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Learn the purpose and administration of CAAs for ELA, math, and science. Train test examiners to administer the CAAs effectively.
2016–17 California Alternate AssessmentsTest Administration Workshop Presented by Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Target Audience • This workshop is designed for: • Local educational agency (LEA) California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) coordinators • CAASPP test site coordinators • California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) test examiner trainers • Any other staff at your LEA involved with the CAAs 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Learning Goals • Participants will understand: • The purpose and use of the CAAs for English language arts/literacy (ELA), mathematics, and science • The various components of preparing for the CAA administration for ELA, mathematics, and science • The step-by-step procedures for administering the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science to students • How to train test examiners to administer the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Success Criteria • Participants can: • Identify the purpose of the CAAs and the students for whom the assessment is designed • Identify the tools and resources needed to set up the CAA administration at their LEA • Administer the CAAs to a student • Train others (test examiners) on how to administer the CAAs to students 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics How to View These Slides Science 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
About the CAAs • For students with the most significant cognitive disabilities and whose individualized education program (IEP) team designates the use of an alternate assessment • Online summative grade-level assessment • Part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System • One-on-one assessment 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Student Eligibility A student is eligible to take the CAAs if the IEP team designates the use of an alternate assessment. • The California Department of Education recommends IEP teams base their decision on the use of an alternate assessment on the following criteria: • The student has a significant cognitive disability. • The student is learning content derived from the California Standards • The student requires extensive and direct individualized instruction and substantial supports to achieve measurable gains in the curriculum. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Overview: Student Participation • All students who are eligible to take the CAAs are required to participate. • Students in ungraded programs must be assigned grade levels for testing purposes. • Test examiners must assign the appropriate grade for students in ungraded programs at the time of testingby subtracting 5 from their chronological age on September1, 2016. • For example, a student who was 10 years old on September 1 would be given the grade five test (10 years – 5 = grade five). • All students attempting the CAA for ELA and mathematics will receive a scale score and achievement level. • Only participation is being tracked for CAA for science. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
What’s New for the 2016–17 CAAs • New CAA for Science Pilot test • The CAA tests, including the CAA for Science pilot, will be available starting on March 20, 2017. • LEAs start testing according to their selected CAASPP testing window (instead of a single CAA window for the whole state). • More streamlined ELA/mathematics test: • The Survey of Student Characteristics is shorter and will be integrated as the last segment of each test. • In the Student Response Check, the test examiner will be able to end the CAA test using the [End Test] button, which will be available on the first and fourth question. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
What’s New for the 2016–17 CAAs CAA for ELA and mathematics practice tests for each grade in grades three through eight and grade eleven will be available in January 2017. CAA for Science Training Sample will be available by late January/early February 2017. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
What’s New for the 2016–17 CAAs • The student grade coming from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) will be “locked” in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) as soon as the student starts his or her first test. Be sure the grade is correct before the student starts testing; otherwise a test reset will be necessary. • “CA-” is no longer needed as a prefix for the Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) at test logon. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
CAAs for ELA and Mathematics Overview 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics Purpose of the CAAs To provide students with the most significant cognitive disabilities the opportunity to demonstrate achievement by taking a test commensurate with their abilities as indicated in the student’s IEP • Students are assessed through alternate achievement standards linked to Common Core State Standards (CCSS). • The tests are aligned to core content connectors (Connectors) developed by the National Center and State Collaborative. • The items are written to grade-level Connectors. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics CAAs for ELA and MathematicsTest Administration • The CAAs for ELA and mathematics are administered to students in grades threethrough eight and grade eleven. • The CAAs for ELA and mathematics are administered online only; there are no paper versions. • They are administered one-on-one by a test examiner. • CAA administration requires two Internet-connected devices: • Student testing device • Test examiner device • A CAASPP secure browser must be installed on the student testing devices. • Test examiners must use the proper grade- and version-specific Directions for Administration (DFA). 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics CAAs for ELA and MathematicsDFAs • Each DFA includes both ELA and mathematics directions. • DFAs are downloaded from TOMS. • They are grade- and version-specific PDFs. • Versions are assigned at the school level. • Example: John Doe Elementary School is assigned Version 1 of the grade three, four, five, and six CAA DFAs. • Version assignments for each school will be posted at http://www.caaspp.org/administration/about/caa/caa-assignments.2016-17.html in March 2017. • DFAs include alternative text, which provides descriptions of the images, graphics, and/or animations used in test stimuli. • Alternative text is meant to make visual information accessible for learners with visual disabilities or those who are not familiar with the type of graphic being used. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics CAAs for ELA and MathematicsMultistage Design STAGE 2 STAGE 1 SSC Tier 1 (15 items) (13 items) Student Response Check (4 items) OR Tier 2 (15 items) Survey of Student Characteristics(Questions to be completed by test examiner) OR Tier 3 (15 items) (Some students will stop testing after Stage 1 based on their performance in Stage 1.)
