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Explore the idea of repaying God for His works and growing a meaningful rapport with Him through faith and prayer. Learn from Job's unwavering devotion and how to praise unconditionally, revealing a deeper connection with the divine.
Balancing the Deficit How do we began to “repay” Him for His works? Building a Rapport with Your God: Personal Relationship 101 presented by student-doctor John G. Smith CDMA At every stage of a process, you can control one thing: your behavior. #positive attitude is everything Thanks Jarrod. I respect you for being like G1, my friend. Presiding Polemarch of the Kappa Kappa ‘gucci’ Chpt. My Home Away From Home. Thanks for loving me just for me KK #unconditonal.
How did this idea come about? • This conversation started for me when I asked my mom a simple question. How do we began to “repay” God for all He does? First, she answered by telling me that it’s impossible, but she also began to show me how it could be “attempted”. She explained motive to me that day as well and said just because I have a desire to balance the deficit with God HE is pleased. The Motive. • So just by you opening up this power point to increase your spiritual knowledge about a relationship with God, He will bless your motive and reveal himself. Trust me he is not a shy guy, He loves to come around. • Proverbs 16:2 -- All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. ( NIV) • Proverbs 16:2 The Message : 2 Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good. SANDIFER
PSA • NO, I AM NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST; NO, I AM NOT THE ILLUMANITI; NO, I AM NOT THEMESSIAH • You Can Call me John, Gabe, J. Smith, Kaution (Yo!), Johhny B (for my hometown family), Jin (for R.C.S. 2016), Johnny (smirk), or my latest addition Dr. J.Smiff. Oh and on my really good days, I’ll even laugh if your decide to wear your farcical ‘hat’ and call me Pocahontas.. may • I JUST SIMPLY FOUND MY FRIEND. SHOULD I BE AFRAID? NO. WHY? BECAUSE GOD IS MY BI-TRANSLATIONAL BODY GUARD. THINK ABOUT IT IS ANYBODY REALLY GOING TO MESS WITH GOD? #swerveout. Just because you’re a “maniac” and fanatical about your passion doesn’t make you crazy. It makes you great. Thanks Bro for the example, much appreciated. Justin Sims, coordinator of the Team Focus, young entrepreneur and philanthropist.
2 Simple ways to Attempt to Balance the Deficit Unconditional Praise and Worship Your Relationship a. Prayer b. Faith kaseyg.jullietes.george.lum-nji.laytoya.b : cool young supportive doctors. #role models
Unconditional praise • Job’s Relationship: This is my all time favorite book of the Bible because it illustrates a great example of a true relationship with God. Everything was taken away from Job, his children, his reputation, his health, his wealth, his “ life” at the hands of his best friend, God which allowed it to be done by the Devil. This was a compliment in itself. Ill tell you why on the next slide. Think about it? How would you feel if you felt that your best friend was setting you out to be picked on by your worst enemy. It had to be confusing to Job but God’s track record kept him on the home team. We must remember although we are created in his image some things we can’t understand Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways Scriptures from the Message Translation that reveals his anguish : Job 6-8 “God, you’ve made me the talk of the town— people spit in my face; I can hardly see from crying so much; I’m nothing but skin and bones Job 12-14 If all I have to look forward to is a home in the graveyard, if my only hope for comfort is a well-built coffin, If a family reunion means going six feet under, and the only family that shows up is worms mr. Patrick is the reason I believed in job.love the lubangas .No matter what happened though he still had an intrinsic admiration for his God. TOOT-A-Ba
Unconditional Praise cont. When I read Job recently I searched through the passages to find if Job right out cursed God for these “ trials” and could not find any. It’s really amazing to look at the dynamic of God’s love for Job. Out of all the people in the world God allowed the Devil to test Job. Job 1:8 The Message Translation : God said to Satan, “Have you noticed my friend Job? There’s no one quite like him—honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil.” Its pretty simple peeps, if you want God to vouch for you give him a reason. Vic.Randy.Treymoe.Shymyra.J.Khiry.Miles.C.Calhoun.Matt.A.Roger.S.Trillian.Ladygaga.Nikiminaj.Nicole.P.Claytonc.Uche.A.B.Obama.Chase.Djdirtyvegas. > Kool Kids (W/ All Due Respect To The Pres Of The Country) #Risktakers
