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Leveraging Location-Based Services for Everyday Government and Emergency Management

This session explores the use of location-based services in everyday government and emergency management, highlighting Oracle's spatial technologies and customer examples. Learn about the benefits of integrating all location-based information and Oracle's future direction in spatial technologies.

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Leveraging Location-Based Services for Everyday Government and Emergency Management

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  1. Session id: 40340 Leveraging Location-Based Services for Everyday Government and Emergency Management Clarke ColomboTechnologist Oracle Corporation

  2. Overview • Geospatial Technology Trends • Oracle’s Spatial Technologies • Oracle9i • Locator • Spatial • Oracle9i Application Server • MapViewer • Location Based Services • Government Customer Examples • Oracle’s Future Direction • Spatial Partners

  3. Spatial Data Tabular Data Geo Engineering Server Enterprise Data Server GIS/Design MIS Challenge of Incorporating Location Based Information • Specialty GIS/RS servers • Data isolation • High systems adminand management costs • Scalability problems • High training costs • Complex support problems • Information not aligned with Business Processes

  4. Integrating All Information • Relate associated information to spatial locations • Land records • Property photographs • Satellite imagery • Vector map data • Legal Documents

  5. Value Propositions: • Integrated enterprise data management • Consolidated management of spatial operations • Greater security and interoperability • Enhanced decision support and business intelligence • Reduced training requirements • Spatially enabled applications Spatial is a differentiator

  6. Application Application Application Map Server Monolithic GIS Open APIs Proprietary Files Spatial Middleware Proprietary APIs Spatially Enabled Database Traditional DBMS GIS Stovepipe to Internet Platform Yesterday Today Proprietary Middleware Internet Platform Standalone

  7. GIS • Attributes in database • Geometries in database - but in proprietary binary format • IT can access geometries via proprietary interfaces only • Poor integration blobs Geometries SQL Geometries Geometries Attributes IT Early Spatial Systems: Hybrids

  8. GIS GIS GIS • Attributes and geometries fully integrated in the database • Spatial is native DBMS type • IT can access geometries via open standard interfaces • Standard Query Language • Supported by all GIS tools SQL Geometries Attributes SQL eBusiness eBusiness eBusiness Open Spatial Databases

  9. Field Service Field Service Field Service Any device Oracle Location Technology Oracle core technologies Location-enabling Oracle Stack CRM & ERP Applications Web Services TCA schema e-Business Suite B2B, B2E, B2C Application Server Location Based Service Components SOAP WSDL 9iAS MapViewer Data Server eLocation Spatial Locator Oracle9i

  10. Customers Buildings Streets Oracle9i Spatial Capabilities • Spatial Indexing Spatial Data Types Oracle9i Fast Access to Spatial Data All Spatial Data Stored in the Database Spatial Access Through SQL Select a.building_id from facility a, facility b where sdo_within_distance( a.geom, b.geom ‘distance = 10 unit = mile’) = ‘TRUE’;

  11. Spatial Data Types • Points • Line Strings • Polygons • Polygons with holes • Circles • Arcs, arc strings • Rectangles • Compound elements

  12. Spatial Data in Oracle9i Tables Data type: SDO_GEOMETRY Road ROAD_ID 1 2 3 NAME Homestead Bellomy Santa Clara SURFACE Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt LANES 4 2 2 LOCATION

  13. Inside 500 meters Spatial Operators • Full range of spatial operators • Implemented as functional extensions in SQL • Topological Operators • Inside Contains • Touch Disjoint • Covers Covered By • Equal Overlap • Distance Operators • Within Distance • Nearest Neighbor Within Distance

  14. 500 meters Spatial Query Via SQL Find all building within 500 meters of building 902 SQL> SELECT a.building_id 2> FROM base_buildings a, 3> base_buildings b 4> WHERE b.building_id = 902 5> AND MDSYS.SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE( 6> a.Location, b.Location, 7> ‘distance=500 unit=M’) = ‘TRUE’;

  15. Original Union Difference Intersect XOR 500 meters Oracle Spatial: Additional Features • Coordinate Transformations • Linear Referencing System (LRS) • Spatial Aggregate Functions • Spatial Geometry Functions • Union • Difference • Intersect • XOR • Buffer • CenterPoint • ConvexHull • Spatial Analysis Functions • LENGTH • AREA • Distance Buffer

  16. Locator Points, Lines, Polygons 2D, 3D, 4D data Spatial Operators Topological Distance Distance Function Coordinate Systems Workspace Management Table Partitioning* Object Replication* Spatial All Locator features Spatial functions area/length calculation buffer, centroid, union,etc Spatial Aggregate Functions Coordinate Transforms Linear Referencing All Future Functionality Spatial Vs. Locator

  17. Field Service Field Service Field Service Any device Oracle Location Technology Oracle core technologies Location-enabling Oracle Stack CRM & ERP Applications Web Services TCA schema e-Business Suite B2B, B2E, B2C Application Server Location Base Service Components SOAP WSDL 9iAS MapViewer Data Server eLocation Spatial Locator Oracle9i

  18. Oracle9i AS MapViewer • Standard component of Oracle9i AS • 100% J2EE compliant Mapping engine • Tightly integrated with Oracle Locator and Oracle Spatial • Provides an XML API for defining and deploying maps via the web • Renders data from Oracle8i R3 and beyond

