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National Senior Certificate Examinations Portfolio Committee on Basic Education

An examination of the 2011 National Senior Certificate (NSC) results and their implications for the Department of Basic Education and curriculum implementation. Includes initiatives to improve the quality of schooling and intervention strategies for Grade 12.

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National Senior Certificate Examinations Portfolio Committee on Basic Education

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  1. National Senior Certificate ExaminationsPortfolio Committee on Basic Education 7 February 2012

  2. Introduction

  3. Introduction • The release of the 2011 NSC examination results has attracted immense public interest. • The NSC examination results remains one of the most important indicators of performance of the schooling system. • These results have implications for: • - the DBE and its targets for learner improvement. • - diagnostic significance in curriculum implementation • - national benchmark for all schools

  4. Introduction • The national curriculum has established itself over the past four years: • Generally, teachers have adjusted to the national curriculum standards • Remediation programmes have yielded steady improvements • Improved allocation of resources to schools • Ongoing provision of professional support to educators and administrators • Overall, evidence of a maturing national system of education • Tried and tested processes, policies and practices in the national examination and assessment system • Teachers, subject advisors and the examining panels have come to grips with the national curriculum and its associated assessment

  5. Context

  6. Context: Delivery Agreement Outputs

  7. Initiatives to improve Quality of Schooling Action Plan to 2014: Towards the realisation of Schooling 2025. Review of the Curriculum. The workbook project. Continuing teacher development. Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Development Initiative (ASIDI) Annual National Assessment. Foundations for learning programme. The National School Nutrition Programme 7

  8. Initiatives to Improve Quality of Schooling Strong focus on improving literacy and numeracy across all grades. Dinaledi Schools. No Fee Schools. Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme 8

  9. Grade 12 Intervention Strategies Intensive post-test analysis of question papers Development of a Diagnostic Subject Report Development of self study guides in selected subjects in 2010. Development of additional self study guides in Economics, Business Studies and Life Sciences. Development of Practical Assessment Tasks (16 subjects in NCS) Revision camps for learners. Winter classes. Radio lessons Common tests, examinations 9

  10. Number of candidates and the pass rates in NSC: 1994 to 2010

  11. Grade 12 completion of 19 to 24 year olds earlier and at higher levels over recent years (StatsSA household surveys)

  12. Setting of standards in FET band • With the introduction of the NSC in 2008, standards were set at the grade 10, 11 and 12 levels, which was not the case with the old Senior Certificate. • Common testing programme implemented at grades 10, 11 and 12, together with exemplar questions. • One of the reasons for the decrease in the numbers of learners qualifying for admission to Grade12.

  13. Enrolment in Grade 11 & Grade 12 1999 to 2011

  14. Standardisation of Results

  15. Standardisation of Results

  16. Senior Certificate and the National Senior Certificate • Promotion Requirements: SC • Pass two approved languages. At least one at first language SG level • Pass at least three other subjects • Aggregate of 720 marks • Pass : HG (40%): SG (33 %); Converted Pass (LG): 25%

  17. Senior Certificate and the National Senior Certificate Promotion Requirements: NSC NSC • Achieved Home Lang: 40% • Two (2) subjects at 40% and three (3) at 30% Higher Certificate • NSC • LOLT at 30% Diploma -- NSC • LOLT at 30% • Four (4) subjects at 40% Bachelors • NSC • LOLT at 30% • Four (4 ) subjects at 50% (designated list)

  18. Senior Certificate and the National Senior Certificate Comparison • NSC requires a seven subject offering, SC six. • NSC: Mathematics or Maths Literacy and Life Orientation compulsory. • Candidate could pass the SC with a converted pass of 25%, provided an aggregate of 720 was obtained. • Aggregate made redundant in the NSC with the specific requirement of 3 at 30% and 3 at 40% • Admission to bachelors in the SC: pass 4 subjects at 40% and 2 subjects at 33.3%. • Admission to bachelors in the NSC: 4 subjects at 50% and remaining subjects at 30%, (home language must be at 40%). • All subjects offered for the NSC are at one level which is equivalent to the Higher Grade.

  19. The Magnitude and Size of the NSC Examination

  20. Candidates Enrolled/Wrote (full time) - 2011

  21. Candidates Enrolled/Wrote (part time) - 2011

  22. NSC Full-Time Enrolments 2008-2011

  23. Enrolments - NSC Part Time candidates 2008 - 2011

  24. Overall National Results

  25. Numbers Wrote 2008 to 2011

  26. Calculation of Achievement rate and Bachelor passes Achievement rate: No. of candidates that obtained NSC ÷ No. of candidates that wrote. Bachelors: No. of candidates that achieved Bachelors ÷ Total no. of candidates that wrote.

  27. Overall performance of candidates in the 2011 NSC examination

  28. NSC performance, 2008 to 2011

  29. Candidates who wrote by gender

  30. Performance by Gender 2011 (Achieved/Not Achieved)

  31. Numbers Achieved per Achievement Level

  32. 2011 NSC passes by type of qualification

  33. National Achievement Levels 2008 - 2011

  34. Comparison of Bachelors passes by provinces 2008 to 2011

  35. Overall performance of Learners with Special Needs in the 2011 NSC examinations

  36. Gini coefficient of pass rates (2009 to 2011)

  37. Achievement rates within different percentage categories

  38. School Achievement by Quintiles 2011

  39. Candidates’ performance in selected subjects 2008 – 2011(at 30% level)

  40. Candidates’ performance in selected subjects 2008 – 2011(at 40% level)

  41. Mathematics achieved at 30% & 40% level 2009 to 2011

  42. Physical Sciences achieved at 30% & 40% level 2009 to 2011

  43. District performance by achievement interval and province 2011

  44. District Performance by achievement interval 2011

  45. Bachelor Targets – Short Term National Targets

  46. Bachelor Targets - Provincial

  47. Provinces 2010 vs. 2011 • Free State and Mpumalanga exceeded their targets, even though the numbers that wrote dropped in 2011 • E Cape had a drop, even though the numbers that wrote increased in 2011. • All other provinces had a drop in the numbers that wrote • Factors such as enrolments and previous targets not met need to be factored in when setting targets for 2012 – 2014

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