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dealing w/ the past. ( r e) k onstruksi s ejarah, m emori k olektif, (k omisi ) k ebenaran, ( i m) p unitas, r ekonsiliasi. psp ’08 menggugat!. apa / siapa yang ingin anda gugat? mengapa anda ingin menggugatnya?
dealing w/ the past (re)konstruksi sejarah, memori kolektif, (komisi)kebenaran, (im)punitas, rekonsiliasi
psp ’08 menggugat! • apa / siapa yang ingin anda gugat? • mengapa anda ingin menggugatnya? • langkah, penyelesaian, kebijakan, atau hukuman apa yang menurut anda tepat diterapkan sehubungan dengan permasalahan atau aktor yang anda gugat?
immanuel wallerstein, in “writing history”: To remember and to forget, to keep secrets or expose them to public glare, is to advocate and refute. It is a scientific, scholarly decision. It is a political decision. It is a moral decision.
kebenaran • factual/forensic: obtained through reliable, impartial, objective procedures/measurements; reduce the number of lies that can be circulated unchallenged in public discourse • personal/narrative: the truth of victims telling their stories; insights into pain; restoring memory • social/dialogue: transcend the divisions of the past by listening carefully to the complex motives and perspectives of all those involved; basis for affirming human dignity and integrity • healing/restorative: places facts and what they mean within the context of human relationships, both amongst citizens and between the state and its citizens; not merely about knowledge but about acknowledgment: "Acknowledgment is an affirmation that a person's pain is real and worthy of attention. It is thus central to the restoration of the dignity of victims.“
kebenaran factual/forensic personal/narrative social/dialogue healing/restorative mana yang paling penting? mana yang harus menjadi fokus komisi kebenaran/media/sejarahwan/aparat negara? mana/seberapa banyak yang perlu diungkap ke publik, serta kapan? bagaimana mengkombinasikannya?
exculpatory factor reparation/restitution apology/forgiveness theological/penitence judicial/punishment codependent organisation/ karma historical/truth commission theatrical/reliving joint sorrow/healing joint reconstruction joint conflict resolution ho’ o pono pono reconciliation after violence(johan galtung, conflict transformation by peaceful means, p. 176)
hot topics • punitive system: membuat sadar, membuat jera, melegakan korban, memperbaiki hubungan korban-pelaku, deterrence, rasa keadilan, HAM, extra-ordinary crime • Impunity: how far do you go? keadilan vs stabilitas, enough is enough • public apology: siapa, kapan, social political ramifications • compensation: bentuk, rasa keadilan, who pays? • history reconstruction: oleh siapa? versi siapa? kapan? sejauh apa? • retributive vs restorative justice • human rights vs conflict resolution approach
hola regina! • guatemala, 1974, kelas menengah, seniwati: poet & body artist • ‘’…a mortal conquest, the maltreatment of indigenous villages and the negation of their rights throughout our entire history, the Gringo intervention, an infernal 36-year war, evil governments, spine-chilling levels of corruption, a murderous army, histories of violence that are a daily nightmare of inequality, hunger, misery…’’
“who can erase the traces?” 2003 • jejak darah manusia dari MA ke istana • Efrain Rios Montt, penjahat HAM, ketua konggres, calon presiden
“I say that these efforts were necessary, because Guatemala is a country without memory. The people, with little access to education, are easy to mislead with promises and the little gifts that politicians hand out during election campaigns. The official party, to which Ríos Montt belonged and belongs, made a huge effort and had all the power to reach the Guatemalan minorities, who had difficulty connecting the actual Ríos Montt (the presidential candidate) to the past dictator-president who was guilty of the greatest crimes against their own people, their own blood. Every effort was necessary, any help at all, it was all needed to shout out the truth, by whatever means.”
1999: lo voy a gritar al viento no one listens to a women
tingkat femicide di guatemala 1 tahun = di ciudad juarez 10 tahun
sebelum mati, mereka disiksa, diperkosa, dimutilasi, dll 256 whip censor?
breaking the silence: operasi plastik, operasi hymen, buta, gips, pembantu, dll
pameran dan penghargaan dari banyak komunitas seni • “… art does not save the world, it saves me… it is a question of survival, it is a matter of resistance…”
All alone, staring onWatching her life go byWhen her days are greyAnd her nights are blackDifferent shades of mundaneAnd the one eyed furry toyThat lies upon the bedHas often heard her cryAnd heard her whisper out a nameLong forgiven, but not forgottenYou're forgiven not forgotten (3x)You're not forgottenA bleeding heart torn apartLeft on an icy graveIn the room where they once layFace to faceNothing could get in their way But now the memories of the man are haunting her daysAnd the craving never fadesShe's still dreaming of a manLong forgiven, but not forgotten You're forgiven not forgotten (3X) You're not forgottenStill alone, staring onWishing her life goodbyeAs she goes searching for the manLong forgiven, but not forgottenYou're forgiven not forgotten (8x) You're not forgotten (2X)No, You're not forgotten forgiven, not forgotten