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A Dental Incentive System that Works

Explore an innovative dental incentive system designed to boost productivity and satisfaction among providers. Learn about the changing landscape of dental care delivery and the benefits of implementing such a program.

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A Dental Incentive System that Works

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  1. A Dental Incentive System that Works Juris M. Svarcbergs,DMD,MPH Dental Director CAMcare Health Corporation Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  2. Background • The early years ‘Do gooders’ Focus on ‘ideal service’ Dedication to cause or philosophy Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  3. Background • Traditional professional ‘formula’ Work in itself a reward (a non-monetary incentive) Salary adequate compensation (your paycheck is the reward) Administration outlook (we’re not the private sector) Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  4. Background • The Changing Times Burdened with debt Graduates Business oriented Dentists MBA Administrators The realization:“To do Good, we must do Well!” Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  5. Driving Forces in today’s environment • Decreased grant funding opportunities • Mainstreamed care delivery Competition for patients Competition for revenue • Increased opportunity for Revenue generation Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  6. The New Environment Cost Center Analysis Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  7. DENTAL PRODUCTIVITY • Target is 2,400/DDS Annualized Rate: 2,639 enc/DDS Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  8. Improvements in MIS, CIS • Enable accurate dental data collection • RVU capabilty for correlation of amount of care with visit info • Provider profiles Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  9. Why not become …… competitive in today’s environment withMOTIVATED and EFFICIENT PROVIDERS!?! Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  10. Let’s Try an Incentive System! Money always works! Should we Increase salary? Should we consider commissions? How do we tie work produced to paycheck? Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  11. The Dilemma(s) • Increased Revenue can only be generated with • Administrators don’t want to lose over expenditures • Providers don’t administrators to share income or ‘commission's’ fairly Increased Productivity control trust Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  12. Available Incentive Systems • % of Provider generated charges • % of collections of Provider’s production “x” % of Medicaid income “y” % of Self Pay income • $’s per R.V.U. generated • The ‘mathematician's dream’ formula Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  13. Satisfaction • Can you really be happy if you  Can’t figure out your take home pay or bonus  Can’t ‘trust’ the figures of billing or admin people  You have to treat some patients in ways to benefit your income Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  14. Real Life Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  15. How to Build an Effective Incentive Program:The “5 Commandments” • Simple and easy to understand • Allay administration fears • Empower providers • Make the reward memorable • Relate the incentive directly to the organization’s income level Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  16. Guaranteed base salary: Reasonable and contractual Good fringe benefits Health coverage, malpractice,CME time & coverage, pension Security Budgeting Goodwill and competitive edge Only one concern-PRODUCTIVITY The CAMcare Incentive Plan Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  17. Quarterly Goals Quarterly Payout 600 visits/ FTE (not 599!!) (individual provider not group average) 10% of base salary in contract-exactly (prorated for quarter i.e 2.5% of annual base salary) The CAMcare Incentive Plan Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  18. Dr. XYZ had 645 patient visits this quarter At $80K contract/yr, Dr.XYZ rec’d $20,000 in base salary Reaching/Goal gets $2,000 Bonus CHC submitted bill for approx. $64,500 to all payors CHC expects to get min. 2.5 times what pays out docs CHC gets $42,500 (Doc gets $22,000) ‘Bonus Payout’ Example Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  19. Special Request for Payout! Goal Achievers: Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  20. Bonus is Recognition of Achievement • Bonus checks are separate and usually presented by CEO Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  21. And it’s part of total Package Professional Compensation Package: • Base Salary $ 80,000 • Health Coverage 5,604 • Soc.Security Taxes 4,142 • CME Allowance 1,500 • Vacation,CME,Personal, Holidays,Sick, time 8,941 6. Malpractice Coverage 3,800 Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  22. Add up Total Package Total Value………………$ 103,987 If Loan Repayment-add 25,000 TOTAL Package without Bonus: $128,987 !!! Is another $ 8,000 worth the effort??? Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  23. Results: Avg.Encounters/DDS Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  24. Results: RVU’s per DDS/yr. Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  25. Results: DDS’s reaching goal Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  26. DENTAL VISITS by Year Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  27. The Bottom Line: Dental Cost Center $ EPI (profitability) Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  28. CAMcareRevenue & Expenses Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  29. S = R/E Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  30. S = R/E • Choose a ‘goal’ that directlyinfluences the organization’s income level • Offer a definite bonus amount that is ‘BIG’ yet ‘small’ • Support providers in achieving goal at every level Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  31. S = R/E • Make the reward memorable (timing, amount, presentation) • Report to Board as a “Dental Department defining” event! (Dental exceeds expectations) Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  32. Providers (and support staff) CEO CFO Board Patients Community Who are the ‘Satisfied Customers’? Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

  33. Simply Satisfying! Increase Productivity-Increase Satisfaction

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