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History of Computing Machines. CSC 2001 TTU. Disclaimer. lots of stuff will be left out enabling discoveries/inventions electricity, vacuum tube, relays, typewriter, etc… some theoretical developments. Motivation.
History of Computing Machines CSC 2001 TTU
Disclaimer • lots of stuff will be left out • enabling discoveries/inventions • electricity, vacuum tube, relays, typewriter, etc… • some theoretical developments
Motivation • For most of history, computation has been a labor intensive (and therefore expensive) process. • drive down cost of labor (ethics?) • get work done faster
Timeline: 1621 • Calculator rulers (pre-cursors of sliderulers) • More modern one…
Timeline: 1623 • Mechanical adding machine • could count past 9
Timeline: 1642 • Blaise Pascal • mechanism to calculate with 8 figures and carrying of 10's , 100's, and 1000's etc • not popular - hard to manufacture • only Pascal and one of his workmen could fix them
Timeline: 1660 • Watch making technology makes Pascal calculator more possible
Timeline: 1672 • Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz • devise machine that could divide and multiply • also wanted to develop a generalized symbolic language and an algebra to go with his machines, so that: "the truth of any proposition in any field of human inquiry could be determined by simple calculation." • failed at that, but what else did Leibniz do?
Leibniz • "It is unworthy of excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labor of calculation which could safely be relegated to anyone else if machines were used.” • For most around this time, calculators were useless curiosities
Timeline: 1694 • Leibniz • built a machine that beside the basic calculations also could take the root from a number
Timeline: 1728 • Falcon (France) • first programmable loom. He used wooden punched cards tied together with ropes. This was the first punched card ever. • The combinations of the holes in the cards were the instructions to the loom mechanism. This is what we now usually call the first program ever. • The invention of the punched card meant the beginning of automation - a machine can perform a sequence of actions without interference of a human being. (ethics)
Timeline: 1769 • Chess playing machine hoax
Timeline:1784 • Johann Mueller • described intentions to build machine that could calculate and print results
Timeline: 1799 • Luddites • ???
Timeline: 1822 • Charles Babbage • designed a calculator. The concept of this machine was that it's operated by punched cards and the results printed on paper • thought technology needed was too advanced to actually build
Timeline: 1832 • Georg and Edvard Scheutz (Sweden) • decide to build Babbage’s Difference Engine • completed in 1853
Timeline: 1834 • Charles Babbage • begins work on Analytical Engine • It was to be capable of carrying out any mathematical operation. • Instructions would tell it what operation to perform and in what order. • It would have a memory with a capacity of one-thousand 50-digit numbers, it would draw on auxiliary functions such as logarithm tables (of which it would possess its own library) and subroutines.
Analytical Engine • Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace • daughter of Lord Byron • worked closely with Babbage • planned his computational problems • has been called the world's first programmer • designs some of the first examples of a computer programs (1843) • How was she commemorated by the U.S DoD?
Timeline: 1857 • Sir Charles Wheatstone • introduced the first application of paper tapes as a medium for the preparation, storage, and transmission of data • also the inventor of the accordion
Timeline: 1869 • William Stanley Jevons • first practical logical machine that is based on the principles of Boolean algebra (True/False)
Timeline: 1887 • Dorr E. Felt • Comptometer • “The Machine Gun of the Office”
Timeline: 1888 • William S. Burroughs • more successful than Felt • really starts the office calculator industry (1892) • still manually powered • first version: hard to operate • with one exception… • “a field agent who operated his calculator so well he refused to sell it, preferring to haul it from saloon to saloon in a wheelbarrow betting drinks on his accuracy.”
Burroughs • later versions could print results
Timeline: 1889 • Herman Hollerith (MIT) • first electromechanical adding and sorting machine • had to win a contest to prove its utility • first major use?? • started the Tabulating and Recording Company (what did that become?)
