. Range- isolated the people of China

  3. Shang Dynasty • Farming society • Ruled by Wealthy • Believed in ancestor worship, life after death, and Oracle Bones that could predict the future • Created silk

  4. Zhou Dynastypronounced, Joe • Practiced Feudalism • Filial piety- your duty is to your family • Created Pictographs (Writing system) • Mandate of Heaven- belief that Heaven kept order (Like Golden Age Pyramid) • Rise  Peak  Fall

  5. Qin Dynasty221- 202B.C. • Qin Shi Huangdi- first emperor, 13 yrs old • Unified China • Autocracy- emperor has unlimited power • People disliked Qin’s rule • Very cruel and harsh- had hundreds of people killed • Slaves built a system of roads throughout the empire, as well as forts and canals.

  6. Emperor Qin's Accomplishments The Emperor's Army • Army made of terra cotta • Recreation of Qin’s imperial guard • More than 6,000 men, each different Great Wall of China • Intended to defend Northern China from nomadic tribes (invasion) • Took thousands of workers • Not paid, forced labor

  7. Han Dynasty202B.C.- 220A.D. • “Golden Dynasty of China” • Emperor considered a divine authority – link between heaven and Earth • Highly Structured Government -18 levels of government officials • Civil Service Exam • Schools to educate those who wished to work for the govt. • Over 150 years of peace and wealth – Very popular with people. • Adopted Confucianism The Government System established by the Han, lasted until 1912!

  8. Confucianism • Not a religion, - more like a philosophy, or way of life. • Based on the writings of a great teacher knows as Confucius - K'ung-fu-tzu, "Master Kung” 551BC – 479BC

  9. Confucianism • Li (social propriety) is the greatest principle of living. When society lives by li it moves smoothly. • The Middle Way – (moderation in all things) • Quotes: • Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. • It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop. • Men’s natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart. • Our greatest glory is not in failing, but in getting up every time we do. • Study the past, if you would define the future. • To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. • Forget injuries, never forget kindness. • I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

  10. Han Dynasty Inventions • Paper about 105A.D., greatly expanded education and government. • Rudder- allowed boats to sail into the wind • Wheel barrow • Horse collar – allowed horses to pull a much larger load. • Perfected iron tools and plows (Do you see any pattern here?)

  11. Fall of the Han • Huge Taxes to run government • Gap between rich and poor grew • Poor lost farms and homes • Could not pay taxes • Less taxes weakened the military • (Where have we seen this before?)

  12. Tang Dynasty618-907 • Created programs to help the poor • Created gunpowder- Fireworks! • Brought back the Civil service exam • Open to all men, but only the rich could afford the education • Must be knowledgeable in Confucianism • Only 1 in 5 passed

  13. Song Dynasty960-1279 Prosperous and innovative Trade and Foreign Contact • Great naval force Advanced farming techniques- Rice! Creation of block printing Use of algebra • Abacus • Use paper money • Banking

  14. Role of Women of the Song Practiced foot binding- meant to reflect wealth and prestige, crippled for life Servants to men

  15. Mongols • Nomadic people • Horseback- primary form of travel • Genghis Khan- elected ruler of Mongols, 1206 • Created largest empire in history! • Used terror to conquer people • Professional, organized army


  17. Kublai Khan – Yuan Dynasty • Kublai Khan – grandson of Genghis Khan • Becomes Mongol emperor in 1260 • Conquers all of China in 1279, uniting China for the first time in 300 years. • Yuan Dynasty only lasts until 1368, but is very important.

  18. Yuan Dynasty • Kublai Khan very good ruler for China • Kublai Khan moved capital from Mongolia to modern day Beijing, China • Mongols kept separate identity from the Chinese – lived apart and had different laws. Tolerated Chinese culture and made few changes to government system

  19. Yuan Dynasty & Trade • Open up China to more trade and Western contact • Marco Polo – Young Venetian who lived in Khan’s court for 17 years. His travel journal (1271-1295) became hugely popular book. • First time most Europeans had been exposed to Chinese culture, like silk, gunpowder, playing cards, porcelain, printing, the magnetic compass, and paper money. • Death of Kublai Khan and high taxes doomed the Yuan dynasty.

  20. Kublai Khan and Marco Polo 1215-1294 1254-1324

  21. Mini MasterpieceThis Will Be Started In Class at the Conclusion of the Notes • Required materials- 1 sheet of copy paper, markers/ colored pencils, black ink pen • Fold the paper into 4 boxes. • Option A- Create an image in each box that represents each of the dynasties/topics discussed during today’s class. • Option B- Create a 1 paragraph summery of each dynasty/topic in it’s assigned box. Your paragraph must be detailed and include a minimum of 5 sentences. • *Choose 1 of the following topics to create your Mini- Masterpieces on: • - Ancient Dynasties- Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han • - Medieval Dynasties- Tang, Song, Mongols, and Yuan • - Philosophy- Confucianism, Mandate of Heaven, and two dynasties of your choice • Your boxes must be colored or written in black ink and include a frame and the name of the dynasty/topic. • See Mr. Hardy for an example!

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