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Sustainability Tools

Sustainability Tools. Amanda Gallagher, BRE Ireland, Dublin. Contents. Sustainability Tools Developments & Masterplans Buildings Energy Materials Waste Post Occupancy Evaluation. Sustainability Issues in the Built Environment. Site Selection. Planning & Design. Construction.

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Sustainability Tools

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  1. Sustainability Tools Amanda Gallagher, BRE Ireland, Dublin

  2. Contents Sustainability Tools • Developments & Masterplans • Buildings • Energy • Materials • Waste • Post Occupancy Evaluation

  3. Sustainability Issues in the Built Environment Site Selection Planning & Design Construction Building Operation Demolition Greenfield or Brownfield Site Impact on Natural Habitat Existing infrastructure (roads/energy/transport networks) Proximity to amenities and populated areas Economic centres/creation of jobs Probability of Flooding Noise Assessment Stakeholder Consultation Orientation Low Carbon Design Placemaking & Community Water Conservation Life Cycle Costing Fitness for Purpose Lighting Heating Ventilation Infrastructure Travel Plans Material Specification Site Ecology & Landscape Design Flood Risk Prevention Polluting Chemicals and Substances • Construction Site Impacts • Site Waste Management • Energy & Water Use • Transport Emissions • Dust & Pollution • Considerate Constructors • Sustainable Materials • Recycled Aggregates • Local Labour/Workforce Commissioning and Building Handover Building User Guide Energy Use Water Use Maintainability Durability User Controls Occupant Satisfaction Occupant Productivity (non domestic buildings) Acoustic Performance Recyclable Materials Demolition Audits Disposal of Materials Avoiding obsolescence Flexibility Hazardous Materials

  4. Why do we need specific guidance on sustainability? • Definitions are not always that helpful in practice: • Sustainable buildings definition (SBTG): “…as small an eco-footprint as possible, economic to run over its whole life cycle and fits well with the needs of the local community” • Need to define what you want to achieve in your context • Education, training and awareness raising • Means of assessing design options and applications • Level playing field for developers • Showing the future direction of policy

  5. How can sustainability tools help? • Developers / architects / design teams: • What is the range of issues to consider? • How are they linked together? • What standards and advice are out there? • What might decision makers expect? • What does good practice look like – marketing opportunities? • How can I do more – simple “wins”? • What might I have to consider in the future?

  6. Sustainability Assessment Tools Development

  7. Tools • Masterplanning/Developments • Sustainability Checklists • Greenprint • BREEAM Communities • Buildings • BREEAM/Code for Sustainable Homes • LEED/Greenstar • Energy (SBEM/SAP, PHPP etc. etc.) • Environmental Design and Life Cycle Assessment Tool (ENVEST) • Materials (Environmental Profiles & Green Guide to Specification) • Construction site waste (Smart Waste) • Post Occupancy Evaluation

  8. Sustainability in Masterplans & Developments. • Sustainability Checklists for Developments • Greenprint • BREEAM Communities

  9. What can Sustainability Checklists cover? • Site choice • Greenfield, destruction of natural habitat • Development design and layout • Regional Sustainability Checklists / Climate Change Tool kits / DQIs • Individual building performance • BREEAM / Ecohomes • Elements of construction process • ICE Demolition Protocol • Procurement • The OGC Achieving Excellence Procurement Guide • Post-build operation and management • BRE/Carbon Trust / EST guides … and any combination!

  10. Scored sustainability checklist - question:

  11. What we have learned in other work: • Checklists are an increasingly common approach. • SEEDA/BRE regional checklist recognised as part of the Sustainable Communities agenda – Egan Commission and SBTG recommended that it should be rolled out to all regions in England (extensive tailoring now underway in each region). • Developers will not fill them in unless required to – must be a level playing field. • Need to quantify what you want – or specify a process. Ecobuild conference reiterated this from both architects and developers. Level playing field issue again. • Minimum, good and best practice scoring enable higher standards to be easily specified for more sensitive sites.

  12. GreenPrint - Bringing it all together Climate Change Buildings Resources Community Transport Placemaking Ecology Business

  13. What is GreenPrint? • Methodology to maximise the potential for sustainable communities • Workshop led approach involving the whole stakeholder team • Bespoke – can be tailored to individual client needs • Sets out clear understandable sustainability objectives and benchmarks • Prioritises sustainability issues most important to a development • Independent appraisal of final plans • Provides an overall GreenPrint Score and Rating

  14. BREEAM Communities • Similar to Greenprint but ‘fixed’ criteria. Not Bespoke • Awarded a BREEAM Rating and certified by the BREEAM Office. • Planning tool for developers and local authorities. • Measures: - • Climate Change & Energy • Community • Placemaking • Buildings • Transport and movement • Ecology • Resources • Business

  15. Buildings • BREEAM • Code for Sustainable Homes • LEED • Greenstar

  16. What is BREEAM? • BRE Environmental Assessment Method • Certification scheme • Measure of sustainability • Independent & credible • Holistic • Customer focused • Credits and evidence based

