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WORKSHOP OF THE ESCOMPTE MODELLING EXERCISE. 1- News on model sets and observations 2- News on outputs, results and the website 3- The exercise report 4- open discussion. # MOCAGE 1 (CNRM-METEO France) IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; ---
WORKSHOP OF THE ESCOMPTE MODELLING EXERCISE 1- News on model sets and observations 2- News on outputs, results and the website 3- The exercise report 4- open discussion
# MOCAGE 1 (CNRM-METEO France)IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; --- # MOCAGE 2 (CNRM-METEO France)IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; used for campaign # CHIMERE 1 (LISA-IPSL) IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; --- # CHIMERE 2 (LISA-IPSL) IOP 1,2a,2b, ,4 ; Forced runs # AZUR (LISA-IPSL) IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; --- # RAMS-MOCA 1 (LAMP) IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; --- # RAMS-MOCA 2 (LAMP) IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; new version # RAMS-RACM (LAMP) IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; new version # CHIMERE-ACRI (ACRI-ST) IOP 1,2a,2b,3,4 ; --- # MC2-AQ (IEES – Univ. York) IOP ,2a,2b,3, ; new version # MAPOM (JRC) IOP ,2a,2b,3, ; O3 and meteo. # POLAIR (ENPC) IOP ,2a,2b,3, ; --- # MESO-NHC (DPserv.- METEO France) IOP ,2a,2b,3, ; IOP 2 available # UAM-TOTAL (TOTAL-NUMTECH) IOP ,2a,2b,3, ; --- # UAM-TOTAL 2 (TOTAL-NUMTECH) IOP ,2a,2b, , ; 23/06 only # RAMS-CAMX 1 (AMA-MI CESI) IOP ,2a,2b, , ; chemistry available # RAMS-CAMX 2 (AMA-MI CESI) IOP ,2a,2b, , ; Forced runs # TCAMX 1 (DEA-Univ Brescia CESI) IOP ,2a,2b, , ; O3
DO WE ACCEPT NEW SET OR UPDATE OR ADDITION FILES ? • Forced runs for CHIMERE for IOP 3 ? • Forced runs for AZUR ? • Obs. files for TCAMX –1 ? • Obs. files for POLAIR, MESO-NHC … • Correction of known bug, ….. • Tracer experiment …
Change in OBSERVATION FILES: # OBS_METEO files : Meteo France ground stations # OBS_RADAR(W) files : Wind measurements from RADAR # OBS_CHIMIE files : Reorganisation of data from specific chemical stations (LISA,COTBUS, UCI, ….) # For OBS_SURF files : Correction of the ozone value # For OBS_MOBIL files : Correction of the NO value from ARAT # 3D ascii files : new specie asked (SO2, ISOPRENE, …), emission map for some species, tracer experiment
NEW OUTPUT ON THE WEBSITE # add new obs. files : but specific chemical observation to add # Plot wind profile : To complete # 2D MAP : Add new species and Indicators, new legend # 2D MAP: Add vertical slices along lat./lon. (to finish) # 2D MAP: Tracer maps to do # Surf. Stations: MBE per 6hour timestep # Surf. Stations : Exceedances for ozone and NO2 now, computed for each day instead of IOP # Surf. Stations Taylor diagram to do # Warning for obs. files: color for models have changed yet ! Rules is to use the same color for the same model-system and different li nestyle for the version
Do we miss important plot ? Statistics ? Or modify some outputs ? • WIND LIDAR : plot wind by legs and not all the Falcon flight • in order to analyse more easily comparison between models and obs. • Same case for airplanes: distinction between soundings and flight level ??? • other ???
Information from experimenters For AIRPLANE measurements P, T, H2O, NO2, J value confidence high NO value from ARAT confidence high other NO value confidence mean Ozone value confidence high except eventually during flight descent Wind value confidence high except during flight changes (turn, change between ascent/descent/flight level) Simulation of wind fields for 24/06 is the more difficult (transition regime) Bias of 5° in T during constant level flight of ARAT is to study in details normally for obs. and models: altitude level is the same (above sea).
