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Effective Behavior Management: “Catch ‘em bein’ good!”

Effective Behavior Management: “Catch ‘em bein’ good!”. Sugai 2/24/99. Can I have some candy? But I want some! You never let me have anything! (louder) I want this (grabs candy bar) No, its mine (tears open wrapper & eats) . That’s what you think (starts to run away) .

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Effective Behavior Management: “Catch ‘em bein’ good!”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Effective Behavior Management:“Catch ‘em bein’ good!” Sugai 2/24/99

  2. Can I have some candy? But I want some! You never let me have anything! (louder) I want this (grabs candy bar) No, its mine (tears open wrapper & eats). That’s what you think (starts to run away). Not today…we’re in a hurry. I said NO! Shhhhh.…people are looking. Put that back right now! You’re gonna get it when we get home! Okay, you can have it, but this is the last time PARENT CHILD

  3. Topics • 4 Basic Strategies • 3 Common Problems • Supporting Your School

  4. If you do nothing else,…. Watch! Catch ‘em early! Teach & play! Catch ‘em bein’ good!

  5. “Watch!”(Supervise Actively!) • Be there….obvious….regular…. positive….watching • Interact • Arrange prosocial interactions • Don’t nag….catch ‘em bein’ good

  6. “Catch ‘em early!”(Precorrect) • Go to problem context • Signal • Remind • Say/try it • Praise

  7. “Teach & play!”(Engage Actively) • Arrange for success with prosocial peers & adults • Engage frequently • Teach self-management skills • Model expected behavior • Use what works

  8. “Catch ‘em being good”(Acknowledge expected behavior) • Give 4 to 1 positives to negatives • State expected behavior • Respond immediately • Individualize • Be positive • Give information

  9. Problem Situations • Escalations • Repeated noncompliance • Homework

  10. Preventing escalations • Understand the coercive cycle • “Takes two to tango” • Disengage • Look cool & walk away • Don’t nag • Precorrect

  11. Increasing compliance • Give easy request first & reward • Be calm…be consistent • Give choices & reward choice making • Repeat once…let natural consequences occur • Reward compliance immediately

  12. Enhancing homework • Establish homework routine (time, place) • Actively supervise • Record progress • Reward all efforts • Use effective rewards • Don’t nag….precorrect & let natural consequences occur

  13. Supporting School Efforts • Ask your child about school successes daily • “One thing you learned today?” • “One success you had today?” • Reward your child’s school efforts, progress, & successes

  14. Read/be with your child • Look at books, magazine, newspaper together • Limit passive activities, especially tv • Communicate with your child’s teacher • Ask for ways to help child • Give suggestions for improving learning

  15. Key Strategies • Watch, walk, & talk • Catch ‘em early • Teach & play • Catch ‘em bein’ good

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