  17. Health and Wellbeing • Transport • Materials • Waste • Pollution BREEAM Categories • Management • Energy • Water • Land Use and Ecology

  18. Management • Health and Wellbeing • Energy • Transport • Water • Materials • Waste • Land Use and Ecology • Pollution Assessment Issues Single Score Environmental Weightings Category Scores Scoring BREEAM Score PASS 30% GOOD 45% VERY GOOD 55% EXCELLENT 70% OUTSTANDING 85%

  19. Mandatory Credits (Minimum Standards) • Aims: • To avoid that a building achieves an Excellent rating, but does not achieve compliance with straightforward BREEAM issues e.g. storage of recyclable waste or installation of a water meter. • Comparability across different schemes and BREEAM buildings • The higher the BREEAM rating the more mandatory requirements there are and progressively harder they become.

  20. Innovation Credits • Additional recognition for ‘innovation in the field of sustainable performance’, above and beyond what is currently recognised and rewarded in BREEAM • Two ways of obtaining Innovation Credits: • By meeting exemplary level performancerequirements for an existing BREEAM issue • Where an application is made to BRE Global to have a particular building feature or process recognised as ‘innovative’

  21. BREEAM 2008 2008 BREEAM Manuals available on the BREEAM Website http://www.breeam.org

  22. Code for Sustainable Homes • The Code for Sustainable Homes is an environmental assessment method for rating and certifying the performance of new homes • Assessment is a two stage process – design and post construction • The Code provides an all-round measure of sustainability against nine categories of sustainable design • A Code rating became mandatory for all new build homes from 1st May 2008 and has been operational in England since April 2007 • A code assessment results in a rating of between 1 and 6 and a certificate is provided with the dwelling • Non-assessed dwellings will be accompanied by a nil-rated certificate

  23. Mandatory Performance Levels • The Code covers nine categories of sustainable design • Energy/CO2 • Water • Materials • Surface Water Runoff • Waste • Pollution • Health and Wellbeing • Management • Ecology • Six of these contain mandatory performance levels • Energy and Water have increasing minimum standards for each Code level

  24. Mandatory Performance Standards • Entry Level requirements for: • Energy • Water • Materials • Surface Water run-off • Waste Failure to meet the mandatory requirements will result in a zero rating

  25. BREEAM International UK Rep. Ireland The Netherlands Denmark Poland Norway Turkey Iceland Romania Spain Sweden Israel Abu Dhabi Algiers Dubai • Czech Republic • France • Germany • Hungary • Italy • Luxembourg • Lebanon • Malaysia • Morocco • Belgium • Switzerland • Philippines • Poland • Qatar • Romania • USA

  26. LEED • US Green Building Council • Green Building Certification Scheme • Credit based Assessment Method • Awards performance in • Sustainable Sites • Water Efficiency • Energy & Atmosphere • Materials & Resources • Indoor Environmental Quality • Locations & Linkages • Awareness & Education • Innovation in Design • Regional Priority

  27. Greenstar • Green Building Council Australia (GBCA) • Environmental Rating System for Buildings in Australia • Measures: - • Management • Indoor Environment Quality • Energy • Transport • Water • Materials • Land Use & Ecology • Emissions • Innovation

  28. Energy • SBEM • SAP • Passive House Planning Package (PHPP)

  29. SBEM

  30. SAP

  31. PassivHaus – the technical definition • The design heat load is limited to the load that can be transported by the minimum required ventilation air 10 W/m2 heating load calculation is quite simple: 1 m³/(m²h) × 30 °C × 0.33 Wh/(m³K) = 10 W/m² minimum ventilation rate of 0.4 ac/h is required for indoor air quality, that results in at least 1 m³/(m²h) being delivered by the ventilation system maximum heat input provided via the fresh incoming air specific heat capacity of the air

  32. Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP)

  33. ENVEST 2 • Environmental Design & Life Cycle Assessment Tool • Whole Life Costing • Environmental Design Vs Financial Impact • Predicts Environmental Impact • Materials • Heating • Cooling • Building Operation

  34. Materials : Measuring environmental impact LCA LCA materials Element selection Guide Building Environmental Assessment method

  35. SMARTWaste • Waste benchmarking • Waste reduction • Pre-demolition audit • Reuse and recycling site locator • Related training, consultancy and guidance

  36. Post Occupancy Evaluation – Measuring Sustainability Post Construction Energy, water and sustainability audits • Monitoring and recording consumption levels to allow benchmarking BREEAM assessments • Determining if design stage commitments have been made Design Quality Method • Evaluating architecture, environmental engineering, user comfort, whole life costs, detail design and user satisfaction Occupant experience • Questionnaires, focus groups and interviews to examine how the occupants interact with the building Financial analysis • Cost benefit analysis

  37. Further Information • South East of England Development Agency Example Checklist on line - http://www.sustainability-checklist.co.uk/index-17.htm • BREEAM and Ecohomes www.breeam.org/ • Regional Sustainablity Checklist for developments www.wwf.org.uk/filelibrary/pdf/regsust_checklist.pdf

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