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Part-Time Faculty: Who? What? How?

Part-Time Faculty: Who? What? How?. Courtney Adkins, Ph.D. Assistant Director Center for Community College Student Engagement Misha Turner, Ph.D. Associate Director Center for Community College Student Engagement.

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Part-Time Faculty: Who? What? How?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Part-Time Faculty: Who? What? How?

  2. Courtney Adkins, Ph.D. Assistant Director Center for Community College Student Engagement Misha Turner, Ph.D. Associate Director Center for Community College Student Engagement

  3. Keys to Student Success: Strengthening the Role of Part-time Faculty in Community Collegesrview • Funded by MetLife Foundation • College Visits Focus groups with part- and full-time faculty Interviews with presidents • Center Data Analyses • College Vignettes • Web Resources • Special Report

  4. Part-time faculty teach approximately 58% of U.S. community college classes…and 53% of community college students. JBL, 2008

  5. Why are so many instructors named “Staff?” - Student

  6. Part-time faculty: Who are they? CCFSSE, 2009-2013

  7. Part-time faculty: Who are they? CCFSSE, 2009-2013

  8. Why I Teach…

  9. “Those adjuncts”

  10. Profile of a Developmental Education Faculty Member Those who teach only dev. ed are more likely to have… • Part-time employment 76% • A position of instructor 73% • Fewer years of teaching experience 66% fewer than 10 years Less likely… • Tenure-track position • Master’s degree or higher CCFSSE, 2009-2013

  11. Discussion Question How is your college preparing part-time faculty to teach these important courses?

  12. Instructors’ Academy – Coastal Carolina Community College (NC) Goal: Strengthen college’s focus on engaging teaching and learning strategies

  13. PT faculty participation in high-impact practices Part-time faculty are less likely than full-time faculty to report • Teaching in an organized learning community • Participating in a student success course • Being involved with a fast-trackor acceleratedlearning course CCFSSE, 2011-2013

  14. Discussion Question How, if at all, are part-time faculty at your college encouraged to participate in and use high-impact educational practices and other effective teaching strategies?

  15. Involving Part-Time Faculty in Course Design – Bristol Community College (MA) Goal: Increase first-year student success in all gateway courses

  16. Faculty referrals to academic and support services How often do you refer students to academic advising/planning services? Rarely/Never • Part-time – 25% and Full-time - 14% I’ve referred students to college tutoring services or I require students to participate in college tutoring. Yes • Part-time – 50% and Full-time - 57% CCFSSE, 2009-2013

  17. Strengthening the Role…

  18. Discussion Question How does your college ensure part-time faculty are aware of support services for students?

  19. Strengthening the Role…

  20. Strengthening the Role…

  21. Strengthening the Role…

  22. Strengthening the Role…

  23. Discussion Questions What do you already know (or need to know) about the experience of part-time faculty at your college? Consistent hiring processes? Part-time faculty orientation? Mandatory? Availability of office space or designated work space and access to instructional materials? Professional development opportunities & expectations? Opportunities to meet with colleagues?

  24. Discussion Question What is your advice to colleges?

  25. Advice to colleges

  26. - Express high expectations and provide high support. • Conduct campus conversations about policy and practice related to part-time faculty. Involve part-time faculty in the discussions. • Create an integrated pathway for part-time faculty: hiring, orientation, professional development, evaluation, incentives, integration into college community and student success agenda Faculty Engagement – What Can We Do?

  27. - Design pathways to full-time employment. - Recognize part-time faculty in monetary ways, when possible, and in non-monetary ways as well. - Keep the focus on student success and effective educational practice. Faculty Engagement – What Can We Do?

  28. A Focus on Student Success…

  29. What Matters Most? Students!

  30. Contingent Commitments Web Tools Contingent Commitments Web Tools http://www.ccsse.org/center/initiatives/ptf/special/ Tools and Resources: Campus Discussion Guide Conducting Focus Groups Notes from the Literature Methodology Additional Resources – Delphi Project, Achieving the Dream and others Faculty Video Clips

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