1. Data Dissemination in Vehicular Networks Vinod Kone
MAE Presentation
2. Motivation: Scenario I 2
3. Motivation: Scenario II Imagine driving to a new city and you want to find the best parking lot
4. So what kind of a system do we need? Desirable system properties
Data collection and distribution in a local environment
Low information delivery latency
Cheap deployment and communication
Probable solutions
Cellular ? Service fees
Satellite ? High latency
Vehicular Networks ?
What is a vehicular network?
Vehicles are equipped with sensing, computing and wireless devices
Vehicles talk to road-side infrastructure (V2I) and other vehicles (V2V)
Has all the desirable properties
5. Outline Vehicular Networks and Applications
Research overview
Data dissemination approaches and tradeoffs
Open problems
6. Vehicular Networks What does road-side infrastructure (Infostation) mean?
High bandwidth & Low cost device
Coverage is less compared to a cellular base station
Advantages of infrastructure support
Low latency communication with vehicles
Gateway to the Internet and extend connectivity
Distributing time-critical data (e.g. accident notifications, traffic jam) near the affected area is efficient
7. Applications & Challenges Lots of potential applications
Safety: Emergency brake light, Collision warning etc
Comfort: Toll services, Parking space locator etc
Commercial: Map updates, Video download, Services etc
What makes vehicular networks challenging?
Combination of V2V + V2I communications
They face the ‘worst case’ scenarios in real world 7
8. Who all are working on vehicular networks? 8 This is not something of only academic interestThis is not something of only academic interest
9. Research on Vehicular Networks: The BIG Picture 9
10. MAC & Physical Layer Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)
Protocol for vehicles to talk to each other and infrastructure
Operates in 75 MHz licensed band at 5.9 GHz (USA), 5.8GHz (Europe and Japan)
Based on 802.11a PHY and 802.11 MAC
Supports high mobility of vehicles (120 mph)
High data rate (27 Mbps), short range (1 km), multi-channel (7)
Studies have shown that vehicle-to-infrastructure communication is feasible [Ott’04] [Bychkovsky’06]
11. Outline Vehicular Networks and Applications
Research overview
Data dissemination approaches and tradeoffs
Open problems
12. Data Dissemination Characteristics High mobility
Dynamic topology
Receivers are a priori unknown
Large scale
High density
Low penetration ratio
Challenges Maintaining routing tables is difficult
Dealing with partitions
13. Classification of Dissemination Approaches V2I / I2V dissemination
Push based
Pull based
V2V dissemination
How to deal with network partitions ?
Opportunistic forwarding 13
14. Push based dissemination Infostation pushes out the data to everyone
Applications: Traffic alerts, Weather alerts
Why is this useful?
Good for popular data
No cross traffic ? Low contention
Everyone might not be interested in the same data
15. Pull based dissemination Request – Response model
Applications: Email, Webpage requests
Why is this useful?
For unpopular / user-specific data
Lots of cross traffic ? Contention, Interference, Collisions 15
16. Classification of Dissemination Approaches V2I / I2V dissemination
Push based
Pull based
V2V dissemination
Solutions & Drawbacks / Limitations
Discovery of Parking Places problem
How to deal with network partitions ?
Opportunistic forwarding 16
17. Flooding Basic Idea
Broadcast generated and received data to neighbors
Usually everyone participates in dissemination
“Good” for delay sensitive applications
Suitable for sparse networks
Key Challenges
How to avoid broadcast storm problem?
18. Techniques to avoid the broadcast problem Simple forwarding
Timer based [Linda’00]
Hop limited [Nandan’06]
Map based / Geographic forwarding
Directed flooding [Sormani’06]
Aggregation [Wischhof’04] [Nadeem’06] [Caliskan’06]
19. Drawbacks / Limitations of Flooding Flooding in general
High message overhead ? Not scalable
Map based / Geographic
Geographically closest doesn’t necessarily reflect the best path!
Depend on a location based service
Aggregation techniques tradeoff with accuracy
20. Decentralized Discovery of Parking Places Push + Map based + Flooding solution [Caliskan’06]
Parking lots periodically broadcast occupancy and price information to nearby vehicles
City map is divided into a quad-tree like structure
21. Decentralized discovery algorithm Information of a single parking lot is distributed only in proximity
Aggregate information of a region is distributed over wide area
Why this particular solution?
Lots of vehicles are interested in the data ? Push
Fast transmission of the information ? Flooding
To avoid broadcast storm ? Map based
22. Classification of Dissemination Approaches V2I / I2V dissemination
Push based
Pull based
V2V dissemination
2 Challenges
Solutions & Drawbacks / Limitations
How to deal with network partitions ?
Opportunistic forwarding 22
23. Relaying Basic Idea
Instead of flooding the network, select a relay (next hop)
Relay node forwards the data to next hop and so on
Reduced contention ? Scalable for dense networks
Key Challenges
How to select the relay neighbors?
