5. Institutional Arrangements CoJ EPWP Steering Committee
8. CoJ Expanded Public Works Programme Policy Objectives
To create short term jobs for the unemployed within local communities through inter alia; the implementation of labour-intensive infrastructure projects;
To develop skills within communities through on-the-job and / or accredited training of workers and thereby developing sustainable capacity within communities;
To capacitate SMMEs and emerging contractors within local communities by facilitating the transfer of sustainable technical, managerial and financial skills through an appropriate Learnership Programme; and
To maximize the percentage of the CoJs annual budget spent and retained within local communities by promoting the procurement of goods and services from local manufactures, suppliers and service providers.
10. Operational Framework/Sector Plans (Social, Environment & Infrastructure)
Identifies priority areas to be targeted and new programme, for example:
IJozi Ihlomile
Tourist Ambassadors
Reduction of Domestic Air Pollution (Imbawula)
Zakheni-Ikageng (Waste removal)
June 16 Trail
Bus Rapid Transit (Rea Vaya)
26. Thank YouJason Ngobeni Lulama NdlovuExecutive Director Programme ManagerDepartment of Economic Development Department of Economic Development(011) 703 5260 (011) 989 8011jasonn@joburg.org.za lulamaNd@jobug.org.za