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USEPA CARE Grant . Partners Neighborhoods Environmental Justice. Our goals are to…. listen to and learn about community environmental concerns help community participants decide on a plan to begin to address environmental problems seize environmental opportunities. NLEH Group Meetings.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. USEPA CARE Grant Partners Neighborhoods Environmental Justice

  2. Our goals are to… • listen to and learn about community environmental concerns • help community participants decide on a plan to begin to address environmental problems • seize environmental opportunities

  3. NLEH Group Meetings • Phase I: • Environmental education sessions • Tell us about your environment • Environmental hazards in your area • Phase II: • List your concerns • Pick issues to work on • Neighbors create an action plan

  4. Neighborhood focused data, maps

  5. Healthy foods, gardens, urban agriculture • Vel Scott – Healthy meals, education, recipes • Growing Power – produce, urban farm

  6. Phase I Meetings • What is Environmental Justice/Injustice ? • What is your environment? • How does environment impact your health? Why does place matter?

  7. Phase I Meetings • Air, Water, Food, Housing videos/ education sessions • Lead/Asthma Programs applications/ fact sheets • Local program panels • Water pollution/rain barrel workshop

  8. Phase II Meetings • Categorize Concerns • Rank and Prioritize • Create an Action Plan • Submit Plan to EPA March 2012

  9. Outreach • Monthly meeting attendance: 15-50 • 25 community partners, still growing • 30 youth leaders: ages 16-18 • Faith community • LMM Health Hubs & Other

  10. Accomplishments • Monthly meetings: attendance maintained • 25-30 active core community members • 8 emerging neighborhood leaders • Website www.nleh.org • Energy Savers Contest • Members attend community events – Bioneers, Dr. Bullard, Will Allen, hearings • Neighborhood Issue and youth videos produced • Additional funding obtained – Mt. Sinai and COAD • Partnership with COAD- 17 community members have received EPA Firm Certifications as renovators

  11. Community photo project

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