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Design Pattern Detection

Explore the world of design patterns that systematically address recurring software design problems and offer proven solutions. Understand the benefits, drawbacks, usage, and integration of design patterns to enhance your software engineering skills.

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Design Pattern Detection

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  1. Design Pattern Detection

  2. Design Patterns • A design pattern systematically names, explains and evaluates an important and recurring design problem and its solution • Good designers know not to solve every problem from first principles • They reuse solutions • This is very different from code reuse • Software practitioners have not done a good job of recording experience in software design for others to use COSC6431

  3. Design Patterns – 2 • Definition • “We propose design patterns as a new mechanism for expressing object oriented design experience. Design patterns identify, name and abstract common themes in object oriented design. They capture the intent behind a design by identifying objects, collaborations and distribution of responsibilities.” • Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides ,“Design Patterns”, Addison-Wesley, 1995. ISBN 0-201-63361-2 COSC6431

  4. Others On Design Patterns • Christopher Alexander • “Each person describes a problem which occurs over and over and over again in our environment and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice.” • Cunningham • “Patterns are the recurring solutions to the problem of design. People learn patterns by seeing them and recall them when need be without a lot of effort” COSC6431

  5. Others On Design Patterns – 2 • Booch • “A pattern is a solution to a problem in a specific context. A pattern codifies specific knowledge collected from experience in a domain.” COSC6431

  6. Patterns & Frameworks • Patterns support reuse of software architecture and design • They capture static and dynamic structures of successful solutions to problems. These problems arise when building applications in a particular domain • Frameworks support reuse of detailed design and program source text • A framework is an integrated set of components that collaborate to provide a reusable architecture for a family of related applications COSC6431

  7. Patterns & Frameworks – 2 • Frameworks tend to be less abstract than patterns • Together, design patterns and frameworks help to improve key quality factors like reusability, extensibility and modularity COSC6431

  8. Design Problems • Finding appropriate classes • Determine class granularity • how abstract, how correct • Specify interfaces • Specify implementation • Put reuse to work • Client vs inheritance • Relate run time and compile time structures • program text may not reflect design COSC6431

  9. Design Problems – 2 • Design for change is difficult • Common problems • Explicit object creation • Dependence of particular operations • avoid hard coded operations • Dependencies on hardware or software platforms • Dependencies of object representation • Dependencies on algorithms • Tight coupling COSC6431

  10. Claims of the Pattern Community • Well defined design principles have a positive impact on software engineering • Achievable reusability • Provide common vocabulary for designers • communicate, document, explore alternatives • Patterns are like micro architectures • Useful for building small parts of a system • Reduce the learning time for understanding class libraries • Avoid redesign stages by using encapsulated experience COSC6431

  11. When to Use Patterns • Solutions to problems that recur with variations • No need for pattern if the problem occurs in only one context • Solutions that require several steps • Not all problems need all steps • Patterns can be overkill if solution is a simple linear set of interactions • Solutions where the solver is more interested in “does there exist a solution?” than in a solution’s complete derivation • Patterns often leave out lots of detail COSC6431

  12. Pattern Benefits • Enable large scale reuse of software architectures • Explicitly capture expert knowledge and design trade-offs • Help improve developer communication • Help ease the transition to OO methods COSC6431

  13. Pattern Drawbacks • Patterns do not lead to direct code reuse • Patterns are often deceptively simple • You may suffer from pattern overload • Patterns must be validated by experience and debate rather than automated testing • Integrating patterns into a process is human intensive rather than a technical activity COSC6431

  14. General Template • Name • Intent • What does the pattern do? What problems does it address? • Motivation • A scenario of pattern applicability • Applicability • In which situations can this pattern be applied • Participants • Describe participating classes/objects COSC6431

  15. General Template – 2 • Collaborations • How do the participants carry out their responsibilities? • Diagram • Graphical representation of the pattern • Consequences • How does the pattern support its objectives? • Implementation • Pitfalls, language specific issues • Examples • From real systems COSC6431

  16. Classification • Structural • Deal with decoupling interface and implementation of classes and objects • Adapter, Facade, Decorator • Behavioural • Deal with dynamic interaction among collections of classes and objects • Visitor, Iterator, Master-Slave • Creational • Deal with initializing and configuring collections of classes and objects • Prototype, Abstract Factory, Builder COSC6431

