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Mobile Test Suite

Mobile Test Suite. Installation and configuration. Paul Shepherd Senior Repair Technician Zebra Technologies Europe Limited. Mobile Test Suite. Download the latest version of Mobile Test Suite available at order.zebra.com. Mobile Test Suite.

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Mobile Test Suite

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  1. Mobile Test Suite Installation and configuration Paul Shepherd Senior Repair Technician Zebra Technologies Europe Limited

  2. Mobile Test Suite • Download the latest version of Mobile Test Suite available at order.zebra.com

  3. Mobile Test Suite • When the download has completed install Mobile Test Suite by running the file Zebra Mobile Test Suite.msi and follow the instructions.

  4. Mobile Test Suite • Once the program has been installed goto C:\Program Files\Zebra Mobile Test Suite\ and run Zebra Mobile Test Suite.exe

  5. Mobile Test Suite • Mobile Test Suite will then open. Do not use the program yet. Click on the exit button.

  6. Mobile Test Suite • Goto C:\bin and open the file Settings.xml using either Notepad or Wordpad.

  7. Mobile Test Suite • The Settings.xml will then open as seen below.

  8. Mobile Test Suite • The following settings need to changed (if necessary) : • Change <NetworkType> from ZGN to NONZGN • Change <Function> from unreleased to released • Ensure <LocalDownloadFilePath> is c:\downloadfiles\ • Change <Custom_Path> from S:\Download_File_Path\ to C:\temp

  9. Mobile Test Suite • Change <MZ_Parani_IP_Address>, <RW_Parani_IP_Address>, <QL_Parani_IP_Address>, <P4T_Parani_IP_Address> to the ip address of assigned to the Parani MSP-100 • Change <SSID> to the SSID of the Wireless Access Point • Ensure <Bluetooth_Type> is set to parani • Change <Location> from ca to custom • Ensure <Reconfig> is set to false

  10. Mobile Test Suite • Set <QL_ComPort>, <RW_ComPort>, <P4T_ComPort>, and <PS4000_ComPort> to the comport number you are using. By default this is com1 • <Mirror_Path>, <Mirror_User>, <Mirror_Password>, <MirrorPasword_User_enable>, and <MirrorIp> do not require any changes. • Ensure <Authentication> is set to psk.

  11. Mobile Test Suite • If the Wireless Access Point is using WPA encryption set <WPA_Enable> to True • If the Wireless Access Point is not using any encrytion set <WPA_Enable> to False • Ensure <BoardTest> is set to True • Ensure <Mirror_Enable> is set to False

  12. Mobile Test Suite • Save and close the Settings.xml file • If the Wireless Access Point is using WPA encryption run Zebra Mobile Test Suite and then click on Actions on the menu bar and on the drop down menu select Security Settings. The following box will the appear:

  13. Mobile Test Suite • Enter the PSK Key (Pre-shared key) for the Wireless Network and the click on Ok

  14. Mobile Test Suite • The Parani MSP-100 requires specific settings to be changed to work via Mobile Test Suite • Enter the IP address of the Parani MSP-100 into a web browser and enter the user name and password of the Parani MSP-100

  15. Mobile Test Suite • Once logged into the Parani MSP-100 change the Maximum Connections from 14 to 7 and then click Apply

  16. Mobile Test Suite • Click on Operation Mode and change Base Port in server mode from 5000 to 6000 and then click Apply

  17. Mobile Test Suite • Before a printer can be tested using Mobile Test Suite the latest files need to be downloaded for the PCC number of the printer being tested • The files also need to be stored in the correct location so Mobile Test Suite can find the necessary files

  18. Mobile Test Suite • Goto order.zebra.com and enter the PCC number of the printer in Product Search and click search

  19. Mobile Test Suite • The PCC number entered will then be found in the Search Results. Click on the PCC number link

  20. Mobile Test Suite • The Settings and Associated files for the printer will then be shown. Click the link DOWNLOAD ASSOCIATED FILES

  21. Mobile Test Suite • You will the be asked if you want to open or save this file. Click on Save

  22. Mobile Test Suite • When choosing where to save the file goto C:\temp and create a new directory with the PCC number of the printer. Save the ZIP file into this newly created directory

  23. Mobile Test Suite • After the download has complete goto the directory where the ZIP file was saved to eg. C:\temp\Q4C-LUKCE011-00

  24. Mobile Test Suite • Extact the contents of the ZIP file into this directory using your preferred ZIP extraction utility (winzip etc.)

  25. Mobile Test Suite • Create a new folder and give this folder the same name as the ZIP file which was downloaded. eg. If the ZIP file was called SWQL420K-006.zip name the folder SWQL420K-006

  26. Mobile Test Suite • The ZIP file can then be deleted. • Each time a printer with a different PCC number is tested using Mobile Test Suite this process of downloading files needs to be repeated. • Installation and configuration of Mobile Test Suite is now complete and the program can be run and the instructions within the program followed.

  27. Q&A

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