How to ensure reliability? 23
24. How to select a relay neighbor? Simple forwarding
Select the node farthest from source [Korkmaz’04] [Zhao’07] [Our work]
Map based / Geographic forwarding
Closest to the destination [Kikaiakos’05]
Abstract topology into a weighted directed graph [Zhao’06] [Wu’04a]
Drawback / Limitations
Locally best next hop may not be globally best ! 24
25. How to ensure reliability? Use RTS/CTS & ACK [Korkamaz’01] [Zhao’07]
Use indirect acknowledgments [Benslimane’04] [our work]
Drawbacks / Limitations
RTS/CTS incurs lot of overhead
Interference affects indirect acknowledgments 25
26. Classification of Dissemination Approaches V2I / I2V dissemination
Push based
Pull based
V2V dissemination
How to deal with network partitions ?
Opportunistic forwarding 26
27. Opportunistic Forwarding Problem with partitioned networks
Next hop is not always present
Opportunistic Forwarding
Basic Idea: Store and Forward
Challenge: What is the right re-broadcast interval?
Broadcast repeatedly [Linda’00b][Uichin’06][Wischhof’04]
Cache at infostations [Lochert’07a]
28. Opportunistic: Drawbacks / Limitations It is difficult to select the correct re-broadcast interval
Too soon ? high overhead
Too late ? doesn’t deal with partitions effectively
Maintaining a neighbor list induces high overhead and contention
29. Dissemination Approaches: The BIG Picture 29
30. Take Away 30
31. Outline Vehicular Networks and Applications
Research overview
Data dissemination approaches and tradeoffs
Open problems
32. Some interesting open problems Not much literature on V2I / I2V communication
How to deal with cross-traffic in the pull scheme
Scheduling transmissions?
How to combine push and pull ? What is hybrid ?
Mobility traces for evaluation of dissemination
Real traces (e.g. NGSIM) are expensive to collect
Not enough data points for simulation
Need to extrapolate 32
33. Some interesting open problems (contd…) Imagine a service provider wants to install infostations
What is the minimum infostation density required
Impact of application parameters (size, lifetime)
Analytical models
Understand the bounds on performance
Modeling network partitions ? Better opportunistic schemes
34. Some interesting open problems (contd…) Real experiments
Equip vehicles with wireless devices and observe dissemination performance
Can obtain real movement traces
Designing and testing sample applications
Real experiments might invalidate the design!
Re-design the schemes based on the real observations
Repeat! 34
35. Future Work Hybrid dissemination in vehicular networks
Developing accurate analytical dissemination models
Real experiments 35
36. Thank You for Listening 36
37. References [Nadeem’06] Comparative study of data dissemination models for vanets, Mobiquitous.
[Wu’04a] MDDV: A Mobility-Centric Data Dissemination Algorithm for Vehicular Networks, VANET.
[Korkamaz’04] Urban multi-hop broadcast protocol for inter-vehicle communication systems, VANET.
[Sun’00] GPS-Based Message Broadcasting for Inter-Vehicle Communication, ICCPP.
[Zong’01] Ad Hoc Relay Wireless Networks over Moving Vehicles on Highways, Mobihoc.
[Wu’04b] Analytical Models for Information Propagation in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks, VTC.
[Linda’00a] Disseminating Messages among Highly Mobile Hosts based on Inter-Vehicle Communication, IV.
[Sormani’06] Towards Lightweight Information Dissemination in Inter-Vehicular Networks, VANET
[Zhao’06] VADD-Vehicle-Assisted Data Delivery in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, INFOCOM.
[Caliskan’06] Decentralized Discovery of Free Parking Spaces, VANET
[Basu’04] Wireless Ad Hoc Discovery of Parking Meters, WAMES.
[Zhao’07] Data Pouring and Buffering on The Road: A New Data Dissemination Paradigm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Transactions on VT
38. References [Lochert’07a] The Feasibility of Information Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, WON
[Wischhof’04] Information Dissemination in Self-Organizing Inter-vehicle Networks, Trans on ITS
[Uichin’06] FleaNet: A Virtual Market Place on Vehicular Networks, MobiQuitos
[Kikaiakos’05] VITP: An information transfer protocol for vehicular computing, VANET
[Bai’06] Towards Characterizing and Classifying Communication-based Automotive Applications from a Wireless Networking Perspective, Research Report, GM
[Nandan’06] Modeling Epidemic Query Dissemination in AdTorrent Network, CCNC
[Linda’00b] Role-Based Multicast in Highly Mobile but Sparsely Connected Ad Hoc Networks, MobiHoc
[Lochert’07b] Probabilistic Aggregation for Data Dissemination in VANETs, VANET
[Luo’04] A Survey of Inter-Vehicle Communication, Technical Report
[Varghese’06] Survey of Routing Protocols for Inter-Vehicle Communications, Mobiquitos
[Bychkovsky’06] A Measurement Study of Vehicular Internet Access Using In Situ Wi-Fi Networks, MobiCom
[Choo’06] Performance Study of Robust Data Transfer Protocol for VANETs, LNCS.