Job’s roster before/After • Before • 7 sons and 3 daughters; 7000 sheep;3000 camels;·500 pairs of oxen; 500 donkeys (small horses);· and many servants. • After the Process • 7 sons and 3 daughters 14 000 sheep;· 6000 camels;· 1000 pairs of oxen (large farm animals); 1000 donkeys (small horses). Because we are a vain society this called my attention. I’m sorry. He lost all of His children initially but God not only repaid the deficit but he one-uped Job. Job 42:15 The Message Translation:12-15 God blessed Job’s later life even more than his earlier life. He ended up with fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand teams of oxen, and one thousand donkeys. He also had seven sons and three daughters. You might think yeah man that’s the same set-up. He named the first daughter Jemimah, the second Keziah, and the third Keren-Happuch ,. There was not a woman in that country as beautiful as Job’s daughters. Their father treated them as equals with their brothers, providing the same inheritance. Imagine that the most beautiful women in the world lived under one roof: Beyonce, Kimmy K and Hallie Berry all in one household? #MYGOD I know it gets hard sometimes peeps but trust Him. Everything He allows is for our good: Jeremiah 29:11 The Message ; I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out ‘You just do you He gone do him. AYE’—makes me remember pastor mike. #joy all things in moderation, thanks tam bam
Everybody has a job Correlation • My Life: • He took one brother and blessed me with four line brothers • He allowed me to study medicine, since then He has given me the ability to help 7 more people with their application process. #Team Recruitment! • I don’t have the financial means to pay for school but in 3 months time I’ve been offered multiple scholarships • A true relationship has RESULTS • All this was made possible because I believed whenever I didn’t see any results. Why? Because His track record is unmatched. Lady K.West/Seq.N.Real
How to Become a Real Praiser? • Ways to Change your Praise Life: • It’s never to late to start. EVER. • Think about your trajectory with God • Sing and Resonate with your favorite hymn or song [ DOESN’T MATTER HOW IT SOUNDS] #motive • Any idle time can be used to focus on His greatness • Shower time • Walking to the metro/car • Lunch break • Study breaks • Another helpful hint is that I read the Message Translation. It’s the bible in 2012 language. Its really dope. It makes biblical concepts come alive. • Even songs that were intended for another purpose Kenny Lamar: I am a sinner who's probably gonna sin again.Lord forgive me, Lord forgive me.Things I don't understand. Sometimes I need to be ALONE.. PLEASE DON’T KILL MY VIBE PLZ DON’T KILL MY VIBE [ I am on an interstte, I can’t see straight, you can’t see straight, we cant see straight, but we see Him, and it is great! AYE’ -- it’s 2012 Fam, you relate to what you feel #motive -and reciting this with my classmates in Dupont Last night literally made God feel so comfortable that he decided to be –bmw- and not let me go to sleep to attempt to study but to really converse and chill. Thanks tho. Another simple concept: When you spend time with Him he’ll spend time with you, if you prioritize Him he will prioritize you. Nobody likes a friend that only spends time with them when they need something. Don’t be that friend to God. He doesn’t like it. Its annoying. “ This Is Your Life, You Better Live That Life Likes Its Yours. Living My Life Likes Its Golden’’---my Soul Sister J.Scott
Unconditional Praisecont. • Doesn’t it feel good to have friends that speak highly of you no matter what is going on, especially those friends that always look out? • The same should apply with your personal relationship to God. Because he has been so amazing and His track record is flawless when everything doesn’t go the way I would like it to go I still brag on Him and it would be insulting to behave otherwise. That is the heart of a true friend and the beauty of unconditional love. Be a real friend and love Him no matter the circumstance. It’s really easy to do because guess what? • Romans 8:28: And we know that in ALL things [ not just negative things not just positive things but ALL things. Wow. Sorry peeps me and G1 time] God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Why you just always bumping into people? I don’t know. Well let me pose a reason, every single morning I woke up on her couch she started and usually ended with a gospel pandora station. Thanks for being 2012 REAL. Much Love: Alana, aspiring actress