Timeline: 1889 • Multiplier machine • Leon Bollee • huge and impractical
Timeline: 1893 • Otto Steiger introduces the Millionaire • a multiplier designed for big business but also used by scientists
Timeline: 1900 • Jevon’s Logical Piano • could solve a problem faster than by hand
Timeline: 1902 • The Dalton • 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 • 1, 3, 0, 6, 8 • modern keyboard design?
Timeline: 1914 • Thomas Watson • joins the Tabulating Machine Company. • He transforms it into IBM.
Timeline: 1917 • “ROBOT” • in a play called R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Czech dramatist Karel Capek. • intelligent machines meant to serve their human makers • take over the world and destroy humanity
Timeline: 1918 • Enigma machine first used • significance???
Timeline: 1920 • The first cash register that prints numbers is introduced on the market by C-T-R (later IBM).
Timeline: 1935 • IBM 601 • a punch card machine with an arithmetic unit based on relays. • capable of doing a multiplication in 1 second • about 1500 of them will eventually be made
Timeline: 1936 • Konrad Zuse • started to construct the Z1, world's first programmable computer, in his bedroom. This machine became so large that it occupied his parents’ living room as well.
Timeline: 1936 • Alan Turing • publishes 'On Computable Numbers' • explained his ideas on the 'Universal Turing Machine', an electronic calculator that could make any calculation or logical operation • his ideas will determine the internal architecture of computers in the future • Turing Award
Timeline: 1937 • Claude E. Shannon • writes his master's thesis on machine logic • realizes that an electric circuit used the same concept as Boolean Algebra. If an electric circuit is designed according to Boolean rules, it can be used to represent logic. Expressions can be validated and calculations be made. • It became clear that information could be manipulated by a machine
Timeline: 1939 • George R. Stibitz • makes a call to a computer hundreds of kilometers away with a teletype console • The "Model K" at the other side rattles for some time as well. The program that ran at the other side then sends the result back. It all takes less than a minute. • The machine is built on a kitchen table.
Timeline: 1942 • Dr. John V. Atanasoff and his assistant Clifford Berry • build the first electronic digital computer, named ABC (some controversy) • not programmable
Timeline: 1942 • Konrad Zuse • An improved version of the Z4 is used to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of wings and rudders. Nonetheless the Z4 is still a mechanical machine. • Hitler put project on hold.
Timeline: 1942 • Dr. John Mauchly and John Eckert • commissioned to design a electronic machine that could compute trajectory table quickly for US Army • results in ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) in 1946
Timeline: 1943 • Howard Aiken • first programmable calculator MARK I • HUGE!! • few tons of ice per day for its cooling, multiplication of 2 numbers of 23 digits is done in 3 seconds
Timeline: 1943 • John von Neumann • develops the first programmable calculator with a memory • von Neumann architecture
Timeline: 1951 • first generation of modern programmed electronic computers • included UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)
Timeline: 1951 • Wang Labs founded • first invention is the ferrite core memory - a system of copper wires mounted on a frame. At cross points a ferrite core is mounted. When a cross point becomes conductive (electrical current is running through the wires) the ferrite core becomes magnetic. • By detecting which core is magnetic and which not one could "determinate" certain values. • made by hand • more solid and reliable than vacuum tubes
Timeline: 1952 • IBM • Model 701 • 1 Kb RAM • first machine to use a tape drive
Timeline: 1952 • Grace Hopper • published "The Education of a Computer” • developed the first software that could translate symbols of higher computer languages into machine language • What is that kind of program called? COMPILER
Grace Hopper • PhD mathematics from Yale • Eventually a Rear Admiral in the Navy • first bug (1951) • COBOL (1959) • Common Business Oriented Language
Timeline: 1954 • John Backus • an employee of IBM designed the programming language FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) • challenge for it to be accepted
Timeline: 1955 • John McCarthy • coins term “Artificial Intelligence”
Timeline: 1956 • Bob Patrick and Owen Mock • first Operating System is designed • GM/NAA-I/O • IBM 704