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Because you bring clear and precise information about our approach, our formulations and our products are essential to allow you to make the right choice for your skin.
OUR PRINCIPLES ON THE FORMULATION OF OUR PRODUCTS Because you bring clear and precise information about our approach, our formulations and our products are essential to allow you to make the right choice for your skin. We present our 5 principles of product design, based on NAOS ecobiology, to respect the ecosystem of your skin and preserve its health. PRINCIPLE Focus on naturally occurring ingredients in the skin WHATEVER THEIR MINERAL, VEGETABLE OR BIOTECHNOLOGICAL ORIGIN, WE PREFER THE INGREDIENTS WE CALL "BIOMIMETICS". THESE ARE THE ONES THAT YOUR SKIN KNOWS AND ASSIMILATES MOST NATURALLY. Whatever their mineral, vegetable or biotechnological origin , we favor the ingredients that we call "Biomimetics". These are the ones that your skin knows and assimilates most naturally. We are aware that the notion of naturalness is today largely associated with the idea of quality. However, we know that a plant ingredient according to its degree of purity is not necessarily good for the skin because potentially aggressive or not assimilable.
We also know that the human body is naturally composed of chemical molecules. This is why we design our formulas without preconceived ideas about the origin and nature of the ingredients used (mineral, vegetable, biotechnological or synthetic) and that we never oppose the natural chemistry. We favor tolerance and safety by selecting the ingredients that are most affinity with the skin, the biomimetic ingredients, simply because only the health of the skin is our priority. Better assimilated by the skin because easily recognizable by it, the biomimetic ingredients can be: ingredients that are perfectly identical to the natural constituents of the skin; ingredients with a chemical structure or a mode of action similar to the skin; ingredients having a biological or chemical function useful for maintaining cutaneous physiology. In our opinion, this is the best guarantee of a perfect tolerance for sensitive skin. PRINCIPLE 2 Act on the causes, more than the consequences FROM THIS PRINCIPLE BASED ON THE ECO-BIOLOGY NAOS, BIODERMA PRODUCTS ACT ON THE ORIGIN OF IMBALANCES BY REVIVING THE NATURAL MECHANISMS OF THE SKIN FOR REAL AND LASTING EFFECTIVENESS. From this principle based on the eco-biology naos, Bioderma products act on the origin of imbalances by reviving the natural mechanisms of the skin for real and lasting effectiveness. A unique scientific approach that takes root in the encounter between the ecosystem (study of interactions) and biology (science of life), ecobiology is the founding principle of Naos. It is based on the fact that the skin is an intelligent ecosystem in constant evolution and interaction with its internal environment (its organism) and external (the world around it). Like the ecosystem of the planet, the skin has its own resources and functions according to natural mechanisms that allow it to adapt over time and through the seasons. Unfortunately, the current living conditions put it to the test. Pollution, stress, eating habits, travel, climate variations, lack of sleep ... Despite its extraordinary innate abilities, the skin is overstretched and can no longer adapt to Thanks to the ecological approach Naoswe can help him adapt to his environment
again. How? 'Or' What ? By studying and understanding the skin in all its complexity to provide the help it needs only when it needs it. This approach allows our skin to revive its own natural mechanisms to teach him to find only his precious balance. By systematically reducing the number of useless substances, by favoring pure molecules and the right dose of active ingredients, we design products that really act on the origin of its dysfunctions instead of hiding superficially their consequences in order to guarantee a sustainable internal action. rather than an ephemeral surface effect. Read More Information: Our Philosophy