Your Relationship • Prayer: • I use to pray very vainly and did not even realize it. One day as I prayed God stopped me and basically instructed me to repeat the first 2 minutes of my prayer. I counted 15 I’s and I wondered why it felt like I was not getting heard?. SMH. In a relationship no one wants to be around someone that is always talking about themselves. The same applies with God • My dad changed my life when he told me to pick up one of his (1,000,000- as me and my brother called them ‘philosophy’ books- and the the first line of the book reads “ It’s not about YOU”!! [ Fam don’t feel bad just a week ago I didn’t have my side-kick that way we are now either and because I found my buddy; I want to make it easy for YOU to find yours. • #letsGROW • #NOJUDGEZONE One of my best friends taught me the importance of integrity and character. No matter what the circumstance, you uphold the person that God created you to be. #oneness Would you insult yourself? Lol. IP you missed out on a great human being. Hell, ill SKEWEE to that. Love ya. Suzi Turner, doctoral candidate for epidemiology. #MOTIVEMATTERS
Prayer cont. • Here is the secret: • The only true purpose of a blessing from God is to bless someone else. Nothing he gives us is for ourselves; its all about the promotion of His kingdom. • Ex 1: By the time I began preparing to get in medical school my mom taught me how to pray. I understood effective prayer. My prayer to get in was not about me but it was about God blessing me with the ability to study medicine to touch as many people as He would like me to touch. • Ex 2: When I pray about exam scores, I pray “ God you know what I need to make on this exam in order for you to get me to the place where you would like me to be in order to touch the lives you have entrusted and privileged me to bond with.” • Blessing Litmus Test: Would you be mad if someone else took the blessing or succeeded with your intentional motive? If so, its not a real blessing. yea I got bit by the #BHW bug. But anyway, Cynthia Bailey’s ability to stand up for the integrity of her ‘hood’ #NYC , is the reason I can stand up for #teamtylertownYurp.
Prayer cont. • The first time I prayed again the realization that I had not even asked for anything or required anything for the duration of the prayer automatically made me feel heard. Things began to shift in my life. Sometimes I just stop by to say thanks. A good way to get in the zone is to think about the worst thing you had to encounter in life and repeatedly recite thank-you being mindful of His contribution and his comradeship with getting you through it. Just to spend time with Him is all He really requires and it isn't hard when you began to understand and experience the perplexity of who He is. Remember peeps, it’s not about US. • One of my favorite classmates, Edward Brown described the true intent of a blessing when he described it as a ripple in a puddle of water. The initial rock is the blessing and God allows that to ripple out and touch others lives. It’s an amazing dynamic. #GLASSEDFEET • ‘ erebody get ya ripple on ere’bodyerebody get ya ripple on, AYE’ Peas&Pickles
Your Relationship • As I began to cultivate my relationship with God it helped when I viewed Him as one of my other friends. This is an accurate assessment because God said that we were created in His image. So we are like him meaning our human interactions are the same as our interactions with God. Relationships with people mirror your relationship with God. The rules of friendship apply to your relationship with God: • If you spend time with Him, he will spend time with you • If you give Him a reason to vouch for you. Guess what? He will. • It should be a balance, talk to God and be able to listen when he reveals himself • Create an ambiance so when he visits you, its His favorite place to reside • It’s crazy me and G1 actually our spot in the Library I’ve been hating since May. Corect me if I’m right, but it was a mutaul understanding. Its our ‘burning bush’. Our ‘view’ to glimpse at the parting seas.Our place to discover each other and talk about our progression. In the place , as we combated and I envisoned my