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Addiction. Relying on a substance that is habit forming, causes cravings, and leads to the user becoming dependent. What is Addiction?. Physical : body needs the substance, user will experience physical discomfort, sickness and/or withdrawal symptoms

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  1. Addiction

  2. Relying on a substance that is habit forming, causes cravings, and leads to the user becoming dependent What is Addiction?

  3. Physical:body needs the substance, user will experience physical discomfort, sickness and/or withdrawal symptoms Psychological:brain wants the substance, user loses control, life revolves around drug, mood and behavior change, psychological withdrawal symptoms Types of Addiction

  4. Withdrawal-Symptoms that occur when someone stops using a substance they are dependent upon • Physical Symptoms: • Headaches • Shakiness • Fatigue/sleepy • Increased appetite • Nausea/vomiting • Aches/discomfort • Cold sweats • Psychological Symptoms: • Irritable • Nervous • Anxious • Depressed • Cravings Withdrawal

  5. Various programs, support groups, and rehabilitation centers are available to those seeking help • To successfully quit using, the addict should never use alcohol or drugs again • Addicts need the support of family and friends to help them through this difficult challenge! Quitting

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