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AC Brennan , B Méndez-Vigo, A Haddioui , JM Martínez-Zapater, FX Picó, C Alonso-Blanco

Population genetic structure and natural variation of the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana , in its native southern range extreme. AC Brennan , B Méndez-Vigo, A Haddioui , JM Martínez-Zapater, FX Picó, C Alonso-Blanco.

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AC Brennan , B Méndez-Vigo, A Haddioui , JM Martínez-Zapater, FX Picó, C Alonso-Blanco

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  1. Population genetic structure and natural variation of the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, in its native southern range extreme AC Brennan, B Méndez-Vigo, A Haddioui, JM Martínez-Zapater, FX Picó, C Alonso-Blanco

  2. A. thaliana: a modelplantforgenetics and molecular biologyresearch • Small genome consisting of 5 chromosomes, 125 Mbp, 27,000 genes, 35,000 proteins • Much known about on gene structure, gene products, protein function and expression • Extensive research collections of mutants and wild ecotypes www.rikenresearch.riken.jp

  3. A. thaliana: a model plant for ecological research? • A small selfing annual of ruderal habitats and openings of natural vegetation • Native to Europe and Central Asia and now found across much of the northern hemisphere • Exhibits both overwintering and spring germination life histories

  4. A. thaliana: a model plant for ecological research? • A small selfing annual of ruderal habitats and openings of natural vegetation • Native to Europe and Central Asia and now found across much of the northern hemisphere • Exhibits both overwintering and spring germination life histories

  5. Recentexamples of ecologicalstudies Hoffmann 2002. J. Biogeography 29: 125-134

  6. Recentexamples of ecologicalstudies Hoffmann 2002. J. Biogeography 29: 125-134

  7. Recentexamples of ecologicalstudies Cao et al. 2011. Nat. Genet. 43: 956-963

  8. Recentexamples of ecologicalstudies Lasky et al. 2012. Mol. Ecol. 21: 5512-5529

  9. Why study A. thaliana in Morocco? Figure from: Weigel 2012. Plant Physiol. 158: 2-22

  10. Why study A. thaliana in Morocco? Previously, only three A. thaliana accessions from the whole of North Africa! Figure from: Weigel 2012. Plant Physiol. 158: 2-22

  11. Why study A. thaliana in Morocco? Does A. thaliana in Morocco share a common population history with Iberia? Or was it colonized from Central East Asia? Figure from: Weigel 2012. Plant Physiol. 158: 2-22

  12. Why study A. thaliana in Morocco? Natural variation across the whole native latitudinal range. Figure from: Weigel 2012. Plant Physiol. 158: 2-22

  13. A new collection of Moroccan A. thaliana

  14. A. thalianasamples • 472 accessions: selfedseedlinesfromseparate wild-sampledindividuals • 154 fromMorocco (20 differentpopulations) • 182 fromtheIberianpeninsula • 136 fromtherest of theworldwiderange

  15. A. thalianasamples  North Africa Iberia  British Isles  Central EuropeNorthernEurope SouthernEuropeBalkans West Asia Caucasus Central Asia  North America (left panel)  OtherAfrican (centre panel)  East Asia (right panel)

  16. Molecular genetictools • SNPlex and VeraCode high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping at CEGEN, (www.cegen.org) • 249/343 SNPs produced high quality, polymorphic genotypes for analysis • 55 from central Europe • 80 from Iberia • 114 from worldwide distribution

  17. Genome-wide coverage with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers One SNP per 0.46 Mbp genome

  18. StrongA. thalianapopulationstructure in Morocco Percentage genetic group assignment results

  19. StrongA. thalianapopulationstructure in Morocco Principal components plot and genetic distance neighbour joining tree

  20. MoroccanA. thalianaisgenetically similar toanIberiangeneticgroup Majority genetic group assignment results

  21. MoroccanA. thalianaisgenetically similar toanIberiangeneticgroup Majority genetic group assignment results

  22. Strongerisolationbydistance in Moroccothan Iberia

  23. Expectationsforpopulationstructure and geneticdiversityacrosstherange Figure from: Hampe & Petit 2005 Ecology Letters 8: 461-467

  24. Changes in A. thalianageneticdiversityacrosslatitude Additional genotype data from: Platt et al. 2010 PLoS Genet. 6: e1000843

  25. Changes in A. thalianapopulationdifferentiationacrosslatitude Additional genotype data from: Platt et al. 2010 PLoS Genet. 6: e1000843

  26. Comparison of biologicallyrelevantclimatic variables Precipitation Precipitation Climate data from: worldclim.org/bioclim Temperature Temperature

  27. Flowering time associationswithclimate Filled points indicate climatic significant associations Climate data from: worldclim.org/bioclim

  28. Flowering time variationmatches neutral geneticaffinities

  29. Vernalization (wintercold) requirementforfloweringmatches neutral geneticaffinities

  30. Distribution of functionalgeneticvariation • Functionalgeneticrelationships match neutral geneticvariation • PhyC: flowering time response to light

  31. Distribution of functionalgeneticvariation • Functionalgeneticrelationships match climaticsimilarity • FLC: flowering time, germination, and water use efficiency responses totemperature

  32. Distribution of functionalgeneticvariation • Functionalgeneticrelationships show aspects of both neutral geneticrelatedness and climatesimilarity • FRI: flowering time response totemperature • CRY2: flowering time response to light

  33. Conclusions: populationstructure and geneticaffinities • A. thalianain Moroccodisplayedrelativelylowbuthighlystructuredgeneticdiversitysupporting a nativehistory in North Africa • MoroccoisgeneticallyrelatedtotheIberianpeninsulaindicating a shareddemographchistorybetweenSouthwestEurope and North Africa • Functionalgeneticvariationreflectsaspects of bothpopulation history and climaticassociations

  34. Conclusions: opportunitiestostudyadaptationacrossthespeciesrange • New populationsrepresentingthesoutherntrailingedge of A. thaliana’snativerangehavebeengeneticallycharacterized • This new resourceraisesmanypossibilitiesforfutureresearch of populationdynamics, local adaptation, and new functionalgeneticvariation

  35. Acknowledgments Colleagues and friends at Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC), Sevilla

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