ELA/Mathematics CAAs for ELA and Mathematics Stopping Points • There are four locations where a test may end for a student: • After the first question in the Student Response Check • After the fourth question in the Student Response Check • At the end of Stage 1, if the system determines a student is struggling • At the end of the test • However, a test examiner may make the determination to end a test at any time if student productivity and engagement significantly decline, even after giving the student breaks. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
CAA for Science Pilot Test Overview 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Science CAA for Science Pilot Test Overview • For the pilot, the CAA for Science will be administered via an embedded performance task (PT) that will be available as a PDF in TOMS. • An embedded PT is a series of related test questions that are administered following classroom instruction. • For this year’s pilot, administer within testing window when convenient for test examiner • Theembedded PTs will have instructions for how the test examiner is to administer the embedded PT. • Student surveys will be filled out in the test delivery system. • This login and student survey is used to capture participation for accountability. • DFAswill be included at the front of the embedded PTs. They are also available as a two-page pullout within the Online Test Administration Manual for CAASPP Testing. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Science CAA for Science Pilot Test Overview The CAA for science will be a new type of alternate assessment for science. • Tasks are designed to be adjustable according to how each student is taught science concepts. • The embedded Performance Task explains which parts can and cannot be changed by the test examiner. • Remember, this year is a pilot, and we want feedback on… • How it works for your students. • How it works for test examiners. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Science Example of CAA for Science 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Science Example of CAA for Science 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Science CAA for SciencePilotTest Administration • All students in grades five and eight who are eligible to take the CAAs for ELA and mathematics will also take the pilot CAA for Science. • Students in grades ten, eleven, or twelve will also take the CAA for Science according to assignments for each school. • The assigned grade will be the same as the assigned grade for the California Science Test (CAST) pilot. • Find the assigned grade here: http://www.caaspp.org/administration/about/science/science-assignments.html 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Assigning Student Tests for the CAAs • Students must be assigned to the CAAs in TOMS in one of two ways: • Via the user interface (one student at a time) OR • Through spreadsheet template upload (multiple students) • If a student is assigned to “Alternate Assessment” within TOMS, the student is automatically registered for the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science, depending on the student’s grade. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Assigning Student Tests for the CAAs TOMS will not process CAA registration if the student does not have an IEP in CALPADS (“special education” indicator and a primary disability code). For students in ungraded programs (UE or US), test examiners must assign the appropriate grade in the Test Administrator Interface or Student Testing Interface at the time of testingby subtracting 5 from the student’s chronological age on September 1, 2016. For example, a student who was 10 years old on September 1 would be given the grade five test (10 years – 5 = grade five). 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Assigning Student Tests for the CAAs • Students should already be registered for the CAAs in TOMS. If not, do so as soon as possible (see the [Test Admin] tab in TOMS). • Recommended: Complete registration as soon as possible so student rosters reflect the correct test assignments and to allow for IEP addendums. • Register students for the correct test beforeassigning accessibility resources in TOMS. • The student grade coming from CALPADS will be “locked” in TOMS as soon as the student starts his or her first test. Be sure the grade is correct before the student starts testing; otherwise a test reset using STAIRS will be necessary. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Indicating Parent/Guardian Exemptions • Set the PGE condition code in TOMS prior to testing. • Set in the [Score Status] tab of the student’s profile in TOMS. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Assigning Accessibility Resources Ensure that accessibility resources assigned to the student in TOMS are consistent with the student’s IEP through one of three methods available in TOMS: • User interface (one student at a time) • Spreadsheet template upload (multiple) • Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Tool and upload (multiple) 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Preparing Technology • All online CAASPP assessments have the same technological requirements. • CAASPP secure browsers must be installed on all student testing devices: • A list of supported systems, devices, and browsers can be found at http://ca.browsers.airast.org/supported-browsers/. • The CAA for Science pilot is not administered online. • The CAA for Science student survey will need to be completed online in the Test Delivery System and the secure browser. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Preparing Technology • Two devices needed: • Test examiner device • Log onto the Test Administrator Interface. • Create a test session. • Display an electronic version of the DFA. • Student testing device • Log onto and take a test or CAA for science survey on the Student Testing Interface. • Additional assistive devices may be used. They are: • Identified in a student’s IEP or Section 504 plan, and • Used according to the communication and response method of each student. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Technology Resources The following technology-oriented manuals are available at http://www.caaspp.org/administration/instructions/: • Technical Specifications and Configuration Guide for CAASPP Online Testing—for instructions on preparing technology for testing • Online Test Administration Manual for CAASPP Testing—for general instructions on CAASPP systems • TOMS Pre-Administration Guide for CAASPP Testing—for information about assigning accessibility tools and supports 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics CAAs for ELA and MathematicsTraining Tests vs. Practice Tests New
