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This analysis focuses on the diffuse flux between 2000 and 2003 using the same methods as the 2000 analysis. The results, cuts, and limits are discussed.
Jessica Hodges University of Wisconsin - Madison Search for Diffuse Flux2000-2003
The 2000-2003 Diffuse Analysis is being done with the same methods as used in the 2000 Diffuse Analysis done in Madison. Reminder of Diffuse 2000 Results... Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
50% data in unblind sample, 50% data in blind sample cuts developed on unblind data set 5 one-dimensional cuts on: likelihood ratio (up to down), track length, number of direct hits, smoothness, reduced likelihood (up) used model rejection potential to set final nch cut (nch>80) Reminder of Diffuse 2000 Results... Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
7 data events in unblind sample, 3 events in blind sample with normalization, expected number of events for 1 year: atmospheric 's = 9.4 events E-2's = 25.0 events The Feldman-Cousins signal event upper limit for 10 observed events on a background of 9.4 events is 90% = 7.5 Thus, the E-2 neutrino flux limit is: 90%= * 90% / nsignal = 10-6* 7.5 / 25 limit = 3 * 10-7 GeV / cm2 *s *sr Reminder of Diffuse 2000 Results... Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
The last few months have been spent learning to use new tools for the 4-year analysis. The datahandler provided by Zeuthen and Sieglinde are now being used to process all files so that they exactly match the Zeuthen 4-year processing chain. Monte Carlo files are in preparation. Will look at 100 % of the data set AFTER all of the cuts have been developed on the Monte Carlo and I am approved for unblinding. Diffuse 2000-2003 Status Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Cosmic raymuon background muons from air showers created when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere Coincident muons(a subset of cosmic ray muons) two muons or muon bundles from different showers going through the detector at the same time Atmospheric neutrinos neutrinos produced by the decay of pions and kaons in the cosmic ray shower E-2 neutrinos extragalactic sources with E-2 energy spectrum Types of Monte Carlo Used Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Nusim files are prepared and the files are normalized for atmospheric neutrinos and E-2 neutrinos. Diffuse 2000-2003 Status Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Downgoing muons files are currently being prepared. In the 2000 analysis, cosmic ray muon events were all cut away by the one-dimensional quality cuts. The cuts were tightened until all of the downgoing background was eliminated. A similar procedure will be followed for the 4-year analysis. Diffuse 2000-2003 Status Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Since coincident muons were such a challenge in the 2000 diffuse analysis, it is important to build up large statistics for the four year analysis. Coincident muon production is in full-swing in Madison. The files are being filtered with the datahandler. Diffuse 2000-2003 Status Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Level 1 Hit and OM Cleaning Low ToT / amplitude filter Direct Walk ReconstructionZenith(direct walk)>70 Direct WIMP Reconstruction CFirst Reconstruction Pandel Reconstruction Cascade SPE Reconstruction Cascade MPE Reconstruction JAMS Reconstruction Level 2Zenith(JAMS)>80 Crosstalk cleaning Pandel Likelihood Fit (32-fold, JAMS seed) MPE Likelihood Fit (16-fold, Pandel seed) Bayesian Likelihood Fit (16-fold, Pandel seed) Level 3 Zenith(Pandel)>80 Smoothness calculation (Phit Smoothness for hits with r<50m, -25ns < tres < 75ns) Paraboloid Fit (Siegmund) on Pandel track Cascade Likelihood Fit (Siegmund) (16-fold) Level 4Bayesian Likelihood Fit (64-fold, Pandel seeded) FlareChecker Flrshrtm + Flrndcb1 + Flrndc11 < 10 Summary of Processing Identical to Zeuthen 2000-2003 processing For more details, see the Zeuthen 2000-2003 point source webpages or Markus Ackermann's presentation from Bommerholz. Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Diffuse 2000-2003 Status Obviously, I need some downgoing muons (and better coincident muon statistics).... 