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Duke BN Staff Call 14JAN13. Chaplain. Quote of the Day “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” -Thomas A. Edison OCF will start next week most likely on Sunday or Wednesday nights. S1: Battalion Strength Report.
Chaplain Quote of the Day • “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” -Thomas A. Edison • OCFwill start next week most likely on Sunday or Wednesday nights
S1: Battalion Strength Report Contracted Non-Contracted
A-S1: CULP Status Report
A-S1: SPO • Fund raising ideas? • Half zip sweatshirts
S2: Current events • French military forces over the weekend have begun a major military intervention in their former colony nation of Mali, in North Africa. • Mali has recently been taken over by Al Qaeda linked forces who have established a “Taliban” style government after overthrowing the democratic government. • The region is critical to national security for its proximity to Europe, and potential use as a training and staging ground for attacks against US interests abroad and at home. Al Qaeda linked militants in Mali French ground troops en route to Mail
Weather Weekly forecast predicts very mild weather with minimal effects on Friendly Forces and our ability to train. There is an 35% chance of Rain from 14 Jan to 16 Jan. Recommendation: Key leaders prepare contingency plans for training in the event of rain from 14 Jan through 16 Jan.
Community Alerts • Off-Campus Trespass and Impersonation of a Police Officer reported by the Harrisonburg Police Department 01-12-2013 • Described as a white male in his 50s who attempts to gain access into residences by claiming to be an undercover police officer. • Off-Campus Sexual Battery reported by the Harrisonburg Police Department 01-12-2013 • 800-900 Block of Port Republic Road, in which a college aged female reports that while walking on a path from the Fox Hills area of Devon Lane she was sexually touched/groped by a college aged black male.
S3 • Slides to follow
JAN 2013 Holiday Break Cadre Block Leave Opportunity New Years TRAINING All American Bowl BN ½ Day Schedule Holiday Break Heat/Cold Pervention; Suicide Awareness Training Cadet COC First Day Classes BN Welcome Back Brief / Fall awards recognition APR Dining Out IPR #1 PMS/CDT Guidance MS I/II LAB: Special TMs; SQD Movement Refresher MS III LAB: Map Reading Review/Map Reading Exam BN APFT Record #3 WARNO JFTX TEL CONF @1300 TRNG HOL: MLK DAY 10% Inventory MS I/II LAB: AA/PB/Orders/Security METL by Class Review Due Contract Board MS III LAB: PLT Raid/Planning Proccess only BN APFT Record #3 OPORD Last Day to Withdraw JMU TRAINING HOLIDAY; Dr Martin Luther King SMP Semi-Annual Scrub Dinning Out Guest Finalized Contract Board Alternate MS I/II LAB: WPN Capabilites MS III LAB: PLT Raid/LD to Actions on OBJ only BN APFT Record #3 SMP Semi-Annual Scrub Dinning Out Invites Sent BN APFT Record #3 FRAGO FEB APFT Failure WARNO MS I/II LAB: CWST Nominations for Cadet Awards MS III LAB: PLT Recon LAB/ TRAINING/MEETING CAMPUS EVENTS CAMPUS EVENTS BN EVENTS BN EVENTS TRAINING HOLIDAY TRAINING HOLIDAY OTHER CADRE ACTION
FEB 2013 BDE S3 TEL CON Fishburne JROTC KLE MS I/II LAB: SQD MTC #1 March BN FTX WARNO Spring Break Saftey WARNO MSG Wilcox to FT Lewis MS III LAB: PLT ATK BN Dinning Out IPR #2 Warno Presidents Day Training Holiday Student Assessment/Faculty Day/ No Classes May/Summer Graduation Application Valentine’s Day 10% Inventory March Raider Challenge OPORD APFT Failure OPORD Mr. Lawson LOG Course @ FT Knox MS I/II LAB: SQD MTC #2 MS III LAB: PLT Raid BN APFT #3 Failure Retest Presidents Day Training Holiday Ordnance/Transpo Branch Brief MS III’s (Classroom) SMP PHA’s CHOICES MS I/II LAB: SQD Ambush #1 MS III LAB: Ordance/Transpo/FA Brach Brief Spring Break Leave Prep/POV Inspect/Loaded .45 Safety SMP PHA’s BN Dinning Out IPR #3 BDE SITREP Due Spring break BN Run Spring Break March APFT WARNO Mid Term Grades Due CADRE Block Leave Opportunity Individual HR Verification MS I/II LAB: SQD Ambush #2 MS III LAB: PLT Ambush LAB/ TRAINING/MEETING CAMPUS EVENTS CAMPUS EVENTS BN EVENTS BN EVENTS TRAINING HOLIDAY TRAINING HOLIDAY OTHER CADRE ACTION
T-3 4FEB13-8FEB13
T-2 28JAN13-1FEB13
T-1 21JAN13-25JAN13
T 14JAN13-18JAN13
S3: TAC OIC Key Highlights: • New garrison evaluation standards • Changes to patrolling STX • Football binders for TACs
Last Semester AAR • Sustains: • TAC instruction outside of lab • MSIII’s teaching basic lab • Improves • Send out lab information sooner • Double check scheme of maneuver • More MS4 motivation / coordination
