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2012 년 4 월 15 일 (Combine)

2012 년 4 월 15 일 (Combine). 말씀 Message. 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church http://www.wkbcks.org. < 시편 6 편 : 새번역 >

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2012 년 4 월 15 일 (Combine)

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  1. 2012년 4월 15일(Combine) 말씀Message 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church http://www.wkbcks.org <시편 6편: 새번역> 1 주님, 분노하며 나를 책망하지 마십시오. 진노하며 나를 꾸짖지 마십시오. 2 주님, 내 기력이 쇠하였으니, 내게 은혜를 베풀어 주십시오. 내 뼈가 마디마다 떨립니다. 주님, 나를 고쳐 주십시오. 3 내 마음은 걷잡을 수 없이 떨립니다. 주님께서는 언제까지 지체하시렵니까? 4 돌아와 주십시오, 주님. 내 생명을 건져 주십시오. 주님의 자비로우심으로 나를 구원하여 주십시오. 5 죽어서는, 아무도 주님을 찬양하지 못합니다. t 스올에서, 누가 주님께 감사할 수 있겠습니까? 6 나는 탄식만 하다가 지치고 말았습니다. 밤마다 짓는 눈물로 침상을 띄우며, 내 잠자리를 적십니다. 7 사무친 울화로, 내 눈은 시력까지 흐려지고, 대적들 등쌀에 하도 울어서 눈이 침침합니다. 8 악한 일을 하는 자들아, 모두 다 내게서 물러가거라. 주님께서 내 울부짖는 소리를 들어 주셨다. 9 주님께서 내 탄원을 들어 주셨다. 주님께서 내 기도를 받아 주셨다. 10 내 원수가 모두 수치를 당하고, 벌벌 떠는구나. 낙담하며, 황급히 물러가는구나. <Pslm 6 : NIV> 1 Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. 2 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint; heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony. 3 My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long? 4 Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. 5 Among the dead no one proclaims your name. Who praises you from the grave? 6 I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. 7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow;they fail because of all my foes. 8 Away from me, all you who do evil,for the Lord has heard my weeping. 9 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;the Lord accepts my prayer. 10 All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish; they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame. 예배안내 ▣ 영어예배 (English worship 10:00 AM) ▣ 주일예배 (Sunday worship 11:00 AM) ▣ 수요기도회 (Wednesday worship7:00 PM) ▣ 토요기도회 (Saturday pray 6:00 AM) Wichita Baptist Church 9736 Chamberlain Wichita, KS 67226 - Phone: (316) 380-0691 - 상담: (316) 737-777

  2. 교회소식Announcement 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church 2012년 4월 15일 1. 수요기도회 인도자 (Wednesday Worship Liturgist list) : 4/18 서은실, 4/25박순길 2. 토요 새벽기도회 인도자(Saturday Pray Liturgist list): 4/21 이재상, 4/28 방준형   주일 예배순서Order of worship 인도자(Liturgist): 박순길 개회기도(Invocation) ··········································· 찬 송(Hymn) ················································ 대표기도(Prayer) ····················································· 헌 금(Offering) ····················································· 헌금 기도(Prayer)··································································· 성경봉독(Scripture) ············································· 광 고(Announcement)························································ ◈성도의 교제(Fellowship) ···························································· 말 씀(Message) ······················································· ◈ 헌신의 찬양 (Song of Dedication)····················································· ◈축 도(Benediction) ··········································· ◈표에서는 일어서 주시기 바랍니다 (Please rise at ◈ mark if you are able) 인도자(Liturgist) 37: 주 예수 이름 높이어 (All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name) 다같이(All together) 양현아 219: 주의 음성을 내가 들으니 (I am Thine, O Lord, I Have Heard Thy Voice) 김영진 Pastor Boujakly 인도자(Liturgist) Psalm 6 인도자(Liturgist) 다같이(All together) WHAT ARE THE CHRISTIAN DICIPLINES? Pastor Boujakly 59: 성전을 떠나가기 전 (The Lord be with Us As Each Day) 다같이(All together) Pastor Boujakly 예배 위원 (Worship Committee) 사역을 돕는 이들 ▣ 담임목사: 협력목사: Georges Boujakly ▣ 협력선교사: 기찬종, 한삼봉, 김동욱, 김창의, 박용대, 황길상, 남창식 ▣ 반주: 지현주 ▣ 찬양인도: 방성은, 양현아, 크리샤 연

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