Information from experimenters For RADAR measurements Compare only value between 04H00 – 20H00, and above 300 m For WIND LIDAR measurements Compare mainly flight for leg north to south Confidence in measurement is high (errors on U/V is ~ 1 m/s) The flight of 24/06 allow to determine the position of the breeze sea cell to compare to wind-lidar output from models and 2D maps For COV measurements at surface Uncertainties depend of the COV and vary from 10% to 100% During qualification tests, range of measurements of the different apparels have sometimes exceed the range of expected measurement uncertainties
ESCOMPTE EXERCISE SCIENTIFIC OUTCOME • A comprehensive final report. • 2 general papers (broad co-authorship) in refereed journals : one reference paper and one paper on key highlights (based upon some of the material in the final report). • Encourage and facilitate other papers, inclunding only some teams as well as expert groups (measurements, modelling of dynamics at high resolution,…) based upon specific studies, etc…
PROPOSED AGENDA • Now : begin work on the final report, discuss table of content and lead authors. • End of March : circulation of a complete first draft of paper 1 by the exercise coordination ; ~ 1 month internal reviewing. • Early April : gather all contributions for the final report, assemble and circulate draft 0. Begin work on reviewing draft 0 and on writing draft 1. • Early May : gather draft 1 contributions to the final report and circulate draft 1. • Mid- to end of May : workshop (OK?). Discuss final draft. Discuss topics and select contents of paper 2. • Early to mid- June : internal reviewing of final draft of final report • End of June : print and distribute final report ; gather contributions of paper 2 . • July : internal reviewing of paper 2 and submission.
ESCOMPTE EXERCISE REFERENCE PAPER Objectives : Provide a refereed reference for the ESCOMPTE Exercise, describe the context and objectives, available data, participating models and overview/illustration of some results. Journal : Atmospheric Environment (to be discussed, this implies a relatively short and sharp paper, but would provide international visibility). Authors : F. Brocheton, V.-H. Peuch, 1 or 2 persons per participating model, M. Beekmann, B. Cros and/or P. Durand. End of march 2005 : Circulation of a complete draft among co-authors. ~1 month : internal reviewing and submission of paper (depends upon the level of comments/improvements to be brought).
ESCOMPTE EXERCISE FINAL REPORT - PROPOSAL • Proposed structure : • Executive report (draft 2) • 0. Introduction (draft 1) • ~20 pages chapters (draft 0) • 1. objectives and rationale. • 2. description of the ESCOMPTE episodes, database and emissions. • 3. description of participating models (+ possible annexes). • 4. evaluation of dynamics. • 5. evaluation of ozone plumes and precursors at the surface. • 6. evalutaion of distributions and variability in altitude. • 7. vertical transport and chemical boundary conditions. • 8. terms in the ozone budget. • 9. chemistry : precursors and products. • 10. « Transverse » and synthesis questions (draft 1) • 11. Conclusions (draft 2)
ESCOMPTE EXERCISE FINAL REPORT - PROPOSAL • Discussion : • Latex (easier for gathering contributions and document homogeneity). • Figures from the exercise website (reference them by name), but ask coordination for other types of graph or tuning (isolines, cross-sections…). Figures will be produced specifically in the end (EPS, lines, legends,…). • sharp and concise statements : the difficult part is *NOT* to present a catalogue of model outputs. • 2 lead authors per thematic chapter (volunteers, next slide). • Rapidly provide model information ASAP ! • Please be active and ask coordination for any missing piece of information.
ESCOMPTE EXERCISE FINAL REPORT - PROPOSAL • Assign lead authors (draft 0) : • 1 : coordination • 2 : coord. + B. Cros/P.Durand (tb confirmed) + JL Ponche (tbc) • 3 : coord. • 4 « dynamics » : X1, X2 (+ P. Drobinky?) • 5 « surface plumes » : X3, X4 (+ A. Armengaud?) • 6 « altitude » : X5, X6 (+ F. Said?) • 7 « vertical and boundaries » : X7, X8 (+ G. Ancellet?) • 8 « ozone budget » : X9, X10 (+ P. Perros?) • 9 « chemistry » : X11, X12 (+ H. Wortham?) • … But everyone invited to contribute (e-mail discussions ; we can also use the ESCOMPTE exercise website to archive intermediate drafts).
ESCOMPTE EXERCISE PAPER 2 Objectives : Highligths key conclusions of the ESCOMPTE modelling exercise, on the basis of the final report material ; focus on some specific aspects, science, and upgrade path for regional scale modelling over complex areas. Journal : tbd. Will depend upon the scientific interest of the paper and length. Authors : same as Paper 1, plus possibly a few experts on the chosen topics. End of may 2005 : Discussion of topics and plan ; definition of lead authors for the selected aspects. (workshop?). End of june 2005 : assemble contribution, circulation of complete draft and begin internal reviewing.