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Practice: Constructing a Learning Objective. Divide chart paper into 4 sections; list everything you recall that goes in each of the four boxes. When completed, compare with two other tables. (6 minutes). . . . 1. 4. 3. 2. Practice: Constructing a Learning Objective. Page 77For the Learning O
1. Unpacking the Frameworks Lisa Carter Video
Constructing a
Learning Objective
Z Chart
(Pages 76-78) We’ve never really provided the training and follow-up with support on how to write behavioral objectives – learning objectives. Teachers are doing the best they know how to do.
If we want to change what the teachers do…we have to change what they know….this z chart will give them an understanding on how to construct a learning objective. That is what this next piece is!
Show video.We’ve never really provided the training and follow-up with support on how to write behavioral objectives – learning objectives. Teachers are doing the best they know how to do.
If we want to change what the teachers do…we have to change what they know….this z chart will give them an understanding on how to construct a learning objective. That is what this next piece is!
Show video.
2. Practice: Constructing a Learning Objective Divide chart paper into 4 sections; list everything you recall that goes in each of the four boxes. When completed, compare with two other tables. (6 minutes) Blooms translates into writing clear learning goals for students….the box…cut into four sections….every objective has 4 major sections….behavior and a learning from being very general to becoming specific
Bx 1 General Behavior- thinking box-at what level do I want my students thinking – only words in box one are blooms words
Bx 2 General Learning – Unit/Strand…broader area with the course area…mammals…government…fraction…comprehension
Bx 3 Specific Behavior – “doing” box…what do I want my students doing that show what they are thinking…..VERBS only – when students “do the verb” it shows they can do it at the appropriate level
Bx 4 Specific Learning – specific content within the strand – what about __fractions___ are students to know, understand, apply
Z chart – goes from Bx 1>2>3>4…..if Bx 1 changes then so must the verb in Bx 3…box 4 learning won’t change…the level of thinking will
Ex The learner will demonstrate their knowledge of mammals by listing 5 characteristics of mammals.
When Box 1 changes…Box 3 must change! Boxes 2 and 4 remain constant.Blooms translates into writing clear learning goals for students….the box…cut into four sections….every objective has 4 major sections….behavior and a learning from being very general to becoming specific
Bx 1 General Behavior- thinking box-at what level do I want my students thinking – only words in box one are blooms words
Bx 2 General Learning – Unit/Strand…broader area with the course area…mammals…government…fraction…comprehension
Bx 3 Specific Behavior – “doing” box…what do I want my students doing that show what they are thinking…..VERBS only – when students “do the verb” it shows they can do it at the appropriate level
Bx 4 Specific Learning – specific content within the strand – what about __fractions___ are students to know, understand, apply
Z chart – goes from Bx 1>2>3>4…..if Bx 1 changes then so must the verb in Bx 3…box 4 learning won’t change…the level of thinking will
Ex The learner will demonstrate their knowledge of mammals by listing 5 characteristics of mammals.
When Box 1 changes…Box 3 must change! Boxes 2 and 4 remain constant.
3. Practice: Constructing a Learning Objective Page 77
For the Learning Objectives listed on this page, write (on large chart paper) in Z-square format, the corresponding word/phrase in each of the 4 boxes.
(5 minutes)
Check your work!
Compare to table next to you.
Questions? Uses the Learning Objective page from Lisa’s handout.
Bx 1 Synthesis Bx 2Nutrition Bx 3 Design Bx 4 Well balanced meal
Do the same thing for each one listed
Note the one that reads “Create a model of the solar system”…what did everyone put in boxes 1 & 3?
Discussion that you can’t always just go by the verb…
Talk about if there were any differences…….box two…is broad so it is interpreted differently…nutrition could be health or science
Q differences in box one or three….solar system – knowledge…based on ordering planets versus know anything about it…just replicating?
Can’t just go by the “verb” but must look at the rest of the objective to determine the level of blooms!
It’s not about who is right; it’s about the teachers looking at the frameworks/verbs and having discussions like this…to create a deeper understanding of what our students are to learn and the complexity to which they are to learn it.
Uses the Learning Objective page from Lisa’s handout.
Bx 1 Synthesis Bx 2Nutrition Bx 3 Design Bx 4 Well balanced meal
Do the same thing for each one listed
Note the one that reads “Create a model of the solar system”…what did everyone put in boxes 1 & 3?
Discussion that you can’t always just go by the verb…
Talk about if there were any differences…….box two…is broad so it is interpreted differently…nutrition could be health or science
Q differences in box one or three….solar system – knowledge…based on ordering planets versus know anything about it…just replicating?
Can’t just go by the “verb” but must look at the rest of the objective to determine the level of blooms!
It’s not about who is right; it’s about the teachers looking at the frameworks/verbs and having discussions like this…to create a deeper understanding of what our students are to learn and the complexity to which they are to learn it.
4. Practice: Constructing a Learning Objective
W.4.3.11 Edit for spelling of appropriate words, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.
Format on Page 78
Use large chart paper; put the corresponding words/phrases in each Z-Chart box. Is this a clear learning objective? If not, then rewrite as a learning objective.
Post then Facilitator Carousel W – Writing; 4 – Strand; 3 – Grade; 11 – number of specific SLE
Facilitator asks what everyone has in box 2, then box 4…the general and specific learning; then box 1 and box 3.
Ask how many teams felt that the SLE was written as a clear, measurable objective; then how many re-wrote it. Get some feedback as to why some re-wrote it…have a table or two read what they re-wrote.
Then, can take a look at this SLE in the new ELA alignment doc to see what the alignment team did with this SLE.
A good time to talk about the work of the NWA alignment teams – that the alignment docs are a “work in progress”; we’ll want to gather feedback throughout the year for revisions. Not everyone agreed with everything; it was a consensus process…what we could all live with so that students would have consistent curriculum.
**Point out that a team did this for every SLE for LA, Math and Sci ….came to consensus about what they could live with…..look at what the group said about that SLE – Note teacher aligned with convention standards left as it was...and wrote a task analysis….check to see how many agreed that it could be left as written….you will come up with the same type of disagreement…
We’re going to go with them as they are in the document this year…teachers should keep notes so we can look at this again at the end of the year….this is a continuous Improvement Cycle!
W – Writing; 4 – Strand; 3 – Grade; 11 – number of specific SLE
Facilitator asks what everyone has in box 2, then box 4…the general and specific learning; then box 1 and box 3.
Ask how many teams felt that the SLE was written as a clear, measurable objective; then how many re-wrote it. Get some feedback as to why some re-wrote it…have a table or two read what they re-wrote.
Then, can take a look at this SLE in the new ELA alignment doc to see what the alignment team did with this SLE.
A good time to talk about the work of the NWA alignment teams – that the alignment docs are a “work in progress”; we’ll want to gather feedback throughout the year for revisions. Not everyone agreed with everything; it was a consensus process…what we could all live with so that students would have consistent curriculum.
**Point out that a team did this for every SLE for LA, Math and Sci ….came to consensus about what they could live with…..look at what the group said about that SLE – Note teacher aligned with convention standards left as it was...and wrote a task analysis….check to see how many agreed that it could be left as written….you will come up with the same type of disagreement…
We’re going to go with them as they are in the document this year…teachers should keep notes so we can look at this again at the end of the year….this is a continuous Improvement Cycle!