wife I thought of ways we would have to add another person to the team. He is my knight and shining armour and I doest matter how it sounds.Guess What? He light our area before we arrived.shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh --- G1:Dr.Jsmiff Production • Time ---- • Place ---- Lol, seriously get aLight • Basically, give him a reason to call you friend. Think about your best friend, mother, or favorite person. Why can they relate to you and like to be in your space? Because you’ve given them reason. Why is it certain people that you don’t want to be around? Because they have given you reason. Same concept. ms. Ruby--she loved me justbecause. The realest kind. Thanks
Faith • When I began my application process for medical school my dad gave me mustard seeds and told me to look up Matthew 17:20 which reads: • “Because you’re not yet taking God seriously,” said Jesus. “The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.” THAT’S ALL HE REQUIRES PEEPS. IM DEFINITELY HAPPY HE IS ON THE HOME TEAM. ‘ truth just isn’t presumed its apart of your being, its develops the fiber of your integrity’ thanks student doctor Bennie’. much love
FAITHCONT. • Think about faith as action potential. It’s an all or nothing behavior. Either you trust Him or you don’t. There is no gray area or luke-warm activation. • Its really easy to put faith in a man that allows and uses individuals and situations to develop you and cultivate you into the person that He can use to affect the lives of others. I would be lying to tell you that its always easy because its not but what helps me is I take a look into my past and 9/8 that’s enough to totally consume me. He is an awesome friend to have.: REMEMBER: ALL things work together for the good. Not the negative stuff, not just the positive stuff. ALL things. That’s a very interesting dynamic. • A good friend of mine, UAB classmate and medical prospect Ashley M. Jones always describes faith by stating “ Why pray if your going to worry and why worry if your going to pray. Its retro-active. • Just remember its All or Nothing,Yall. • IT’S ALMOST OVER PEEPS THANKS FOR LISTENing MOTIVE [fam:WOoMODJ-CL-EEDEEDEED
A relationship matters • A very important concept me and my mom always discuss is the fact of change and time. Although we are here for a very short time there is a lot of time to change. One thing that puts change in perspective for me was when my Mom said: • “ Why would you keep beating a dead horse? Your guaranteed to know the outcome of a bad habit because you see the results. Try something different. If it kills you that much to positively change you can always go back to the old stuff.” • So I challenge you to invest in your relationship with God. If giving God time and space in your life is that bad you can always go back to not doing it because you know how that place feels. But trust me, the benefits of a great personal relationship is priceless. But don’t take my word for it. • #reading rainbow… .b
FYI • Its ( a personal relationship) worth it. Honestly, nothing positively effects the whole man [spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially] better than investing time with HIM.I know this only because I’ve seen it in my own life. If you want to know how to love someone else and enhance all of your personal relationships. Start with Him. “ when God spends time with you, share His revelations with someone else. There is healing in the communication of his greatness.” – Dad Just obeying AWGNMAE’
My Favorite Scripture The reason that I’LL always be prosperous and successful is because I follow the formula (thanks mom again).. lol.. Its not rocket science its REAL: • Joshua 1:8 And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.” • NOW THAT IS SOME FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! REALLY DOE’
