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PSAM! and the Classification of Matter

PSAM! and the Classification of Matter. Particle Theory of Matter. All matter is made of very tiny objects called p articles. There are s paces between the particles. The particles in a substance a ttract one each other. The particles are m oving. Changes in State.

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PSAM! and the Classification of Matter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PSAM! and theClassification of Matter

  2. Particle Theory of Matter • All matter is made of very tiny objects called particles. • There are spaces between the particles. • The particles in a substance attract one each other. • The particles are moving.

  3. Changes in State • particles are very close • strong attraction • vibration only back and forth • energy of motion is small compared to forces of attraction • particles are close • attraction • particles can slide past each other • energy of motion is small compared to forces of attraction • particles are very far apart • particles are moving rapidly • forces of attraction are almost zero compared to energy of motion

  4. Changes in State melting sublimation freezing sublimation evaporation condensation Plasma – formed from heating a gas and removing some electrons Bose-Einstein Condensation – formed at VERY low temperatures – atoms lose individual properties and blob together

  5. Changes in State

  6. Changes in State

  7. Classification of Matter MATTER Mixtures Pure Substances Homogeneous Mixtures Heterogeneous Mixtures Solutions Elements Compounds • looks like one • substance • E.g. ______ • simplest form • cannot be broken • down • - E.g. ________ • made of 2 or more • elements • can be broken • down chemically • - E.g. ________ - Mechanical Mixtures - different substances are visible - E.g. ____________ - Suspensions - tiny particles of one substance are held within another -E.g. __________

  8. Definitions Matter – anything that has mass and takes up space Pure Substance – made of only 1 kind of particle (molecule) Mixture – made of 2 or more different kinds of particles

  9. Home Fun: • Complete Demo explanations. • Classifying Matter Worksheet • Read pages 138-143 Answer #3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12

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