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College of the Redwoods Accreditation Overview

College of the Redwoods Accreditation Overview. Open Forum August 7, 2012 – New Theater. Fiscal and Accreditation Survival Skills. Tom Henry, CEO Education Management and Assistance Corporation (EdMAC )

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College of the Redwoods Accreditation Overview

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  1. College of the Redwoods Accreditation Overview Open Forum August 7, 2012 – New Theater

  2. Fiscal and Accreditation Survival Skills • Tom Henry, CEO Education Management and Assistance Corporation (EdMAC) • Special Trustee Compton Community College District and Fiscal Adviser Peralta Community College District • Past Special Trustee Lassen and Solano Community Colleges • Prior CEO of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT)

  3. FCMAT Statutory Authority • Education Code Section 42127.8 and 84041 • Administrative Agent / 25- Member Board • Board of Governors Request – EC 84041 (a) • Community College Request – EC 84041 (g)

  4. FCMAT ASSISTANCE/SERVICES • Board of Governors Request • Establish or Maintain Sound Fiscal Management • Management Review • Audit of the Financial Conditions of the District • Management or Fiscal Crisis Intervention • FCMAT Management Report Including Findings and Recommendations to the District

  5. FCMAT Assistance and Services • District Request of FCMAT • Provide Fiscal Management Assistance • Facilitate Training for Members of the District Governing Board, and District Employees to Improve Fiscal Accountability and Fiscal Competency

  6. FCMAT Website • http://www.fcmat.org/ • Request for Services • FCMAT Alerts and Advisories • Community College Reports • Education Headlines

  7. FCMAT Predictors of School Agencies Needing Intervention http://wwwstatic.kern.org/gems/fcmat/predictors12805.pdf • Importance of Strong Leadership and Effective Communication • Budget Development and Monitoring • Long-Term Debt Commitments • Human Resource Crisis

  8. Fiscal and Accreditation Survival Skills • Board of Governors Criteria and Standards (EC 84040) • Periodic Assessment of Fiscal Conditions • Standards for Sound Fiscal Management • Purpose – Preventive Management Assistance • Self-Assessment Checklist (Fiscal Management) http://www.cccco.edu/Portals/4/CFFP/Fiscal/Standards/acc_advisories/FS0505_Fiscal_Monitoring_Accounting_Advisory.pdf

  9. Accreditation Points for Fiscal Services Staff - ACCJC, May 2009 Advisory • Five Most Common Areas of Deficiency • Lack of Data-Driven Decision Making and Good Quality Program Review • Lack of Integrated Planning Processes – That the Institution Uses to Regularly Evaluate its Effectiveness and Make Improvements • Trustee-Governance Problems • Other Governance Problems • Financial Management or Financial Stability Problems

  10. Focus Areas to Understand and Embrace • Accreditation Process Represents • Best Practices and Peer Review, Self-Regulating, and Increasingly, Federal Regulations of Higher Education • Accreditation Reference Handbook, Self Study Manual, Guide to Evaluation Institutions, Distance Learning Manual (http://www.accjc.org/) • Be Prepared/Pro-Active • Appoint and Empower the Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) • Maintain Adherence to Standards, Eligibility Requirements and Self-Study at all Times • Start Self-Study Four Semesters Prior to ACCJC Visit

  11. Focus Areas to Understand and Embrace • Research and Accurate -Timely Data Helps Drive Participatory Decision Making • Continuous Institutional Dialogue Helps Ensure Educational Effectiveness • Good Decisions Involve Participation – Ultimately the Board and CEO Leadership Must Make Decisions Focused on Institutional Excellence and Effectiveness • Steering Committee Membership Fundamental • Reports, Audits, ACCJC Recommendations Require Immediate and Sustained Attention • ACCJC Reports • External and Independent Audit Reports • Any Local, State/Federal Reviews/Audits

  12. Focus Areas to Understand and Embrace • Responsive and Professional with ACCJC Process/Team • Respond Promptly and Accurately to all ACCJC Inquires/Recommendations • Seek Advice from ACCJC and Colleagues • Integrate Ongoing Institutional Evaluation and Planning with Self-Study and all Responses (Data for Decision Making)

  13. Focus Areas to Understand and Embrace • Board Development and Ethics Training • Ongoing Training – Governance and Fiscal • Regular Policy Review and Updates • Monitoring Relative to Board Policy Development • Demonstrate Understanding of Distinct Role of Board and CEO • Adherence to Board Code of Conduct and Ethics • Govern the Members who Fail to Perform Well – Self Evaluation

  14. Focus Areas to Understand and Embrace • Avoid Denial, Complacency and Confrontation • Accept and Understand the ACCJC Findings • Assume Responsibility and Embrace Accountability • Form Partnerships in a Collegial Manner • Key Fiscal and Academic Standards • Standard III D (Fiscal Resources) • Institutional Mission and Effectiveness (I and IV) • Student Learning Programs and Services (II) • Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) (All Standards)

  15. Focus Areas to Understand and Embrace • “Two Year Rule” • Federal Law Requires Full Compliance with all Standards within Two Years • ACCJC Sets Deadlines for the Institution to Come into Compliance with any Deficiencies • Evidenced Based Process • Substantial and Sustainable Resolution Required • Termination of Accreditation is Required if Institution Fails to Substantially Comply unless Rare and Extenuating Circumstances Exist

  16. Questions and Comments

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