ELA/Mathematics Using the Training Test • Designed to allow test examiners and students to try out the accessibility resources in order to establish the most optimal test setting experience for the student • Familiarizes test examiners and students with item types, the testing interface, and functionalities • Includes one ELA and one mathematics training test, used in conjunction with the CAA Training Test DFA • Includes 15 items for ELA, 13 items for mathematics • Is not grade-specific • Is notto be used to measure content knowledge • Does not produce scores 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics Using the Practice Test • Designed to allow test examiners and students to experience grade-level CAA test questions • Provides a sample of question types and grade-level content that appears on the CAA operational tests • Includes one ELA and one mathematics practice test per grade, used in conjunction with the CAA Practice Test DFA • Is grade-specific • Is notto be used to measure content knowledge • Does not produce scores 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Science CAA for Science Training Sample 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Science Using the Training Sample Available only for the CAA for Science Provides students with an opportunity to become familiar with the embedded PTs aligned to the Connectors Available as a PDF on the CAASPP Web portal by late January/early February 2017 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Test Preparation Tips • Training tests for ELA and mathematics are the best way to gain familiarity with the testing system and interactions. • The Training Sample for Science allows students and teachers to become familiar with this form of assessment. • Practice tests for ELA and mathematics are available for students and test examiners to experience the grade-specific items and item types available. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
CAAs for ELA and MathematicsAccessibility Resources 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations • CAAs for ELA and mathematics provide the same universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations (UDAs) as other online CAASPP assessments: • Universal tools are available to all students by default. • Designated supports are provided at the discretion of a teacher familiar with the student’s needs. • Accommodations must be specified in a student’s IEP or Section 504 plan. • All embedded and non-embedded designated supports and accommodations are assigned to individual students in TOMS. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics CAAs for ELA and MathematicsEmbeddedAccessibility Resources *Must be activated in the test delivery system; cannot be activated in TOMS Online tutorials for some designated supports may be found in this link: http://www.caaspp.org/training/caaspp/uaag.html 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics CAAs for ELA and MathematicsNon-embedded Accessibility Resources *Print on demand cannot be activated in TOMS; contact the California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) to request access. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
ELA/Mathematics CAAs for ELA and MathematicsUDA Considerations • Non-embedded calculators are allowed on all mathematics tests except for specific items on the grade three mathematics test, which will be indicated explicitly in the DFAs. • It is always permissible for the CAAs to be administered in the language of instruction. • Response modes include: • Mouse/Keyboard • Verbal response • Touch screen, gestures, or pointing • Augmentative and/or alternate communication device • Eye gaze • Instructional supports include: • Anything listed in the student’s IEP 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
CAA for ScienceAccessibility Resources 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Science Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Because the CAA for Science is an instructional embedded PT, the usual universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations do not apply. Any non-embedded support normally used in the classroom may be utilized. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop
Test Examiner Responsibilities Test examiners: • Are trained by the LEA and/or view the Test Examiner Tutorial for ELA/mathematics/science and/or the Test Examiner Tutorial for science, print the certificate, and submit it to the LEA. • Read and submit the CAASPP Test Security Affidavit for Test Examiners to the CAASPP test site coordinator. • Ensure the student’s accessibility resources in TOMS are consistent with his or her IEP. • If inconsistent with the IEP, notify the LEA CAASPP coordinators or CAASPP test site coordinators to have accessibility resources entered into TOMS for the test examiner. • Also check the student’s accessibility resources prior to approving a test within the test delivery system. 2016–17 California Alternate Assessments Test Administration Workshop