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ACTS 2:1-13

ACTS 2:1-13

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ACTS 2:1-13

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  1. ACTS 2:1-13 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, "Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his own native language? " They were all astounded and bewildered, and said to one another, "What does this mean?" But others said, scoffing, "They have had too much new wine."

  2. Presentations Next Week • Three Questions • As this is a Christological text, how is Christ presented in and through the text? • What, in your chapter, is the image or the role of the Church? • What are we being called to in this portion of the encyclical letter? • Your task is to inform your class-mates about the text in a manner that goes deeper than just a report on what you understood from reading it… • What insights did you gain? • How does the information already covered in the class help you understand this more deeply? • How do we make this a part of our Christian Identity?

  3. Presentations Next Week • Essentially, the two sets of questions combine to create a unified 15-minute presentation that presents the content as well as the challenges to those of us who receive the content. Not all group members need to speak during the presentation. The hope is to open the content, engage with it and invite others to do the same.

  4. Resurrection, Redemption and the End Times Salvation, Judgment and Eschatology (the end times) Larry Fraher cc 106 Spring 2012

  5. Essential Questions • How are we saved through Christ’s death and resurrection? • What will judgment be like? • How will the end (this is 2012, after all) take place?

  6. Salvation & the Physical Necessity of the Death & Resurrection • Descent into death/hell (CCC 631-637) • Salvation accomplished through union • Divine • Human • Redemption of all • Jesus Christ, Incarnate, Rises from the Dead (CCC 645-650) • Redemption of Material • Messianic Age & Shalom • Beyond time and space • Resurrection is the ‘Reunion’ of Soul and Flesh • Both natures are retained • Shows the Redemption and Recreation of the Material

  7. The Resurrection and Our Share in Christ’s Life • God, through Christ, brings Humanity to God’s Life (CCC 651-658) • Embraced by the Son • Through Him, we share His Life • In Him, we await our own Resurrection • In Him, we await the fullness of the Messianic Age

  8. Ascension as a Unique and Historical Reality (CCC 659-667) • The Uniqueness of Christ • Ascension Confirms Divinity • Difference between Resurrected Christ and Ascended Christ • Resurrection Appearances: Glorified Body • Some don’t recognize (Mary, Emmaus) • Exaltation at God’s Right Hand • Brought fully into the life of God (different) • Exaltation of Christ • Confirms His Lordship over All Creation

  9. Common Notions of Eschatology

  10. Eschatology & Judgment (CCC 668-682) • For Discussion: When a person dies, what happens? Bibliographic Information: Kasper, Walter. “Individual Salvation and Eschatological Consummation”. Faith and the Future, edited by John P. Galvin, pp. 7-24. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1994. Ratzinger, Joseph. Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1988.

  11. Eschatology & Judgment • Most Popular Positions • “Resurrection in Death” • Belief that upon death, the individual enters into a unity with the resurrection. • Implications • “Apocalyptic Judgement” • Belief that upon death, the individual enters a sleep that will remain until the Final action of God.

  12. Eschatology & Judgment • The Lynch-pin Question • “Are human beings ‘ensouled bodies’ or ‘embodied souls’?” • Ensouled Body: The soul enters and departs from the body • Embodied Soul: The Soul is the ‘Form of the Body’

  13. Eschatology & Judgment • Answering this Question: • Embodied Souls • The body and soul are essential to each other. The soul doesn’t ‘inhabit’ the body, rather, the soul only knows completion with, and through, the body. • For the fullness of human existence, the body and soul are unified. • The resurrection of the body = essential • Materiality of Redemption!

  14. Eschatology & Judgment • ‘Resurrection in Death’ is Possible if we are ensouled bodies. • This Position says that the soul is what is important, not the body. • Danger of ‘Spiritualized Dualism’ • If the soul has no need of the body… • Gnosticism • Re-incarnation • No need for a resurrection of the Body • No need for Incarnation

  15. Eschatology & Judgment • The Embodied Soul • Separates from the body at death • Yet retains the ‘need’ and ‘completion’ of the body • In the separation of the soul and body, the soul experiences heaven, purgatory or hell. • Because the soul and body are no longer one… • Essential to understanding the ‘Communion of Saints’ • The souls of those gone before us, remain connected to us • intercede on our behalf • (common notions of freedom) • behold the beatific vision. “The Christian gathers the redeemed of all ages around him and finds safety under their mantle. This signifies that the walls separating heaven and earth, and past, present and future are now as glass. The Christian lives in the presence of the saints as his own proper ambiance, and so lives eschatologically.” –Ratzinger, Eschatology, p. 9.

  16. Eschatology & Judgment • Death and Individual Judgment • What happens at death? • Soul and Body separate • Soul: Individual Judgment • Sees the Beatific Vision • Remains connected to ‘this life’ • Acts as intercessor before God. • Purgatory: The process ofbecoming purified to behold the beatific vision. (ccc 1030-1032) • Implications?

  17. Eschatology & Judgment • Universal Consummation • At the end of time, God comes to Fulfill and Complete the Reign established in Christ. • The Body is re-created and reunited with the soul. • This is the Final action of Christ in the World “The term ‘second coming’ is thus perhaps rather inappropriate and prone to misunderstanding. For it is not a question of repeating something that has already taken place. In reality it is a question of the consummation of Jesus’ one and only coming.”-Kasper, ‘Individual Salvation and Eschatological Consummation’ (emphasis added)

  18. The Holy Spirit (CCC 687-747) • The Economic Trinity • The Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. • The Spirit and the Son share the same mission. • The renewal of the World • The Spirit leads us to Christ • The Spirit Empowers us to Mission • Christ gives the Spirit to guide and bring his work to completion and consummation • The Church as the extension of Christ’s work

  19. The Holy Spirit • Christ, through the Spirit • Gives over his mission to the Church • Provides the Holy Spirit to us to help the world be brought to completion. • Consummation of the Reign of God • The Spirit’s movement is non-possessed • We cannot say some have the Spirit and Others do not • The Spirit manifests in order to build up the Church and lead to Jesus Christ • Through the Holy Spirit, the individual moves closer to Christ and is empowered to participation in the Church. • Necessity of Confirmation. • Empowered to Serve.

  20. Conclusions • Through the Paschal Mystery (Death and Resurrection of Christ) and the Ascension, the Mission of Christ is Accomplished • Death: Redemption • Resurrection: Sharing in the Life of God • Ascension: All the world ‘subject’ to Christ’s Dominion • Eschatology (Study of ‘Last Things’) • Individual Death, Judgment, possible purgation • Consummation of the Reign of God

  21. Conclusions • Eschatology • Understand the Human Person • Soul is the form of the Body • i.e. the soul needs the body… • Communion of Saints • Resurrection of the Dead • Christ did not leave things ‘unaccomplished’ • Movement of Church to subject itself to Grace • Consummation or Return?

  22. Conclusions • The Role of the Holy Spirit • Without the Spirit, the Church does not exist. • The Trinitarian Presence in the Spirit • Not as 1 of 3 • Bringing 3 as 1 • “Economic Trinity” • Always the Action of All 3 • The Spirit Impels to Mission • And provides the mission

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