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Addiction. Alcohol , drugs and gambling. Facts. Addiction means that person has to get satisfaction from something substance or behaviour
Addiction Alcohol, drugs and gambling
Facts • Addictionmeansthat person has to getsatisfactionfromsomethingsubstanceorbehaviour • Alcohol is the mostproblematicaddiction in Finland. Alcoholhasalwaysbeen big part of our culture. That`swhyyouthconsideralcoholisn´tdangerous. • Youthaddictionmayborneasier and fasterthanadult´saddiction • Ifyoung person haveoneaddictionit´seasier to getanotheraddictiontoo
laws • Alcohol: Selling, dealing and advertising to under the age of 18 years is forbidden! Over 22% alcoholbuying and possession is forbiddenunder the age of 20 years! Under 22% alcoholbuying and possession is forbiddenunder the age of 18 years.
Drugs: Allkind of drugsareforbidden in Finland! Use, posession and dealing is illeagal! • Gambling: Gambling is forbidden to under the age of 18 years. Tillyear 2011 agelimitwas 15.
alcohol • Use of alcoholleadsbothpsychological and physicaladdiction. • Sobrietyhasbecomemore common and drinkinghasdecreasedamongyouth. Howeverunderagedrinking is very common in Finland. Youthdrinkmorealcohol at the time. • Girlsdrinkinghasincreased. • Attitudetowardsalcoholhaschangedmorepositiveamongyouth.
drugs • Therewaslessdruguseamongadolescents in Finland than in many other European countries. • Using drugs is still more common than before. • Drug experimenting has increased. It rarely causes addiction. • Cannabis is the most common drug among youth. Intravenous drugs is not common among finnish youth.
Attitudetowardscannabishaschangedmorepositivebecauseinternetgivescontradictoryinformation. • Youthconsiderthattheyhaveeasy to getdrugs. • Youthhasdiscovered new methods to getintoxicated. Theyuse for examplemushrooms, dishwasher and coughmedicine.
Gambling • The effects of gamblingmaymannifestthemselves as mental, physical, social and financialproblems • Thereare 9 000 young person (12-17 yearsold) whohasgamblingproblemorgamblingaddiction • 22 000 youthbelongs in riskarea • Youthgamblinghasdecreasedafteragelimitchange
The biggestinternetaddictioncausesarechats,facebook and differentgames • Parentshavesignificantrole to controlyouthgambling and internetsurfing • youngadultsgamblingaremore common thanyouthoradults • Thereareagelimits in the gameswhichcontrolthatyouthcan´tbuyallkind of games in Finland
Impacts • Parentshavesignificatrole to control and impact to youth´s life • Peersimpact a lothowyouthconcern for exempelalcohol. Iffrienddrinks, it´svery common thatyouthdrinkstoo. Usuallyfriendofferalcoholordrugsfirsttime • Media givesquitepositiveimageaboutalcohol and games. Media givesimagethatit´scool to bedrunk. Evenkids play gameswhithighagelimit.
Solutions, methods, treatment • Preventivework (for examplealcohol and drugeducation, agelimits) • Police controlthatunerageddoesn´tdrinkalcohol in publicplaces • Market sellerhas to ask ID if person lookslikeunder 30 yearsold
Wethinks… • Youthdrinksmorestrongalcoholthanmildalcoholbecauseit´scheeper and getdrunkeasier • Youthdrinks as much as before, buttheydon´tdrink in publicpalces. That´swhystatisticsgetwrong • Itwassuprisingthatyouthusesomuch new substances for examplemushrooms • Internet is conflicting. There is lots of good and lots of bad
Bachelor of social services Tuija Haggren, Nopsa (childwelfareunit) • Police Raija Pallas • Mirva Hukari, HUPA ( youngdruguserunit) • Pirjo Kylliäinen, Nuotta ( youthsupport center)
Youthdrinksmorealcohol at onetimethanbefore • Ifyouthstartsuseintoxicantor play gamesveryearlyitsbiggeropportunity to getaddictionwhengrowup • Big risk to social exclusion • Youthusedrugsmorethanbefore, especiallycannabis
127 Childwelfarenotifications in year 2012 concerningaboutintoxicant. In year 2011 therewere 199 notifications. • Toolessresurs to controlyouthsdrinking in publicplaces. Concentrated in holidays and schoolending and startingdays. • Shouldbemoreresurs to preventionwork. It´seasier to preventthanfixaddictions.
7 thgradeautumnyouthtryoftenalcoholfirsttimebecausefriendsdrinkingtoo. • Girlsdrinksmorethanboys • Intoxicanincreasescriminality. Drinkingcausesviolence and drugusingcausesviolence and stealing. • Ifyouthhasaddictionhe/sheneedsfamily and friends to supporthim/her.
Case mika • Mika was 14 yearsoldwhendadnoticedhisstrangebehavoiur. Mika wasmoreenergeticthannormally. Mika wasveryfearful and beafraid of strangethings, too. Parentstook Mika to hospital and the doctorsfound out that Mika usecannabis and he was in psychosis. Mika had to go to psychiatricdepartment. Mika wastherealmostsixmonths. He gotmedicines to psychsosis and depression.
Moreover Mika usedcannabis, he usedsomeintravenousdrugstoo. He couldn´t stop usedrugsanymore. Afterpsychiatricdepartment Mika wastwotimes in rehab. Now Mika is 16 yearsold and can´t live home. He lives in youthnursing home (youngwhohasdrugoralcoholaddiction) and stillusingdrugs. Parentshopesthat Mika somedaycanleavedugs and get ”normally” life back.
CASE RIKU • Riku was 12 yearsoldwhen he wasdrunkfirsttime. Sincethen he drunkregularly and soon he usedcannabisfirsttime. Afterthat he started to useamphetamine and heroin. When Riku was 18 he hadn´tgotsoberdays at all. He useallkind of drugswhat he get to behigh. Riku getsomeprisonsentencestoo. He wasself-destructive and hadsomeoverdoses. However he wasstillalive.
One day Riku realisedsomething and get to the rehabclinicbyhemself. Duringrehab Riku couldorganizehis life for example money business, apartment and oldlawsuits. Thistooktwoyears. Afterrehab Riku hadn´tusedrugs. Now he is 27 yearsold and hasbeensobersixyears. His life is goingwell and he is coming to bedad.
Links • www.paihdelinkki.fi • www.irtihuumeista.fi • www.mll.fi/nuortennetti • www.thl.fi • www.finlex.fi • www.stm.fi • http://www.thl.fi/thl-client/pdfs/7b3a668f-2958-4d9d-bd6f-a57a176cb0ec • http://www.nuorisotutkimusseura.fi/sites/default/files/verkkojulkaisut/Nuoret%20ja%20alkoholi_verkkoversio.pdf