  17. Adapter Pattern • Intent • Convert the interface of a class into another interface that the client expects. • Lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise • Motivation – Applicability • Reuse of classes • class is not reusable because its interface does not match the domain-specific interface • If a class with a different, or incompatible, interface is expected, we do not want to change the reusable classes to suit the new application COSC6431

  18. Adapter – Example • EDITOR expects a SHAPE • TEXT_VIEW is not a SHAPE • TEXT is a SHAPE • Features are mapped (body calls relevant method) to TEXT_VIEW SHAPE EDITOR FIGURE TEXT TEXT_VIEW COSC6431

  19. Adapter – Applicability • Want to use an existing class but its interface does not match the one you need • Want to create a reusable class that cooperates with unrelated or unforeseen classes with incompatible interfaces COSC6431

  20. Facade Pattern • Intent • Provide a common interface to a set of interfaces within a subsystem • Defines a higher level interface that should make the subsystem easier to use • Motivation • Structuring a system into subsystems reduces complexity • A common design goal is to minimize communication between subsystems COSC6431

  21. Facade – Diagram Clients Facade Subsystem classes COSC6431

  22. Facade – Applicability • Want to provide a simple interface to a collection of complex subsystems • Provide a simple default view • As systems grow, classes become smaller more refined • Better for reuse • More difficult for clients to use COSC6431

  23. Facade – Applicability – 2 • Decouple subsystems from clients • Reduce implementation dependencies • Layer your subsystems • Each layer has a single entry point • Layers communicate only through Facade interface COSC6431

  24. Facade – Participants, Example • Facade • Compiler • Knows which subsystem classes are responsible for a request • Delegates client requests to appropriate subsystem objects • Subsystems • Scanner, Parser, Code Generator etc. • Implement system functionality • Handle work assigned by Facade object • Have no knowledge of the facade • Keep no references to it COSC6431

  25. Facade – Collaborations • Clients communicate with the subsystem by sending requests to Facade • Facade forwards requests to subsystem • Facade may have to translate its interface to subsystem interface (use Adapter) • Clients that use facade don't have direct access to the subsystems COSC6431

  26. Facade – Consequences • Benefits • Shields clients from subsystem components • Reducing number of objects clients deal with • Promotes weak coupling between subsystems and clients • Can vary components of subsystem without affecting clients • Doesn't prevent expert clients from direct access to subsystems • Choice between ease of use and generality COSC6431

  27. Decorator Pattern • Intent • Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. • Provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality COSC6431

  28. Decorator – Motivation • Motivation – Applicability • Want to add responsibility to individual objects not to entire classes • Add properties like border, scrolling, etc to any user interface component as needed • Enclose object within a decorator object for flexibility • Nest recursively for unlimited customization COSC6431

  29. Decorator – Example • Compose a border decorator with a scroll decorator for text view. a_border_decorator component a_scroll_decorator component a_text_view COSC6431

  30. Decorator – Example Diagram VISUAL_COMPONENT * draw * DECORATOR * TEXT_VIEW + draw component : VISUAL_ COMPONENT BORDER_DECORATOR + SCROLL_DECORATOR + draw border_width draw_border draw scroll_position scroll_to COSC6431

  31. Decorator – Applicability • Add responsibilities to individual objects dynamically and transparently • Without affecting other objects • For responsibilities that can be withdrawn • When subclass extension is impractical • Sometimes a large number of independent extensions are possible • Avoid combinatorial explosion • Class definition may be hidden or otherwise unavailable for subclassing COSC6431

  32. Decorator – General Structure COMPONENT * method * CONCRETE_COMPONENT + DECORATOR * component : COMPONENT method CONCRETE_DECORATOR_B + CONCRETE_DECORATOR_ A + method another_feature method other_feature COSC6431

  33. Decorator – Participants • Component • defines the interface for objects that can have responsibilities added to them dynamically • Concrete component • Defines an object to which additional responsibilities can be attached • Decorator • Maintains a reference to a component object and defines an interface that conforms to COMPONENT • Concrete decorator • Add responsibilities to the component COSC6431