MY admiration • I feel like this whole slide presentation is about myself but remember the MOTIVE people. 4 more minutes of your time…. mama Ghandi or simply Ma, but is probably best known by her thousands of students as Ms. Smith is one of my best friends. All my friends would like to steal her but guess WhaT. ‘LOOOK’. Right now the next contender but I love her. “just do it” But Guess What? God is the better.. honestly when people say my dad is the reason that I’m here its one-sided but in our case its specific. For the obvious reasons, but because he is a dynamic individual. He is from the same localized area that I’m from but he has ministered to literally thousands of individuals overseas. I saw his impact localized and amazingly internationally. “ just dream”. My relationship is much more. you know how they’re people born with the cool gene? Yeah my lil sister definitely was {side eye} ; but what I love about her is that she is mature enough already to realize that the inside matters. Her Stability. Her Ability to pull on the fibers of her mental framework is unmatched “ John, I hate you, no matter what you seem to be ok” my motive is to see everyone “ok” #desireofheart. Even at that though no offense Burt but I would rather much kick it with Him. my brother also had the cool gene and was ‘the’ example to follow. #southpoleking.. He would definitely be played now but somewhere along the path that me and my buddy follow I’ve to realize that my friend is THE WORLD’S example. “ you can learn something from anybody: what to do? what not to do? ‘ REVO/HIM/EDAM ‘
Light Switchers • - I Say It All The Time To Other People And You May Say This It’s Weird And Typical But Its About The #Motive • When I was 12 years old, I was watching a television show when with my mom and the lady said at each level and stage of the game feel it celebrate it but reach farther. – godmother ( i’m not a weirdo) I just pray our paths meet, it would be nice to fellowship.– O • me and my peers ( its still weird to say colleagues, lol.) Saw it like this. At each level of life. You should enjoy the image that success presents but always be mindful enough to realize it’s not over. Guess what the top place is with the best view THE place. • student doctors and awesome individuals. Brittney Williams, Daren Walters k.l., and Edward Brown ---once again it may seem off-put but #motive uncle Rus basically taught me the importance of stillness and how being mindful seeps into every area of your life. Not only was the practical technique of mediatation established but also LIFE’S GOLDEN KEY POINTS: separate yourself from the end result. The practice of needing NOTHING. The change in address and my all time favorite the truth that happiness is centered on the inside. All through Twitter. #thankful K.West-Taylor Swift: Their relationship emulated the love my buddy shows. ‘ love is a process TOLU m.D. RCS cert I appreciate my mentor for being the a-typical intelligent physician that I have had theprivelaage to learn from. Day 1: S&F “ everything will be fine, oh yeah it’s a priority to ‘borrow’ a ‘pair of gloves from a different classmate everyday. Life Savor. Her Roomate and Best Friend is all love too. #lifesavor S..D. Alice and C. Sears ‘How could you not be confident ? your made in His image. ‘ S.D. C. Sears ALMOST DONE!! THANKS FOR SITICKING AROUND. FKDOK
Light Switchers CONT. • Mr. AT, a local Tylertown celebrity, also altered the perception of myself and the outcome of acting to late. • ‘ honestly son, nobody really cares that much about what you do. Think about it? These people have lives and priorities. The only reason we think in side of ourselves is because we’re naturally vain.’ • ‘ leave Tylertown, I’ve been here 70+ years and I can guarantee you that its going to be the same stuff. I’ll even do you one better. I’ll be the guy that catches you up’ • --- love is absent from time and generation • “ love is limitless”- m.angelou • My Fraternity brother revealed God’s relate-ability when he understandingly explained that in Life we all go through things and somebody story is always worse. • --Wilton Murphy KK 2K4, radio host • My Aunts in Tylertown are authors. You want to know how I know for sure? Because they behaved as such when they had everything and when they lost it ALL. But because the only thing God judges is #motive and because #passion was real. Time is in-magnitudinal ( come on webster? Please) . • Motive Litmus Test: Has it changed? True motives don’t change people do. • -- All G:1 our visits are priceless #thankful KODKF
