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Focus on the goal. Voc. Unit 5 Ms. B. Wulchak. Vocabulary Unit 5 . By Corey Graves 2009 Revised 2010. Acuity (n.). Sharpness (particularly of the mind or senses) Synonyms: keenness, acuteness Antonyms: dullness, obtuseness I read the eye chart so the doctor could
Vocabulary Unit 5 By Corey Graves 2009 Revised 2010
Acuity (n.) Sharpness (particularly of the mind or senses) Synonyms: keenness, acuteness Antonyms: dullness, obtuseness I read the eye chart so the doctor could determine my visual acuity.
Delineate (v.) • To portray, sketch, or describe in accurate and vivid detail; to represent pictorially • Synonyms: depict, picture, render • She clearly delineated how to number the test paper’s answer sheet. • The handbook delineates the school rules.
Depraved (adj.) • Marked by evil and corruption, devoid of moral principles • Synonyms: perverted, degenerate, vicious, corrupt • There are 17 known victims of depraved serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. He was sentenced in 1992 to 957 yrs., but was beaten to death in prison.
Enervate (v.) • To weaken or lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor of • Synonyms: impair, cripple, paralyze • Antonyms: invigorate, strengthen, buttress • The boy was enervated by catching chicken pox.
Esoteric (adj.) • Intended for or understood by only a select few; private, secret • Synonyms: occult, cryptic, arcane, recondite • Antonyms: accessible, comprehensible, intelligible • Only a select group will appreciate the esoteric subject of philosophy, which studies existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind, and language.
Fecund (adj.) • Fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive. • Synonyms: fertile, teeming, prolific • Antonyms: infertile, barren, unproductive • His mind is so fecund that it is hard to know what he will come up with next.
Fiat (n.) • An arbitrary order or decree; a command or act of will or consciousness • Synonyms: edict, dictum, ukase • The Soviet-Eastern Bloc countries have rejected government by fiatand are moving toward democratic rule.
Figment (n.) • A fabrication of the mind; an arbitrary notion • Synonyms: creation, invention, fancy • A highway mirage is classified as an inferior mirage which can be seen very commonly on roadways by day or by night. Is it a figment of your imagination?
Garner (v.) • To acquire as the result of effort; to gather and store away, as for future use. • Synonyms: collect, accumulate, accrue • Antonyms: scatter, squander, waste, dissipate • Garner all the experience and knowledge you can while you’re young.
Hallow (v.) • To set apart as holy or sacred, sanctify, consecrate; to honor greatly, revere • Synonyms: venerate, bless • Antonyms: desecrate, defile, profane • President Lincoln set the battlefield of Gettysburg, PA, apart to be hallowed ground for the brave men who died so that our nation would remain whole.
Idiosyncrasy (n.) • A peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify. • Synonyms: eccentricity, quirk, mannerism • His idiosyncrasy is wanting to live in an oddly remote and dangerous place.
Ignominy (n.) • Shame and disgrace • Synonyms: dishonor, humiliation, disrepute, odium • Antonyms: honor, glory, acclaim • When famous people act inappropriately, they suffer the public ignominyof becoming headline news. Sanford’s Affair Revives Old Question: Are Male Politicians More Prone to Infidelity?
Mundane (adj.) • Earthly, worldly, relating to practical and material affairs; concerned with what is ordinary. • Synonyms: prosaic, humdrum, routine, sublunary • Antonyms: heavenly, unworldly, spiritual, transcendental • Rather than choosing to go to the Prom, we chose the mundane type of date— dinner and a movie.
Nuance (n.) • A subtle or slight variation ( as in color, meaning, quality), delicate gradation or shade of difference. • Synonyms: shade, nicety, refinement • We can detect just a nuance of difference in the shades of colors.
Overweening (adj.) • Conceited, presumptuous; excessive, immoderate • Synonyms: arrogant, unbridled, inflated, overbearing • Antonyms: restrained, understated, modest, meek • When someone is just driving you crazy with their overweening arrogance, you might ask them, very politely, "May I ask how you became such an expert on this subject? Did you study? Did you learn this from having a bad experience?"
Penchant (n.) • A strong attraction or inclination, tendency • Synonyms: proclivity, propensity, predilection • Antonyms: disinclination, aversion • Last night I was telling a joke, and I really put my foot in my mouth. I have a penchant for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
According to reputation or general belief; having widespread acceptance and good reputation; (part.) alleged Synonyms: putative, supposed Antonyms: proven, corroborated, authenticated It is reputed that he was the head of the world’s largest drug cartel. Reputed (adj.) CNN reports top drug trafficker Beltran Leyva killed
Sophistry (n.) • (n.) clever, but unsound reasoning that seems plausible; a fallacy • Synonym: specious reasoning meant to mislead • A Dept. of the Interior policy that will let loose the chain saws of the timber corporations upon our national forests is dubbed “healthy forests.” Another policy which allows increased power plant emissions into the atmosphere is called the “Clear Skies Initiative.”
Sumptuous (adj.) • Costly, rich, magnificent • Synonyms: lavish, munificent, opulent, splendid • Antonyms: skimpy, meager, stingy • We stayed in a sumptuous condo for the week.
Ubiquitous (adj.) • Present or existing everywhere • Synonyms: omnipresent, pervasive, universal • Antonyms: restricted, limited, rare, scarce • Billboards and signs are ubiquitous. • A quote of Ogden Nash: I think that I shall never seeA billboard lovely as a tree.Perhaps, unless the billboards fall,I’ll never see a tree at all. • http://blog.allthedumbthings.com/2009/04/
Emend (v.) (add-on) • To correct, revise • LOCAL WEATHER Tonight’s forecast: Cloudy with a chance of rain. Highs 55 to 60. Precipitation:None One year ago today: High 51. Low 35. Record high: 86 (1957). Record low: 23 (1956). Sunset today: 7:55 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow: None. As seen on Jay Leno’s Headline News-- (Oh, no!!)
Malediction (n.) (add-on) • (n. often pl.) An expression of hatred, a curse • Synonyms: slander, defamation, denunciation, ill wishes • During the Middle Ages, the cruel maledictions brought by inquisitions and crusades persecuted religions and beliefs of those living in Europe.