  34. Decorator – Consequences • Benefits • More flexibility than static inheritance • Can add and remove responsibilities dynamically • Can handle combinatorial explosion of possibilities • Avoids feature laden classes high up in the hierarchy • Pay as you go when adding responsibilities • Can support unforeseen features • Decorators are independent of the classes they decorate • Functionality is composed in simple pieces COSC6431

  35. Decorator – Consequences – 2 • Liabilities • From object identity point of view, a decorated component is not identical • Decorator acts as a transparent enclosure • Cannot rely on object identity when using decorators • Lots of little objects • Often result in systems composed of many look alike objects • Differ in the way they are interconnected, not in class or value of variables • Can be difficult to learn and debug COSC6431

  36. Iterator Pattern • Intent • Access elements of a container sequentially without exposing the underlying representation • Motivation • Be able to process all the elements in a container • Different iterators can give different sequential ordering • Binary tree • preorder, inorder, postorder • Do not need to extend container interface COSC6431

  37. Iterator – Structure Diagram ITERATOR * CONTAINER + next * allDone * item * size add remove CONCRETE_ITERATOR + make_1 make_2 next allDone item COSC6431

  38. Iterator – Applicability • Access a container’s contents without knowing about or using its internal representation • Support multiple traversals • Provide a uniform interface for traversing a container’s contents • Support polymorphic iteration COSC6431

  39. Iterator – Participants • Iterator • Defines the interface for accessing and traversing a container’s contents • Concrete iterator • Implements the iterator interface • Keeps track of the current position in the traversal • Container • Could provide a method to create an instance of an iterator COSC6431

  40. Iterator – Consequences • Supports variations in the traversal of a container • Complex containers can be traversed in different ways • Trees and graphs • Easy to change traversal order • Replace iterator instance with a different one • Iterators simplify the container interface • Do not need iterator interface in container interface • Multiple simultaneous traversals • Each iterator keeps track of its own state COSC6431

  41. Visitor Pattern • Intent • Represent an operation to be performed on the components of an object structure • Define new operations on the structure without changing classes representing the components COSC6431

  42. Prototype Pattern • Intent • Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance and create new objects by copying this prototype COSC6431

  43. Prototype – Motivation • Build an editor for musical scores by customizing a general framework for graphical editors • Add new objects for notes, rests, staves • Have a palette of tools • Click on eighth note tool and add it to the document • Assume Framework provides • Abstract_Graphic class • Abstract_Tool class for defining tools • Graphic_Tool subclass for creating instances of graphical objects and adding them to the document COSC6431

  44. Prototype – Motivation – 2 • But Graphic_Tool doesn't know how to create instances of music classes • Could subclass Graphic_Tool for each kind of music object • But have lots of classes with insignificant variations • Solution is to copy or clone an instance called a prototype • Graphic_Tool is parameterized by the prototype to clone COSC6431

  45. GRAPHIC * ROTATE_ TOOL + GRAPHIC_ TOOL + draw * clone * manipulate manipulate STAFF + NOTE * draw clone TOOL * manipulate * HALF + WHOLE + draw clone draw clone Prototype – Example COSC6431

  46. Prototype – Structure PROTOTYPE * CLIENT + clone * operation CONCRETE_2 + CONCRETE_1 + clone clone COSC6431

  47. Prototype – Participants • Prototype • Declares an interface for cloning itself • Concrete prototype • Implements an operation for cloning itself • Client • Creates a new object by asking a prototype to clone itself • Collaboration • Client • Asks a prototype to clone itself COSC6431

  48. Detecting design patterns • A difficult task • Patterns are primarily a literary form • No rigorous mathematical definitions • Automatic detection beyond the state of the art of Artificial Intelligence • Instead, detect the artifacts of implementing the solution of the design pattern COSC6431

  49. Detecting design patterns • Purely structural patterns are easier to detect • Purely behavioural patterns are much harder • Most patterns are somewhere in the middle COSC6431

  50. Template solution • A template solution needs to be both: • Distinctive • The design diagram is not likely to be represented in a design that does not use the pattern • Unambiguous • Can only be done in one way (or in a small number of variants) COSC6431

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