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Türkiye’de iş yaratma ve girişim dinamikleri. İzak Atiyas, Ozan Bakış ve Yusuf Kenan Orhan. Kullanılan mikro veriler. Yıllık Sanayi ve Hizmet İstatistikleri 20 veya daha fazla çalışanı olan tüm işyerleri 20’den az çalışanı olan işyerleri arasından temsili bir örneklem
Türkiye’de iş yaratma ve girişim dinamikleri İzak Atiyas, Ozan Bakış ve Yusuf Kenan Orhan
Kullanılan mikro veriler • Yıllık Sanayi ve Hizmet İstatistikleri • 20 veya daha fazla çalışanı olan tüm işyerleri • 20’den az çalışanı olan işyerleri arasından temsili bir örneklem • Çalışan sayısı, katma değer, satışlar, faaliyet • 2005-2011 • 2009’da Faaliyet kodlama sistemi NACE Rev 1.1’den NACE Rev. 2.2’ye dönüştü • Sermaye stoku yok. Amortisman verileri kullanılarak yaratıldı. • Yerel birimler hakkında satış ve istihdam payı bilgileri
2010 yılında girişim sayısında yüksek artış • Vergi affı ile ilişkili olabilir
Çerçeve • Türkiye’de tarım hariç (aşağı yukarı) tüm girişimler • Yaş, istihdam, sektör bilgileri
Devam eden, giren ve çıkan girişimlerin özellikleri (2006-2009 ortalaması) Source: Authors' calculations using AISS, 20+ firms. employee: number of total employees in the firm, LP: labor productiviy defined as value added per employee, lnLP: log(LP+1), lnSales: log(sales +1), lnVA: log(value added +1), ln_KBC_pw : log(knowledge based capital investment per worker +1), kbc_int: the ratio of knowledge based capital investment to total investment multiplied by 100, profit: the ratio of value added minus wage compensation to sales multiplied by 100, age: current year minus birth year.
Devam eden, giren ve çıkan girişimlerin pazar payları (2006-2009 ortalaması)
Yeni girişim yaşama oranları (2006 yılında giren girişimler)
Yen, giren girişimlerin İV ve büyüklükleri Notes: For each year after entry, the figure shows the ratio of the (unweighted) mean productivity (size) of the surviving firms that entered the data set in 2006, to the mean productivity (size) of the cohort in 2006. Productivity is defined as value added divided by the number of employees. Size is the number of employees.
Yaşa göre göreli istihdam (2009) Notes: Authors’ calculations based on the 2009 cross-section. Size is measured as total number of employees. The figure displays 4-digit industry-weighted (weights are equal to the employment share of industry in total employment – or total manufacturing) average employment as a ratio of employment in 2006.
Yaşa göre göreli İV (2009) Notes: Authors’ calculations based on the 2009 cross-section. Productivity is measured as value added divided by the number of employees. The figure displays 4-digit industry-weighted (weights are equal to the employment share of industry in total employment – or total manufacturing employment) mean of productivity as a ratio of the industry-weighted productivity of the base age group of 0-4.
İş yaratma (2006 ve 2010) Source: Authors' calculations using AISS, 20+ firms. Job creation for 2006 is defined over years 2005 and 2006. For a firm appearing in both years net job creation is the difference between employment levels. For entering firms we assume that all employment is net job creation. Similarly, for exiting firms we assume that all employment is destructed (net job creation is negative). The same applies to 2010. MIN: Mining and quarrying, MAN: Manufacturing, PU: Electricity, gas and water supply, CON: Construction, WRT: Wholesale and retail trade , hotels and restaurants, TSC: Transportation, communication and storage, FIRE: Financial intermediation; real estate, rental and business services,CSPS: Education; health; community services, social and personal activities.
Girişim büyüme regresyonları Notes: 20+ firms over the period 2006-2010. The figure displays the regression coefficients of net job creation, measured by the Davis-Haltiwanger-Shuh growth rate, on firm size (dashed line) and size and age (solid line) dummies, controlling for industry (single digit NACE Rev. 1.1) and year. Size in year t is measured as average size between year t and t-1. The regressions include a constant term. The omitted categories are the largest size (500+) and oldest age (40+) group and the year the year 2006.
Girişim büyüme regresyonları Notes: 20+ firms over the period 2006-2010. The figure displays regression coefficients of net job creation, measured by the Davis-Haltiwanger-Shuh growth rate, on firm age dummies, controlling for industry (single digit NACE Rev. 1.1) and year. The regression includes a constant term. The omitted categories are the oldest age (40+) group and the year the year 2006. Adding size dummies has very little effect on the estimated coefficients of age dummies.
Girişim istihdam büyüme oranı regresyonları Notes: The dependent variable is job growth rate, as defined by Davis-Haltiwanger and Shuh. All regressions cover the period 2006-2010, except for that reported in the last column, which covers the period 2006-2009. Productivity is defined as value added divided by the number of employees. Profitability is measured as value added minus wage payments divided by total sales. Both are measured as averages over the period for which growth is measured, except for new entrants (exitors), in which case contemporaneous (last period) values are used. Size in time t is measured as average of size between t and t-1. Standard errors are in parentheses.
Yaratılan iş sayısı: Ceylan vs ceylan olmayan girişimler Source: Authors' calculations using AISS, 20+ firms. Gazelles are firms increasing their employment more than two fold in a time span of 3 years. Non-gazelles are then continuing firms between t and t+3 that do not double their employment and new entries.
Yaratılan ortalama iş sayısı: Ceylan vs. ceylan olmayan girişimler
Ceylan vs. ceylan olmayan girişimlerin dönem başı İV Source: Authors' calculations using AISS, 20+ firms. First, we compute aggregate labor productivity of gazelles and non-gazelles at the beginning of the period. For instance, we compute labor productivity using 2005 values for 2005-2008 period. Then, we take their ratio to get the above figure. Note that some of non-gazelles entering into the relative labor productivity computation, will not survive due to exit.
Ceylanların sektörel dağılımı (2005-2010) Source: Authors' calculations using AISS, 20+ firms. Gazelles are firms increasing their employment two fold or more in a time span of 3 years. Non-gazelles are then continuing firms between t and t+3 that do not double their employment and new entries. The values in the table refer to the arithmetic average of 2005-2008, 2006-2009 and 2007-2010
Ceylan vs. ceylan olmayan girişimlerin ortalama yaş ve büyüklüğü