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Quinoa is one of the world's most popular health foods. Quinoa is high in protein, gluten-free and one of the plant foods that contain all nine necessary amino acids. In today’s world its very difficult to purchase the best quality product. Here’s the solution that’s Bofy. It is the online market place where you can order the best quality organic quinoa online india.
W O R L D ’ S H E A L T H I E S T F O O D | T Y P E S & B E N E F I T S - Q U I N O A B O F Y
Quinoaisoneoftheworld'smostpopularhealthfoods. Quinoaishighin protein, gluten-freeandoneoftheplantfoodsthatcontainallnine necessaryaminoacids. Itisalsohighinfiber, magnesium, Bvitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitaminEandvariousbeneficialantioxidants. It’spronouncedKEEN-wah. AccordingtoWHFoodsquinoa “wasthegoldoftheIncas” becausetheIncas believeditincreasedthestaminaoftheirwarriors.
Typesof Quinoa BOFY
QuinoaPlantsGrowingintheField Quinoaplantsgrowing inthehighaltitudesof mountainousregions. BOFY
QuinoaorWhiteQuinoa Thisisthemostcommonkindof quinoaavailableinstores, so you’lloftenseeitjustcalled quinoa. Sometimesit’salso calledivoryquinoa. BOFY
RedQuinoa Cooksreportthatredquinoaholds itsshapeaftercookingabitbetter thanwhitequinoa, makingitmore suitableforcoldsaladsorother recipeswhereadistinctgrainis especiallydesirable. BOFY
BlackQuinoa Abitearthierand sweeterthanwhite quinoa, blackquinoa keepsitsstrikingblack colorwhencooked. BOFY
QuinoaFlakes Aswithrolledoatsorbarleyflakes, quinoaflakesarecreatedby steam-rollingthewholegrain kernel. Flakedgrainsalwayscook fasterthanwholekernels (groats) butsincequinoaisalreadya quick-cookinggrain, theseflakes makeagreatinstantbreakfast. BOFY
QuinoaFlour Okay, allflourslookprettysimilar, soyou’llhavetotrustus – thisis quinoaflour. BOFY
Hereare5health benefitsof quinoa. BOFY
Thisisthenutrientcontentin1cup (185grams) ofcooked quinoa: Full of nutrition Protein: 8grams. Fiber: 5grams. Manganese: 58% oftherecommendeddailyallowance (RDA). Magnesium: 30% oftheRDA. Phosphorus: 28% oftheRDA. Folate: 19% oftheRDA. Copper: 18% oftheRDA. Iron: 15% oftheRDA. Zinc: 13% oftheRDA. Potassium9% oftheRDA.
High fiber Quinoa'shighfibercontent comparedwithothergrains, it helpsreducetheriskofanumber ofhealthconditions. High-fiber dietshavebeenshowntohelp improvebloodsugarcontrol. This canbebeneficialforindividuals withdiabetesorprediabetes.
Quinoa contains iron & lysine Ironisnecessaryinhumanbody. Forinstance, itis anessentialcomponentofhemoglobin, the compoundthatcarriesoxygeninourblood. Maintainingadequatelevelsofironisessentialfor health. Lysineismainlyessentialfortissuegrowthand repair.
Quinoa is rich in magnesium Magnesiumhelpstorelaxbloodvessels andtherebytoalleviatemigraines. MagnesiumalsomayreduceType2 diabetesbypromotinghealthyblood sugarcontrol. Otherhealthbenefitsof magnesiumincludetransmissionofnerve impulses, bodytemperatureregulation, detoxification, energyproduction, andthe formationofhealthybonesandteeth.
Intoday’sworlditsverydifficulttopurchasethebestqualityproduct.Intoday’sworlditsverydifficulttopurchasethebestqualityproduct. Here’sthesolutionthat’sBofy. Itistheonlinemarketplacewhereyoucan orderthebestqualityorganicquinoaonlineindia.
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