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COM S 228 Introduction to Data Structures Instructor: Ying Cai Department of Computer Science

COM S 228 Introduction to Data Structures Instructor: Ying Cai Department of Computer Science Iowa State University yingcai@iastate.edu Office: Atanasoff 201 Office Hours: MW 3:00pm-4:00pm. Course Resources. Course management tool: Blackboard Learn

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COM S 228 Introduction to Data Structures Instructor: Ying Cai Department of Computer Science

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  1. COM S 228 Introduction to Data Structures Instructor: Ying Cai Department of Computer Science Iowa State University yingcai@iastate.edu Office: Atanasoff 201 Office Hours: MW 3:00pm-4:00pm

  2. Course Resources • Course management tool: Blackboard Learn • All announcement (e.g., assignments, due dates, and exam location), clarifications and answers to common questions about homework will be made available there • All programming assignments must be submitted electronically via blackboard learn • So make sure you logon (https://bb.its.iastate.edu) and check frequently • My slides: www.cs.iastate.edu/~yingcai/cs228 • TAs • Shared with Dr. Jia and Dr. Fernández-Baca • Please check the syllabus posted on blackboard for the complete list and their office hours and location • Contact • If you need to send an email to the instructor or the TAs, please begin the subject line with “CS 228”

  3. Text book (optional) • We will mainly rely on lecture notes, which we may or may not post on line and/or on time • For additional material you may look up books such as Simon Gray's Data Structures in Java, Addison-Wesley 2007 (textbook used for Com S 228 in Fall 2011 and Spring 2012).

  4. What this course is about • Object-Oriented Concepts • Some simple algorithms (e.g., sorting) and their run-time analysis • Abstract data types • List, stack, queue, tree, heap, map, graph, etc.) • Implementation of ADT • Generics in Java • Collection Interface and Iterators

  5. Course Objectives • At the end of this course, you are expected to • Write and debug well-structured object-oriented programs of 2000 or more lines of Java code • Implement a Java class given a specification, and apply OO principles such as encapsulation and inheritance • Understand abstract data types (ADTs) and know common algorithms of manipulating these ADTs • Implement basic data structures in Java including expandable arrays, linked lists, trees, heaps, and hashtables • Understand some basic algorithms (e.g., sorting and searching) and perform runtime analysis

  6. Prerequisite: CS 227 • The hardest part of this course is to have solid knowledge of what you learned in CS 227 • No student is allowed to take CS 228 without taking CS 227 first

  7. Grading (tentative) This is to give you a rough idea, subject to change ...

  8. Homework • We expect to give 5 programming projects • All will be posted on blackboard • They will be more complex than those from CS 227 • Due dates may overlap • Clarification thread • The homework specification may include design issues that require further clarification and it is your job to identify such issues and resolved them, in advance of the deadline • Clarification relevant to all students will be posted on Blackboard in the “official clarification” • Check BB frequently: All clarifications posted more than 24 hours before the assignment deadline are considered part of the homework specification

  9. Homework Grading • Compilation and runtime errors • Use JDK 1.6 compiler • Code must compile; zero otherwise • You lose additional points for runtime errors • Documentation and style are important • Count for 10 to 20 percent of each assignment • Each class and method must have a complete and correctly formatted javadoc comment • Duplicated code should be removed • Use nternal (//-style) comments appropriately (a comment should precede the code it describes and indented to the same level) • Use a consistent indentation and formatting style (Eclipse: Ctrl-Shift-F)

  10. Submission and feedback • Late assignments • In generally not accepted, except that programming assignments may be turned in up to 24 hours late with a 25% grading penalty. (weekends and university holidays are counted in the 24 hours) • Results will be returned via Blackboard Learn • If you feel an error has been made in grading your assignment, you must make an appeal to the TA that graded it within one week of the date when the results were made available in Blackboard Learn • The appeal should be made during the TA's office hours, or by email if you cannot attend the TA's office hours • Correct submission of an assignment is your responsibility • Detailed instructions will be provided prior to the first due date.

  11. Other Policies • Academic Honesty • Students who plagiarize other work in any part of assignment/tests will receive F as the letter grade for this course, and will be reported to the university. • Disability • If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me soon.

  12. How to do well in this class • Attend all classes and recitations • Do all homework in a timely manner • Use your resources: instructors, TAs, class notes • You have to write and run your own programs • Ask questions

  13. Mutual Contract • Instructor • I will provide information about programming principles and practices to the best of my knowledge • I will uphold my professional ethics • Students • I will participate in this course and practice concepts learned through lectures, assignments, and exams to the best of my ability • I will uphold academic honesty, professional ethics and be a good class and world citizen

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