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The Rise and Fall of the Populist Party

Explore why the Populist Party attracted millions of supporters between 1867-1896. Learn about the farmers' challenges, demands, and the different groups representing their interests. Discover the 1892 and 1896 presidential elections and the Party's legacy in shaping future reforms.

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The Rise and Fall of the Populist Party

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  1. The Rise and Fall of the Populist Party 1867-1896

  2. Essential Question Why did the Populist Party attract millions of supporters?

  3. Farmers’ Problems • Crop prices fell • Farmers had no cash, went further into debt, and their lenders foreclosed on their mortgages • The railroad companies charged outrageous prices to ship crops (no regulation!)

  4. Farmers’ Demands • Regulate the railroad companies (Stop them from charging such high rates) • Make cash more available (back the dollar with silver, not gold, so dollar would be worth less) • Constitutional demands: single term for President and Vice-President, popular election of Senators • To get industrial workers to support them: 8-hour workday, restrict immigration

  5. Different Groups Representing Farmers’ Interests • 1867: The Patrons of Husbandry (The Grange) • 1880s: Farmers’ Alliance and Colored Farmers’ National Alliance • 1892: Birth of the Populist, or People’s Party

  6. 1892 Presidential Election: Populist candidate won over a million votes!

  7. 1896 Election

  8. William Jennings Bryan • Democratic Candidate • Supports free silver • Endorsed by the Populist Party The “Great Commoner”

  9. William McKinley • Republican Candidate • Conservative platform • Gold standard (sound $)

  10. The Seasoned Politician vs. The “Young” Newcomer

  11. 1896 Presidential Election: Bryan loses but carries most of the South and West

  12. Gold Triumphs Over Silver • 1900  GoldStandard Act • confirmed thenation’s commitment tothe gold standard.

  13. If they lost the presidential election, why was the Populist Party considered a success? • 17th Amendment—Direct Election of Senators • Initiative & referendum • Australian (secret) ballot

  14. What happened to Populism? McKinley won Farmers economic conditions begin to improve. Populism dies but lays groundwork for future reform.

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