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This high blood sugar produces the symptoms of frequent urination, increased thirst and increased hunger. Madhumeha, one among the twenty varieties described in Ayurveda can be correlated to Diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes mellitus- Type II NIDDM- Ayurvedic View and management Diabetes mellitus Just to rewind, Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorder in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. This high blood sugar produces the symptoms of frequent urination, increased thirst and increased hunger. Madhumeha, one among the twenty varieties described in Ayurveda can be correlated to Diabetes mellitus. Serious long-term complications include heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, foot ulcers, arthritis, neuropathy and damage to the eyes. Types of Diabetes Type 1 IDDM- Insulin is not produced in the body (Sahaja)- This type starts before the age of 30. • Causes- Viral attack causing the destruction of beta cells of Islets or genetic predisposition. 10 % of total patients belong to Type 1 Type 11-NIDDM- 90 % of patients comes under this category • Gestational diabetes- insulin resistance. •
Diabetes Ayurvedic view According to the predominance of dosha and their relation with dushyas( body tissues), the Ayurveda has classified the disease into 20 distinct types. It can again be sub classified into (a) Vata pramehas 4 Numbers, (b) pitta pramehas 6 numbers and (c) Kapha pramehas 10 numbers . Amongst the 20 types of pramehas, the most important one is Madhumeha, which can be interpreted as Diabetes mellitus and is also considered as incurable condition. Food, drinks and activities which increases fat, urine and kapha are the general cause. Intake of Foods which are sweet, sour, salt, fatty, heavy to digest, fresh grains, beer, meat of animals of marshy land, sugar cane juice are listed as the main cause of Prameha ( Sanskrit name of Diabetes). Other reasons are less exercise and sleeping. Prameha is described in Atharvaveda (1500-1000 BC) Kauchika Soothra part as a major ailment. Common symptom– increased turbid urine and so named Prameha. Pathology of Disease as per Ayurveda Kapha , one among three somatic humors is increased due to intake of above said food and activities increases and localise at naval area, vitiates water, sweat, pitta, fat, plasma and muscle tissues. According to experts in Ayurveda “pittadharakala” described in Susruta Samhita can be corrleated as the “Islet tissue “of pancreas and “Pitta Thejus” produced from the pithadharakala as the hormones like insulin, glucagon and pancreatic digestive enzymes etc etc.
Diabetes Warning Symptoms from Ayurvedic classics. Perspiration. • Looseness of body parts. • Desire to rest, cold. • Thickening of heart, eyes, tongue, ears etc. • Overgrowth of hair and nails. • Sweet taste in mouth. • Burning sensation in extremities. • This is very important to understand the warning symptoms as this is the pre diabetic stage and one can modify his diet and life style and can delay the onset of Diabetes. This is the pre- diabetic condition and understanding the symptoms wise fully will surely reduce the number of diabetic patients of young age. These should be incorporated in syllabus of students and health professionals as preventive method of Diabetes. Diabetes Management – Conservative Insulin and other diabetes medications are designed to lower your blood sugar levels when diet • and exercise alone aren’t sufficient for managing diabetes. But the effectiveness of these
medications depends on the timing and size of the dose. Medications you take for conditions other than diabetes also can affect your blood sugar levels. Treatment concept of Ayurveda Our true self is consciousness. The cure of disease is self-knowledge The great Indian principle of healing can be greatly applicable to Diabetes as it is a chronic disorder and self- knowledge is the master managing chronic life style disorders. When we go through the aetiology of Diabetes, various dietary, lifestyle and psychologic factors disturbing the fat and carbohydrate metabolism has been listed. As a clinician, when having a close eye to the diabetes, it’s very clear that the disturbance of fat metabolism is the basic cause of Diabetes and all other come after it as the disease progresses. Do’s and Don’ts of DM Do: Plan an intermittent fasting diet Increase fibre intake. Don’t: Eat saturated or trans fats Consume starches or sugars Over indulge in alcohol Diet Drinks: Sweet drinks and carbohydrate drinks should be avoided. Cakes, pastries, cream, dried and canned fruits, sweet pickles, and meats should be avoided. Soups:
Thin vegetable soups supply fewer calories. So obese persons are encouraged to take large quantities which would fill up their stomach and give them a sense of satiety. Green vegetables: Diabetics should consume large amount of green vegetables, which are poor source of calories. Salads with lime or natural vinegar are useful. Fruits: Dried fruits and nuts should be avoided. Orange, bananas, mangoes and apples can be taken. All fresh fruits in minimum quantity is good to sensitize Islets to produce more insulin. Desserts: Chilled Sweets and ice cream or custard are not allowed. Cooking media: Ghee, oils, butter all are rich in calories so an obese diabetic is allowed only 1 teaspoonful per meal. Tea and coffee: Tea and coffee are permitted but milk and sugar should be regulated or avoided as per the blood profile. A diet free from Fatty foods is ideal for diabetes patients and they should always keep away from fat increasing sedentary lifestyle and should be encouraged for sweating. All party habits including alcohol, tobacco to drugs damages the general health of Diabetes and may become fatal. All these precautions will surely help to avoid the visit to swanky hospitals or consuming costly synthetic medicines.
Common Medicines used in Ayurveda Practise 1. Nishakatakadi tablet 2. Katakakhadiradi tablet 3. Dhanwantharam qwath tablet 4. Devadarvarishtam 5. Ayaskrithi 6. Dhanwanthararishtam 7. Aveerabeeja Churna 8. Amritamehari churna 9. Vaiswanara churna 10. Shaddharana churna 11. Brihat triphala churna 12. Vara Churna 13. Triphaladi churna 14. Dhanwanthara ghritham 15. Nisouseeradi tailam 16. Dhanwantharam tailam 17. Mahamasha tailam 18. Dhanwantharam 101 avarthi 19. Ksheerabala 101 avarthi 20. Bala tailam 21. Mehanil tablet 22. Glymin tablet
23. Hyponidd tablet 24. Diarid tablet 25. Niruryadi tablet 26. Diabecon tablet 27. Glysikot tablet 28. Madhunashini vati 29. Fleximed Capsule 30. Rhumed capsule Yoga, aerobic exercises, martial arts and all controlled scientific exercises and work outs with pleasant mind will surely help to control Diabetes. ॐभूभभुव ः॒स् ः॒तत्स॑ववतभवुर ॑ण्यम् भः॒र्ग ॑द ः॒वस्य॑धीमवि।वधय ः॒य न ॑प्रच ः॒दय ॑त्॥