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Welcome to Graphic Arts & Motion Graphics. Web Information. My Website http://stockdale.kernhigh.org/SubWebs/departments/graphicArts/ My Email address matthew_dills@khsd.k12.ca.us Stockdale High School Homepage www.kernhigh.org/stockdale/. Class Requirements.
Web Information My Websitehttp://stockdale.kernhigh.org/SubWebs/departments/graphicArts/ My Email address matthew_dills@khsd.k12.ca.us Stockdale High School Homepage www.kernhigh.org/stockdale/
Class Requirements 1. Mechanical Pencil - .7 mmOne will be provided- additional pencils can be purchased in the student store - no pens allowed 2. A 3 Ring Binder and sheet protectors All assignments Handouts Notes 3(OPTIONAL) Artists Sketchbook
What additional supplies will be helpful .7mm lead Jump Drive Digital Camera
Misc. - No Music Players - Cell Phone Policy - Internet Permission/ Computer AUP - Don’t get discouraged if you are not a good hand artist. Visual and Performance Arts Credit U.C. and Cal. State Articulated Credit with BC
Misc. - No new seats will be given for the entire year. Do not ask ! ! ! - Never say you don’t have anything to do- This class is like a workplace environment. If you don’t have something to do find something. 7th period put up all chairs
Attendance and Tardy Policy You need to be in your seat when the bell rings, no exceptions. If you are almost in your seat when the bell rings, you are not almost late, you are late. I will read through the roll sheet and call your name out loud. Please raise your hand as I call your name.
Participation Points 10% of your grade is based on participation. Participation in class includes but is not limited to: Being on time Listening Contributing to class discussions Not being disruptive during class Work until the bell rings
How to lose your participation points Come to class late Don’t work the entire period Send or receive email w/o permission Play Computer Games Interrupt during lecture w/o raising your hand. Use a Cell phone during class
Tardies Policy Detention will be assigned on your 1st Tardy. See the official Stockdale High School Tardy Policy.
Cut Policy #1 = Parents contacted #2 = Saturday Work #3 = School probation #4 = Saturday School
Cut Policy #5 = Community Service & $25.00 fine #6 = $285.00 fine & no drivers license until 18 #7 = Put in Opportunity or Independent Study
Grading Grading will be done on a 5 point scale. 5 will be the highest and 1 the lowest. 0 will represent projects that were not turned in. 5-A 4-B 3-C 2-D 1-F 0-Not turned in
Lab Rules Be on time to class. Important information will be given during the first and last minutes of class. Excused or unexcused, if you are late you will be missing information. If I have to re explain material with you because you are late you will lose participation points.
Lab Rules Avoid truancy. You have seventy-two hours to clear all absences. Any absence that is not cleared through the office in this amount of time is considered a cut.
Lab Rules Avoid horseplay, running, play fighting, arm wrestling or any needless form of physical contact.
Lab Rules Avoid unsafe practices such as throwing things and playing with the tools and equipment.
Lab Rules Do not touch any equipment or supplies unless you are using them.
Lab Rules Avoid disruptive behavior while the teacher, assistants, or other students require your attention. Making noises, gestures or comments of any type is considered disruptive.
Lab Rules Do not use profanity, name calling, or inappropriate comments in the classroom.
Lab Rules Gang, sex, drug, violence and racist based language, designs or attitudes in any form are prohibited. If you incorporate any of the above into your design projects you will receive a zero for your design project. No designs with guns period! This includes paintball and millitary weapons.
Lab Rules You will be automatically removed from class if you… Steal others work and put your name on it. Copy a computer file and turn it in as your own. Purposely, deface, abuse, or vandalize.
Lab Rules Anyone who vandalizes, abuses and/or defaces equipment in this lab will subject to immediate and permanent removal from class and criminal prosecution. Everything in this classroom belongs to you, the students of Stockdale High. I have worked hard to get these things for you. Keep them nice!
Lab Rules Clean up your own mess and put things back where you found them. You are responsible for not only your own cleanup assignment, but your own desk and any other area you worked in during the period. Do not write on desktops No eraser crumbs, scratch paper etc…
Lab Rules Use your Stockdale planner as your Hall pass. It is your responsibility to fill out your planner with date, time, and reason for leaving the class. Only one student may leave the class at a time. If you need to use the restroom everyday, bring me a doctors note. No one can leave class first/last 10 min.
Lab Rules No food or drink is allowed in class. If you bring in a drink, say a coffee or a Jamba juice you just paid five bucks for, that five bucks will be in the trash can. This is a computer lab. You may NOT have food or drinks in here.
Lab Rules The instructor in not responsible for any possession missing during class. Keep your belongings in a safe place.
Lab Rules Students are not allowed in any room or area of the lab besides the area they are designated to be in. You must stay in your seat, no wandering around the lab.
Computer Login Username = six digit UID #Password = Birthday – 6 digits MMDDYY
AUP of Computers Students may not be on the Internet without the instructor’s permission. Students may use only the software that the instructor has given the student permission to use.
AUP of Computers At no time are students allowed to play any kind of computer game. Students may not give their log-in name and password to other students. Students may not log in using another student’s username and password.
AUP of Computers Students may not download or install any software onto the computer or their my documents folder. Students may not attempt to disable or defeat methods of securing the computer, either physically and electronically.
AUP of Computers Students may not change the computer’s configuration in any way. These are your computers. Take care of them! Do not change the desktop, the cursor icon, the placement of the shortcuts on the computer, etc.
AUP of Computers Students may not remove parts from the computer. Always ask the instructor if something is wrong with your computer. Even if it is something as simple as the mouse coming unplugged. Do not attempt to do anything to the computer yourself. Always call the instructor over to help.
AUP of Computers Consequences vary depending on the severity of the infraction, they may include but are not limited to the following: Loss of participation points, log off for the day, detention, suspension, loss of computer access temporarily, loss of computer access permanently.
Student Survey Print your full name in the upper right hand corner of your paper. 1. Do you have access to a computer at home? 2. If you answered yes to question #1- Does it have Internet access? What kind of access? 3. Do you have your own email address? What is it? 4.Do you have any of the ADOBE products at home? If so which ones? Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, others? 5. Name five occupations you may be interested in? 6. What do you plan on doing after you graduate from high school?
Student Survey 6. What do you do in your spare time? Tell me something interesting about yourself that I may not know by having you in class. 7. What do you believe will be the highest level of education you will achieve? -High School, -Associates degree (2 yrs.), -Bachelors degree (4yrs.), -Masters Degree/ Graduate school (6 yrs.), -Ph.D. (8+ years)
Student Survey 8. What is the highest level of education that either one of your parents have? 9. Have you ever lived anywhere besides Bakersfield? Where? How long? 10. Do you have brothers and sisters? What are their ages? Have I had them in class before?
Additional Information Online School Calendar and regular calendarhttp://www.kernhigh.org/stockdale/DirSchedules/SchedulesMenu.htmWASK / ESLERShttp://www.kernhigh.org/stockdale/DirSchoolInfo/ESLR.html ROC E.S.L.R.S http://www.khsd.k12.ca.us/roc/eslrs.htm