Light Switchers cont. • My personal development teacher shook me up one day my sophomore year of highschool when she said, • ‘ if you don’t like your personality change it’ • #forcedchange • So that day I immersed myself in the new phenomenon called peer pressure. #BTD #PositvePeer-Pressure • Was I awkward? Yurp. Am I still awkward? Pretty Much. Does it matter now? .. . ….. . Did my friend show up? A lil late but something about Him when she shows up late HE is so great no ever scolds Him about time. Ill tell you why time is dimensionless and in-magnitudinal ( new word. Webster? Maybe not) in the SE-equation coming up. How did he become a tangible support system? When I gave him a reason to come visit. • Your relationship with God is mirror image of your relationship with people. Are you in good hands? #allstate • One of my besfriends taught me the importance of payer and how at our most vulnerable places God is sometimes still and quiet for 6 months or more just to arrive in perfect timing. And that’s oK. He’s God. He can do whatever He wants . Love yall Cam and Brooke. Thanks for living the light and changing my course. KOFDK
Light Switchers Cont. • My Excellence Builders: • Mrs. Alice, family friend and church leader • ‘ I aint taking nothing less than a 30’ • Grant it I didn’t obtain that but If God wouldn’t have used her to be ‘transparent’ and expect nothing lesss than excellence I could have made worse • The Star/Sky Theory: Shoot For The Sky And You May Land On A Star • Mr. Sowell, band director • ‘ if your early your on time if your on time you on late • ‘ the only thing were getting close to the mark matters are handgranedes and horse-shoes. Jelaina Scott, good friend and medical prospect ‘Just cause you’ve ‘made’it doesn’t mean anything. We cant be friends if you don’t go to class’ Thanks ChimpMunk 2 Mrs. Renee, one of my dad’s favorite project facilators ‘ we don’t leave here until its done, #globalconferences ‘ Sean ‘ Diddy’ Combs, a generational mogul ‘ sleep? ‘ Condelizza Rice, secretary of state ‘ at every point or level in my life, I could have been better’ Dr. B, - my English professor that refuse to allow bad writing habits. I hope I didn’t embarrass you or the class. lol Dr. Rai,& Dr Ghazvinna -I know that I’ve just started the process and know nothing at all and I am reminded daily ( my favorite part) but I appreciate your dedication to precision and accuracy. It matters. #cardiobeast - Fellow in the Cardio Clinic at Howard University (preceptorship) ’Stand, your a student’ MM3BIFADKOK
Light Switchers cont. • For some reason Bob Marley always resonated with me because his relationship was apparent in the complexity and the relevance of his music #results. Much love my soul bro. • ‘ look on the inside are you happy with the life you living? #inside #desireofheart • ‘ one thing about music is you feel no pain’ #results • My choir director, really allowed me to become acquainted with God’s behavior by the way she forgave me after three missed practices with no excuses. She scolded me with love. And Guess what? I’m still burning. Whenever God showed me this behavior I was already familiar. #lightshine #HUCMchior • When public figures remember their light and true intent of influence it breaks yokes. Thanks T.D. Jakes for that ‘yolk-breaking’ letter at my brothers funeral. Ill never forget it. #lightshin • My best friend/best man originally from Tylertown re-inforcedm. angelou idea that love was limitless. People as bright as that really set the pace of this World. Thanks for being my hometown brother. • Prix---- >> G1 • ----a true friend sticks around no matter what stage academic achievement or conditon. myFather’sLove • Much love to you and my favorite Tylertown family, ( I’ll definitely get in trouble about this) the Smith’s . They took a developing man in and showed me true unconditional love. That’s why it really wasn’t hard adding another person on my team. • The Kardashians showed me how true unconditional and sometimes uncomeprehendible love operated. No mater what: divorced, married, w/child, w/out child, God loves us and its unconditional in every aspect and at every stage. Thanks • My baseball coach, #FERNWOOD • ‘ team work make the dream work’ • DMB
#whyalbertEInsteinmadtho • As humans we are taught that the more energy you put into something the more product you obtain. What if I told you spiritual energy is different? How? • Spiritual Energy is directional and time is non-factor. So if its opposite than the energy dogma that means the More energy you put in the less results or vice versa. Remember though Spiritual Energy is directional. • #oldconcept/newrevelation • I tried to get excited when God reveal this to me at 5:30 one morning last week but I couldn’t cause he checked me. A good friend forces you to become accountable for crazy ideas: ( vanity) . Basically don’t get excited or too pressed over anything. • Ecclesiastes 1:9 Message Translation • What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. • our relationship > #mu-wont