  19. MapViewer: Map Title Earthquake Strength • Renders data stored using Oracle’s native spatial data type (SDO_GEOMETRY) • Maps are defined as a collection of themes • Maps may contain a title, legend and footnote • Theme styles can be based on attribute values (thematic maps) • GIF, BMP and PNG image formats Legend Footnote Themes

  20. XML: MapRequest JDBC HTTP MapViewer XML: MapResponse MapViewer Architecture

  21. Oracle9i AS Location Based Services • Java APIs - ingest online web services: geocoding, routing, mapping, YP, traffic, mobile positioning • Region Modeling - associates services (billing, personalization) by (geographic) “regions” • Location Caching - caches caller’s phone number & location to minimize wireless network pinging. • Location Privacy - manages based on LBS service type, permissions, and subscription. • Location Marks - Manages user defined locations of interest (home, work, PIM addresses)

  22. Oracle Spatial in Action

  23. New York City • Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications • Developed standardized digital basemap for all agencies • 6,000 miles of underground pipes • 1 million water/sewer connections • 32,000 sq. miles of Infrastructure Data • 7,500 digital photographs • The Office of Emergency Management created a public site for emergency preparedness • Extensively Used To Support 9/11 Response and Recovery

  24. Oracle in Action: • The consolidated spatial data warehouse was the foundation for NYC’s response to the recent tragedies • First responder deployment • Critical infrastructure management • Road closures • Evacuation areas • Damage assessment • The Office of Emergency Management created a public site for emergency preparedness • Hurricane flood risks and evacuation routes • Heat Advisory “cool down locator” (pools, senior centers, community centers) • Department of Health uses the system to track instances of West Nile Virus

  25. New Jersey • Office of Emergency Management • State unable to catalogue emergency response resources, publish plans, deploy • Different naming conventions, different systems, many private sector owned Assets • Response to emergency events severely compromised • Lessons learned from 9/11 assisting NYC

  26. City of Edmonton • Integrated, central repository for spatial and relational data • Replaced 49 disparate land apps &166 databases • Citywide sharing of standardized data • Data feeds: land registry and surveys, utilities and phone co., tax assessments, Dept. of Public Works • Users: engineers, planners, cartographers, city officials and departments, mortgage lenders, citizens • http://maps.gov.edmonton.ab.ca/

  27. FAA – Oracle Spatial • Site license for Oracle Spatial • US Airspace Boundary Crossing Application • Oracle Spatial functions to calculate intersection of flight paths and US airspaces. • Linear Referencing to interpolate the time and altitude for entry/exit points of US airspace. • Accurately charge foreign carriers for the amount of time in US airspace. (Longitude, Latitude, Altitude, Time) Actual radar blip Computed (Lon/Lat, Alt, Time)

  28. Waypoints Filed Flight Plan Current position Future Flight Plan FAA – Oracle 9iAS (MapViewer) • New 9iAS customer, influenced by MapViewer feature of 9iAS. • Developing MapViewer application for flight plan visualization • Spatial analysis to project current flight position to next waypoint of original flight plan. • Another example of LRS functionality

  29. CP VIGILENT: Medical Surveillance and Incident Response • Built On The Oracle Platform • 9i, 9iAS, Spatial, Wireless • Functional Capabilities • Real-time Disease Surveillance • Critical Care Tracking and Response Management System • Automated Alerts for Suspicious Trends • Proven Solution • State of Florida (45 Hospitals & 4 Counties) • Phoenix, AZ (14 Hospitals & 4 Counties) • Northern Virginia (18 Hospitals & 1 County) • Many more…

  30. Oracle’s Future Direction

  31. 10g: Spatial Raster • New GeoRaster data type • Store, index, and retrieve raster data • Store, maintain, and retrieve GeoRaster metadata • Analysis functionality: • Generate pyramids • Copy • Change format: Interleaving, blocking • Subset: Crop, cut, clip by band or layer • Scaling: Enlarge or reduce • Generate the spatial extent of an image • Tile adjacent images to build a mosaic of the data • Georectified/Georeferenced images supported

  32. 10g: Topology/Network Manager • New topology data model • Storage based on topological elements (or primitives) • Nodes • Edges • Faces • Topological element stored once in the database • Topological integrity maintained by database • Functionality • Topological element can be associated with one or more features • General purpose support and analysis of networks • Connectivity, adjacency and attribution at link level

  33. 10g: Spatial Mining & Analysis • Pattern Discovery Process • Based on spatial patterns • Integration with Oracle Data Miner

  34. Oracle Spatial Solution Providers

  35. Spatial Partners

  36. Next Steps…. • Recommended sessions • 40337: Integrated Technology Solutions For Better Government • 40342: Leveraging Technology to Secure Our Nation • 40125: Oracle 10G: A Spatial VLDB Case Study • Recommended demos and/or hands-on labs • Hands On: Building Database Applications • Lesson 6: Performing Location-Based Analysis Using Oracle Spatial and Workspace Manager • See Your Business in Our Software • Visit the DEMO grounds for a customized architectural review, see a customized demo with Solutions Factory, or receive a personalized proposal. Visit the DEMOgrounds for more information. • Relevant web sites to visit for more information • http://otn.oracle.com/products/spatial

  37. Reminder – please complete the OracleWorld online session surveyThank you.

  38. Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S A http:// technet.oracle.com/products/spatial http://technet.oracle.com/products/iaswe

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