4-year Monte Carlo sample Level 3 the nch plot before any of the quality cuts have been applied Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Diffuse 2000-2003 Status Obviously, I need some downgoing muons (and better coincident muon statistics).... 4-year Monte Carlo sample Level 3 the zenith distribution before any of the quality cuts have been applied Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Preliminary look at cuts Obviously, I need some downgoing muons (and better coincident muon statistics).... 4-year Monte Carlo sample Level 3 n-1 plot keep cut n-1 plot cuts made on: ldirb(up)>155 ndirc(up)>10 |smootallphit(up)|<0.275 jkrchi(up)<7.2 Likelihood ratio (up to down) *The green line drawn on the plot at right corresponds to the cut level for the 2000 analysis. The cut for the 4-year analysis is not yet optimized. Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Preliminary look at cuts Obviously, I need some downgoing muons (and better coincident muon statistics).... 4-year Monte Carlo sample n-1 plot Level 3 cut keep n-1 plot cuts made on: jkchi(down)-jkchi(up)>35 ndirc(up)>10 |smootallphit(up)|<0.275 jkrchi(up)<7.2 Track length (up) *The green line drawn on the plot at right corresponds to the cut level for the 2000 analysis. The cut for the 4-year analysis is not yet optimized. Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Preliminary look at cuts Obviously, I need some downgoing muons (and better coincident muon statistics).... 4-year Monte Carlo sample Level 3 n-1 plot keep cut n-1 plot cuts made on: jkchi(down)-jkchi(up)>35 ldirb(up)>155 |smootallphit(up)|<0.275 jkrchi(up)<7.2 Number of direct hits (up) *The green line drawn on the plot at right corresponds to the cut level for the 2000 analysis. The cut for the 4-year analysis is not yet optimized. Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Preliminary look at cuts Obviously, I need some downgoing muons (and better coincident muon statistics).... 4-year Monte Carlo sample Level 3 n-1 plot cut keep cut n-1 plot cuts made on: jkchi(down)-jkchi(up)>35 ldirb(up)>155 ndirc(up)>10 jkrchi(up)<7.2 Smoothness (up) *The green line drawn on the plot at right corresponds to the cut level for the 2000 analysis. The cut for the 4-year analysis is not yet optimized. Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Preliminary look at cuts Obviously, I need some downgoing muons (and better coincident muon statistics).... 4-year Monte Carlo sample n-1 plot Level 3 cut keep n-1 plot cuts made on: jkchi(down)-jkchi(up)>35 ldirb(up)>155 ndirc(up)>10 |smootallphit(up)|<0.275 Reduced Likelihood (up) *The green line drawn on the plot at right corresponds to the cut level for the 2000 analysis. The cut for the 4-year analysis is not yet optimized. Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Preliminary look at cuts Obviously, I need some downgoing muons (and better coincident muon statistics).... 4-year Monte Carlo sample cuts made on: jkchi(down)-jkchi(up) >35 ldirb(up)>155 ndirc(up)>10 |smootallphit(up)|<0.275 jkrchi(up)<7.2 Nch plot with preliminary quality cuts applied *The cuts applied correspond to the cut levels for the 2000 analysis. The cuts for the 4-year analysis are not yet optimized. Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Optimizing the nch cut with the Model Rejection Potential IF THE CUTS stay exactly the same as they were for the single year (2000) analysis, then 1) the best nch cut will be at 124 (it was 80 for the single year analysis) 2) Model Rejection Factor = 0.0848 expected upper limit = 0.0848 * 10-6 = 8.5 * 10-8 for four years Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004
Optimizing the nch cut with the Model Rejection Potential Cuts will be determined after coincident muons are ready. It is expected that any coincident muons that survive the quality cuts will be removed by the much tighter final energy (nch) cut. Note the nch cut is expected to move from nch = 80 for the single year analysis to nch = 124 for the 4-year analysis. More details and an unblinding proposal in the near future...... Jessica Hodges – Uppsala – October 2004