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Hands-on RooStats and TMVA Exercises for Beginners

Learn to install and use ROOT version 5.25.02 for statistical modeling with RooStats. Generate models, find limits, and calculate significances for Poisson and Gaussian distributions. Practice using ProfileLikelihoodCalculator and HybridCalculator for hypothesis testing. Additional examples and resources provided.

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Hands-on RooStats and TMVA Exercises for Beginners

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  1. Hands-on SessionRooStats and TMVA Exercises

  2. Getting Started • A few advice words: • Install version 5.25.02 locally • setting up • . root_Installaton_directory/bin/thisroot.sh (or .csh) • recommend to compile your macros and run with: • .x macro.C+; or .L macro.C+ then macro();, • include: using namespace RooFit; using namespace RooStats;, • avoid running a macro multiple times in the same ROOT session • If not working locally: • setting ROOT 5.25.02 using the CERN AFS installation: • on SLC4: • /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/app/releases/ROOT/5.25.02/slc4_amd64_gcc34/root/bin/thisroot.csh or .sh

  3. RooStats Exercises (1) • Generate a Poisson Model (use RooFit factory) • Use RooStats calculators class to find limits, significances and produce plots // Use a RooWorkspace to store the PDF models, prior // informations, list of parameters, ... RooWorkspace myWS("myWS"); // Number of signal and background events myWS.factory("S[2,0,10]"); // default value 2 and range [0,10] myWS.factory("B[1]"); // value fixed to 1 // Observable (dummy observable used) myWS.factory("x[0,1]"); // arbitrary range [0,1] myWS.var("x")->setBins(1); // Signal and background distribution of the observable myWS.factory("Uniform::sigPdf(x)"); myWS.factory("Uniform::bkgPdf(x)"); // S+B and B-only models (both extended PDFs) myWS.factory("SUM::model(S*sigPdf,B*bkgPdf"); myWS.factory("ExtendPdf::modelBkg(bkgPdf,B)"); // generate binned data with fixed number of events RooAbsData* data = myWS.pdf("model")->generateBinned(*myWS.var("x"),myWS.var("S")->getVal()+myWS.var("B")->getVal(),Name("data")); //plot the data

  4. ProfileLikelihood Exercise • ProfileLikelihoodCalculator • get interval: • get significance: RooRealVar * S = myWS.var("S");RooArgSet POI(*S);RooAbsPdf * model = myWS.pdf("model");ProfileLikelihoodCalculator plc(*data,*model,POI); //set thest sizeplc.SetTestSize(0.10); model->fitTo(*data,SumW2Error(kFALSE));LikelihoodInterval * interval = plc.GetInterval();const double lowerLimit = interval->LowerLimit(*S);const double upperLimit = interval->UpperLimit(*S);LikelihoodIntervalPlot lplot(interval);lplot.Draw() // Create a copy of the POI parameters to set the values to zeroRooArgSet nullparams;nullparams.addClone(*myWS.var("S"));((RooRealVar *) (nullparams.first()))->setVal(0);plc.SetNullParameters(nullparams); //get significance HypoTestResult* plcResult = plc.GetHypoTest();const double significance = plcResult->Significance();

  5. Result • for S=2 you should get: Significance = 1.60987

  6. Gaussian Model • Generate Gaussian signal over flat background • systematics in sigma of mass and background RooWorkspace myWS("myWS"); // ObservablemyWS.factory("mass[0,500]"); // range [0,500]// Signal and background distribution of the observable myWS.factory("Gaussian::sigPdf(mass,200,sigSigma[0,100])") ;myWS.factory("Uniform::bkgPdf(mass)") ;myWS.factory("SUM::model(S[5,0,30]*sigPdf,B[10,0,100]*bkgPdf") ;// Background only pdfmyWS.factory("ExtendPdf::modelBkg(bkgPdf,B)") ; // Prior for signalmyWS.factory("Uniform::priorPOI(S)") ;// Priors for nuisance parameters (signal + backg) myWS.factory("Gaussian::prior_sigSigma(sigSigma,50,5)") ;myWS.factory("Gaussian::prior_B(B,10,3)") ;myWS.factory("PROD::priorNuisance(prior_sigSigma,prior_B)") ; // generate unbinned data myWS.defineSet("observables","mass"); RooAbsData * data = myWS.pdf("model")->generate(*myWS.set("observables"),Extended(),Name("data"));

  7. RooStats Exercise • Compute: • 68% CL 2-sided confidence interval and significance from the (profiled-) likelihood ratio • plot profile log-likelihood ratio • Frequentist p-value in the S+B and B-only hypotheses, signal significance, CL_S ratio (HybridCalculator) • Repeat including systematic uncertainty in the background and signal width • Use also Bayesian calculator , MCMCCalculator and Neyman construction for finding limits (with Poisson or Gaussian example) • More examples and code available in • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/RooStats/TutorialsOctober2009

  8. HybridCalculator HybridCalculator hc("hc","HybridCalculator",*data,*modelSB,*modelB); hc.SetNumberOfToys(5000); hs.SetTestStatistics(1); //Run and retrieve the results HybridResult* hcResult = hc.GetHypoTest(); double p_value_sb = hcResult->AlternatePValue(); double p_value_b = hcResult->NullPValue(); double cl_s = hcResult->CLs(); double significance = hcResult->Significance(); //Making a plot of the results HybridPlot* hcPlot = hcResult->GetPlot("hcPlot","p-Values plot",100); hcPlot->Draw();

  9. Bayesian Calculator BayesianCalculator bc(data,*model,RooArgSet(*POI),*priorPOI,&nuisanceParameters); //Compute the credibility interval //Set the confidence level of the credibility interval and compute it. Returns a SimpleInterval. bc.SetTestSize(0.05); SimpleInterval* interval = bc.GetInterval(); double lowerLimit = interval->LowerLimit(); double upperLimit = interval->UpperLimit(); // The code below produce a plot: RooAbsPdf* fPosteriorPdf = bcalc.GetPosteriorPdf(); RooPlot* plot = POI->frame(); plot->SetTitle(TString("Posterior probability of parameter \"")+TString(POI->GetName())+TString("\"")); fPosteriorPdf->plotOn(plot,RooFit::Range(interval->LowerLimit(),interval->UpperLimit(),kFALSE),RooFit::VLines(),RooFit::DrawOption("F"),RooFit::MoveToBack(),RooFit::FillColor(kGray)); fPosteriorPdf->plotOn(plot); plot->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("posterior probability"); plot->Draw();

  10. RooStats Exercises (2) • Generate a multi-dimensional model • have both S and mass as parameter of interest • Compare results of Profile likelihood, Neyman construction and MCMC calculator • examples are to be downloaded from: • http://www.cern.ch/moneta/temp/roostats2.tar • run to generate data: • rs500e_PrepareWorkspace_GaussOverFlat_withSystematics_floatingMass.C • to run exercise: • rs501_ThreeTypesOfLimits.C

  11. TMVA exercises • Download macro code from • http://www.cern.ch/moneta/temp/tmva_exercises.tar • Try first generating different data-sets (use RooFit for doing it ) • macro makesample.C • usage: makesample(int sampleID) • ID=0,1,2,3,4 depending on type of data to generate • Try and play with the various methods • macro driver.C • driver(Int_t sampleID = 0, TString obsList = "x,y,z", TString myMethodList = "Fisher,Likelihood,MLP,BDT") • Obtaine TMVA GUI from macro • produce plots of the signal and background distribution • look at the result, classifier outputs and performances (ROC curve )

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