RAID T-2: LAB300Raid Mission: Duke BN conducts PLT Raid Lane on 23JAN13 at AO Hillendale Park in order to build the MS3’s confidence in running PLT Raid lanes. Concept of Operation Phase 1: Planning This phase will begin with the recon of AO Hillendale Park. Cadet OIC and NCOIC will recon the AO and create an OPORD for the PLT Raid lane. TACs will be assigned roles and go over expectations for lane. This phase ends with supply draw. Phase 2: Issue the Order Time, Location, and Uniform briefed at CO meetings on 21JAN13. CONOP emailed to MS3’s Phase 3: Movement This phase will consist of the movement to AO Hillendale Park. MS3’s will be briefed on the route to the AO from Memorial Hall Phase 4: Lab MS3’s issued additional gear and conduct inspection and accountability prior to FF. FF will be conducted at the AA. Conduct PLT Raid lane Phase 5: AAR Conduct AAR and then dismissal Coordinating Instruction: Uniform: ACUs, LBV with compass and whistle attached, Kevlar, eye pro, black gloves, elbow and knee pads, Ruck packed with: sleep system, 1 set of ACUs, 1 tan t-shirt, 1 pair green socks, wet weather top and bottom, fleece or field jacket, MS3 kit Risk Assessment: L Scheme of Maneuver 138 degrees 240 m AA OBJ Daryl TIMELINE: 23JAN13 1530 FF & In Ranks Inspection OIC: Crisler 1535 Start lane (cross LD) NCOIC: Roessel 1720 End Lane Start AAR 1730 Dismissal Task to Maneuver Units: Evaluators: Roessel, Triplett, Baxter, Mueller OPFOR: Bruccoleri, Pisano, Elliott
T-1: LAB 300 – PLT RAID PLANNING PROCESS Mission: JMU Duke Battalion conducts advanced lab PLT Raid planning process on 16 JAN 2013 from 1535 - 1730 IOT prepare MSIII cadets for future leadership challenges and Warrior Forge 2013 GRID COORDINATES: AA 1: PC 8357 5706 N 1/ 1/A/2-19 Concept of the Operation This operation will be conducted in four phases. Phase I: Phase begins with the planning and preparation of the STX lanes on 07-09 JAN. AA location will be determined by the OIC, supply requests and risk stratification forms will be submitted. This phase ends with the issuance of the OPORD at Co meetings. Phase II: Phase begins with issuance of OPORD at Company meetings on 14 JAN 12. The CONOP will be briefed at the staff call and training meeting. Phase ends with final coordination. Phase III: Phase begins with first formation Hillandale Park. Cadets PL, APL, SLs, and squad members will be assigned and moved to the AA to conduct PLT Raid planning process. The phase ends when the PLT crosses the LD. Phase IV: Phase begins concluding formation and recovery of all equipment. The MS4 leadership will conduct an AAR and send it to the COC. Phase ends after AAR is submitted to the Cadre. Coordinating Instructions: Uniform: ACUs, LBV, eyepro, black gloves, kevlar, elbow/knee pads, Ruck with sleep system, 1 set ACU’s, 1 tan t-shirt, 1 pair green socks, wet weather top/bottom, field jacket Risk Assess: L Cadet OIC: Triplett Cadet NCOIC: Mueller AA Time Line: 16 JAN13: 1535 – First formation and equipment inspection 1540 – Leadership positions assigned / Safety Brief 1550 - OPORD Brief NLT 1720– AAR NLT 1730 – Final formation and dismissal Task to Maneuver Units: Evaluators: Pisano, Elliott, Baxter, Crisler
S4 • Highlights • PolyPro Sizes and MS3 inventory received • I will pick a date for MS3s to get all missing equipment • Current Cadet Fund Balance= $4,960.37 • Still awaiting Tent Set-up Payment ($1,200.00) • FTX Supply Requests needed 1 Month from Execution!! • May want to create the committees
S6 Cadet Lab status is GREEN • The S-6 shop is actively researching what the above actually means • Planning to re-construct SharePoint for easier access and understanding, this will be done as soon as possible.
Mentorship • Continue monthly counseling with mentees using DA 4856. • Binders due 01 FEB 13 • Mentorship.JMU.ROTC@gmail.com
Alpha Troop • Key Highlights: • Troop Meeting on 14 Jan 13 • APFTon 1 Feb 13 • ACO XO has made motto list
Alpha Troop Unexcused Absences 1. Cadet Palmer (9 January 13) Pending Excusal 1. Cadet Britton (11 January 13, Vehicle Trouble) 2. Cadet Wells (11 January 13, Vehicle Trouble)
B CO Major Training • APFT 01FEB2013 Unexcused Absences • Smick, Joshua • Lesinski, Taylor • Johnson, Dylan
Major Events • Candidacy started this morning • TACs: All Ranger GRP MSIIIs in the Platoon Leader position will PT with the Ranger GRP
Command Staff • cSGMFida • cXOMaisel • cBCBetourne