39. References [Bensilmane’04] Optimized dissemination of alarm messages in vehicular ad-hoc networks, HSNMC
[Bala’07] Web Search From a Bus, CHANTS.
[Burgess’06] MaxProp: Routing for Vehicle-Based Disruption-Tolerant Networks, INFOCOM.
[Ott’04] Drive-thru Internet: IEEE 802.11b for “Automobile” Users, INFOCOM.
[Hartenstein’01] Position-Aware Ad Hoc Wireless Networks for Inter-Vehicle Communications, MobiHoc
[Namboodiri’04] A study on the feasibility of mobile gateways for vehicular ad-hoc networks
[Shahram’04] PAVAN: A Policy Framework for Content Availability in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, VANET
[Raya’07] Securing Vehicular Networks, INFOCOM
[Harsch’06] Secure Position Based Routing for VANETs, VTC 39
40. Backup Traffic View [Nadeem’06]
Formal models for data dissemination
Bi-directional mobility considered
Aggregation based flooding
Not scalable for dense traffic
Flooding is in general good for delay sensitive apps
Targeted App: Traffic monitoring
Opportunistic + trajectory + geographic forwarding
Assumes vehicles have road map and know src, dest region
Traffic flow information is fed to vehicles to abstract the road map and make forwarding decisions
Group of vehicles near the message head can forward the data
Forwarding phase to reach the destination region and then propagation phase to reach all the receivers in the region 40
41. Adhoc Relay [Zong’01]
Opportunistic (pessimistic) forwarding based on store and forward approach
Good for networks with low density
Delay-sensitive applications cannot work with this
Motion of vehicles significantly affect delivery latency
Analytical Models [Wu’04b]
Model an idealistic propagation scheme
Consider partitioning of vehicles for information propagation
Forward (intra-partition) and catchup(inter-partition) processes
Models are for sparse (ignores in-partition propagation) and dense (traffic between cycles) networks
Doesn’t model real networks
VITP [Kikaiakos’05]
Geographical routing to forward the query to the query region
Nodes maintain a neighbor list
Once query region is reached, nodes do flooding
Reply is sent back to the source via flooding 41
42. Urban-Multihop [Korkamaz’01]
Segment the road in the dissemination direction iteratively
Select the node in the furthest segment as relay
RTS/CTS like mechanism at MAC layer
Distance from source decides black burst time
Repeaters are used at intersections to propagate to different directions
Dissemination Messages [Linda’00a]
Flooding based solution
Nodes wait a time proportional to the distance from the source before broadcast
Role based Multicast [Linda’00b]
[Linda’00a] + retransmissions based on change in the neighbor set
Lightweight Dissemination [Sormani’06]
Dissemination is based on propagation function
Propagation function encodes destination region and trajectory
Propose several flooding schemes (basic, probabilistic, function driven)
Requires a map to create and evaluate the propagation function
43. VADD [Zhao’06]
Pull based routing model to query a static location
Map based information (trajectory, traffic) is used to select the next hop with least delay to the destination
Models roads and intersections as graphs with estimated delays as weights
Store and forward approach to tackle sparse networks
Targeted App: To query a static information center
DP, DP-IB [Zhao’07]
Propose a data pouring and buffering dissemination scheme
Nodes maintain neighbor list and select farthest node as relay
RTS/CTS, Indirect Acks are used for reliability
Ibers (Infostations) are deployed at intersections to rebroadcast data on the cross roads
Analytical models developed for dissemination capacity and broadcast interval
Feasibility [Lochert’07]
Shows the feasbility of information dissemination w.r.t. penetration ratio in city
Analytical model to show that connectivity decreases with length
Propose installing SSUs (InfoStations), networked and stand-alone to improve dissemination by re-broadcasting the information
Vehicles periodically broadcast information to neighbors (Locomotion + Wireless propagation) 43
44. SODAD/SOTIS [Wischhof’04]
Data dissemination is achieved by abstracting the map into segments and aggregating information
Analytical models (coverage processes) to show low penetration ratio leads to low multi-hop range
Recurrent broadcasts to tackle with network partitions
Adaptive broadcast interval based on provocation/mollification events to suit traffic conditions
Targeted App: Vehicles sensing data for traffic info system
FleaNet [Uichin’06]
Proposed an architecture for buy/sell queries dissemination
Dissemination is basically by contacts…vehicles that receive queries store it in their db and see if there is a local match
Source broadcasts queries periodically to its neighbors (opportunistic)
LER routing is used to send notifications from buyers?? sellers
45. Some stats Number of telemetric subscribers will reach
>15 million by 2009
Smart traffic lights can reduce waiting time by 28% during rush hours
46. Mobility Models & Simulators How to evaluate vehicular network protocols?
Synthetic mobility models: highly unrealistic
Traces from microscopic traffic simulators
close to reality but not real
Real Traces (Source: NGSIM)
very expensive to collect data
not enough data points
How can we solve this problem?
We have to extrapolate the real data by some “modeling”
Equip vehicles with sensors
47. Security and Privacy: Why is this important?
48. Secure solutions for VANETs