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The problems of mankind. Absolventská práce. Anotace, Annotation. Mezi problémy lidstva patří populační růst. Bylo zjištěno, že počet obyvatel v rozvojových zemí stoupá, ve vyspělých zemí naopak klesá.
The problems of mankind Absolventská práce
Anotace, Annotation • Mezi problémy lidstva patří populační růst. Bylo zjištěno, že počet obyvatel v rozvojových zemí stoupá, ve vyspělých zemí naopak klesá. • Poté tam můžeme zahrnout globální oteplování. O této problematice se začalo diskutovat ve 2. polovině 20. století. Teplota stoupá více na pevnině než v oceánech. Ale průměrně stoupla o 0,19 ºC. • Neméně znepokojující otázkou zůstavá znečištění ovzduší, ke kterému dochází v důsledku spalováním fosilních paliv, vypouštění škodlivin z aut nebo například z průmyslových komínů. Také ale přírodou – erupcí sopek, pískem z pouští, lesními požáry a bioplynem. Vše následuje vzniklý kyselý déšť. • Chemická rizika jsou pro nás velká. Například roku 1986 se stala jaderná katastrofa v Černobylu. Pak se v Mexickém zálivu rozbila těžební plošina na ropu, což mělo strašné následky a má doposud. Většinou to zaviní člověk nebo technika vyrobená lidmi. Následky však odnáší celý svět. Nejpoužívanější energií je energie jaderná, která je velice nebezpečná. Měli bychom raději začít využívat více obnovitelné zdroje, mezi které patří solární, větrná a geotermální energie.
1. Population growth Increasingly large number of people are born into the world each year. The world population grows about 74 million people every year. Almost all growth is in developing regions, where today is 5.3 billion population. On the contrary, the population of more developed regions remains the same -1.2 billion people.
The number of people will increase in the following countries: India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Uganda, United States, Ethiopia and China during 2005 - 2050. China could have more people but they have a policy - only one child. Population decreases in developed countries because women want career and they don’t feel so free with children. They want to travel. Here there is equality between women and men. And there are birth control.
Birth control isn’t so frequent in developing countries. Women stay at home and they haven’t job. And they don’t want the career. Having babies is their mission. A lot of children die here when they are small. It is common that one woman has from two to six children. They haven’t their own choice.
2. Global warming It started in second half of the 20th century. An increase in average temperatures lowers layers of the atmosphere and oceans. The temperature are increasing about 0,18 ºC because of increased concentration of carbon dioxide and other gases. Warming in the Czech Republic isn’t very important.
Warming wasn’t stable in the 20th century. The mainland is warming more than the oceans . North hemisphere is warming more than south hemisphere. It is warming more in the cities than in countryside. The Earth is warming more in winter than in summer. It’s warmer in Polar regions than near the equator.
The most important factor is the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases - CO2, CH4, N2O, water vapor and Freon. The increasing concentration of these substances cause temperature changes in the atmosphere. The temperature of the Earth would be -19 ° C without the natural greenhouse effect (today is +14 °C). The natural greenhouse effect is the main condition of life on Earth. The increase of CO2 is the result of human activities: burning fossil fuels and deforestation, as well as cement production and other land use changes such as biomass burning, crop production and conversion of grassland into arable land.
Consequences:a) Implications for glaciers: Some glaciers have already disappeared completely. More than 90% of the glaciers have been disappearing since 1995. b) Health effects: The main sources are the waves of extreme heat and extreme cold weather. Reply: The Kyoto Protocol was a response to global warming. There are 150 countries. People had to reduce emissions. We must use more alternative energy sources.
Interesting In Alaska, the temperature always increases about 2 – 3 ºC in winter. Two settlements are near water now and they are in danger. Polar bears are in danger, too. In Switzerland, glacier was reduced about 4%. Larsen B, glacier in Antarctica, lost 12,000 sq km. If the melting glacier continues, the sea will increase about 6 cm. Kilimanjaro hasn’t white hat. Ice meat decreased about 82% during 100 years.
3. Chemicals risks Chemicals are good for health and overall quality of life in many cases, such as pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Chemicals can be dangerous to human health or animal health and the environment. They can also cause disaster because of using of the wrong technology.
Accidents Chernobyl is in Ukraine (130 km from Kyjev). The largest nuclear accident in history was on 6th April 1986. The accident did not happen in normal operation which is the standard way of electricity generation. The accident happened in an emergency mode when the nuclear reactor was shut down. There was done an experiment. 600,000 people were affected by this accident.
The oil rig Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20th at 21:45 pm local time. Platform was placed on the borehole at a depth about 1,650 meters and it was eighty miles from the coast of Louisiana. The first explosion paralyzed officers and then another people. The fire wasn’t extinguished and the platform sank two days later. Eleven people were killed, seventeen people were injured. Some of them jumped into the water because of the fear.
4. Energy production Nuclear energy: It is energy that is released from nuclear reactions in the atomic nucleus. Nuclear energy belongs to the non-renewable energy sources. The production of electricity from nuclear power stations is the most important use of nuclear energy. Nuclear power sources provides about 17% of world electricity production and about 7% of energy consumption.
Solar energy: Solar energy is environmentally the cleanest way to produce electricity. If the sky is cloudless the performance of solar radiation is around 1kW/m2. Number of sunny hours in the Czech Republic is on average 1,330-1,800 hours per year. The altitude influences the intensity and duration of solar radiation, as well as cloud cover and other local conditions such as frequent morning fog, pollution and the angle of sunlight.
Wind energy: Wind speed is the most important factor for wind energy. These places should have a minimum average wind speed about 5 m/s. Sea coastlines are the best places. The United States, Germany and Spain are the most famous producers of wind energy. The largest wind farm was founded in Texas. Geothermal energy: Geothermal energy is the oldest energy on the planet Earth. It shows the thermal energy of the Earth's core. There is an eruption of volcanoes and geysers, hot springs and steam sprains.
5. Air pollution Car traffic pollution: All automotive vehicles produce substances that are harmful to our health. Some advice: - Turn off the engine of your car when you stop for more than 10 seconds. - Keep your vehicle in good condition. - Use public transit, walk or ride a bike. Harmful substances can cause damages to plants, people’s eyes, throats, lungs. These substances also cause the increased greenhouse effect.
Acid rain: Acid rain is rain with a very low pH, is caused by the combination of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen combined with water in atmosphere. Acid rain contains poisons that can kill most or all aquatic forms of life. But it can destroy people’s history as statues, monuments, plasters. Industrial smokestacks: It is one of the biggest factors in air pollution. Industrial smokestacks exhale carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other types of contaminants. It is dangerous for us. It causes respiratory diseases in humans and animals. It poisons lakes and it harms forests.
Burning of fossil fuels: The fossil fuels include oil, natural gas and coal. These fuels have been using since The Industrial Revolution. The fossil fuels are used in all areas of life. Burning these fuels increases greenhouse effect. But there are more factors of air pollution: Burning rainforests The military sources Desert sand Volcanic eruptions
Thank you for your attention Zpracovala: Jana Pekárková Konzultant: Mgr. Petra Ševčíková
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