#sohemad? • If you place your {se} spiritual energy in the right place then ‘walla MAJIX’ more product. • Equation: • se= e ( energy input) x { relationship with God} = ABUNDANT LIFE • se=spiritual energy, e=energy input • Application: So basically it means that you can exert less energy by focusing your faith into one entity and because He is your friend HE will perpetuate your influence because you prioritized Him. #ripples • I’m at a stage in my life that I want to create an atmosphere so that he feels 100% comfortable. Whatever I have to sacrifice or whatever I have to lose I’m always gone hit him up before anybody else. I’m always gone pull His chair out first because when you pull His chair out and look back there are a room full of pulled out chairs ready to be filled and seated. All you did was exerted a small amount of energy and did something simple: looked out for your friend. #myGod #SE-equation ‘ because l.hill is transparent I can be too’
Faith Algorithm/conversation • Why has God shown up tangibly in my life? Because I prioritized Him. How? By always putting Him before myself and talking about his impartations wherever I go. Is it easy? Yurp. How? Start by just resonating your favorite song and thinking about His track record. What do you do if you don’t like church songs? If spending time with Him is that important you’ll comprise and listen to whatever music allows Him to come in and take His shoes off. This seems like a lot though? Where do I began? When you walk to the metro/car mindfully be intune with the fact that wherever you go He wants to go. If you leave Him at home and think you going out? You’ll never have as much fun. #teamturnUP mina? jin aint cray #juesusfreaktho #sueme did I answer your ques bro?
G.1. & Dr. J. Smiff • brought to you by G.1& Dr.Jsmiff Productions. Its crazy what one day of giving him Energy does for your life. #se-equation. it’s a beautiful journey. From the portable car-washing business to becoming a scientist of shoe style and repair. I respect his hustle because from his work-ethic I learned mine.Bro its not your fault the ladies love you. Your light just shining, we’ll both learn to dim when necessary. Love you bro. Alvin Miller, prospective ‘hustler/mogul’ #jennyfromtheblock
‘Just Dream’ Don’t get it twisted Dr. Oz is one of the coolest guys and doctors around but because I believed in the stimulation of a tangible dream is the reason that we really meet. Simple. Thanks Dr. Oz for allowing me and G.1. to work out our kinks. my relationship> --kloso.styles.j.stall.anthony.rick.JAMES..lol..leah.califoriKatin.jasmine :-] Youngsters came on campus and kilt it. Why? cool=secureidentity. Thanks. Much Love
Next? • My godmother ( im not a weirdo) taught me that there is always a next step. So LET’S PAY IT FORWARD. I triple dogg dare ya , ( ok that was lil too much) challenge you, spend time and implement these easy practical things into your daily life and mindfully be aware of His realness in your life. Your interaction with Him is like that with real people. Same Rules. Make your Personal Relationship intimate and lasting. Send it to me if you would like and I would love to learn from your dialogue; if not that’s cool I definitely understand that too. Ill share it if permitted. Thanks for your time. • Hope something resonated. Lets learn from each other. It’s 2012 peeps, if you aint got no relationship with our buddy, I cant trust ya, still love you tho. Face It: Without having a ride/die or somebody that can really vouch for you then your really not #teamturnUP #badbish. In my life, I’ve figured that truthfully I’m #nothing without the intimacy of a real relationship. Thanks again peeps. #BTDMOVEMENT
‘ right now at this point in my life I cant give you anything financial but what I can give you is something that will sustain you for generations to come, something that my grandmother and that your great-grandkids will foster and that’s a true admiration for my friend, your friend, God.’ --- ma • #nowthatsaBAGOFMONEY With love and true motive LOVE can handle and grow us together. I thank God for my brother IssacOneal personal relationship, student doctor HUCM, awesome person and great friend and my best friend that I know God placed in my life. #interviewbuddy #sister Brit Brat. I appreciate your ability to teach me the variances of God’s influence in our lives. #icandigg your #introvertedspritman#rob.s. tavarius GODBOLT #Tbolt #whatthe-ukdogg