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This survey by Brailes & Winderton Parish Council reveals the community's support for extended childcare facilities and identifies the need for nursery schools and wrap-around care for children under 11. The survey also highlights the demand for childminders and a holiday club. Recommendations include developing a nursery and extended childcare facility and addressing other community issues such as affordable housing and care for the elderly.
Brailes & WindertonParish Council Childcare Needs Survey October 2014 Ascot, Whichford, Cherington, Stourton, Brailes, Sutton under Brailes & Winderton
Brailes & Winderton Parish Council 85% support extended childcare facilities 24% said young parents should have whatever they needed 15% felt mothers should stay at home & take care of the children
The Alternative Types of Childcare Proposed Nursery school was the number 1 priority closely followed by wrap around care for children under the age of 11
Potential Trustees, Childcare Specialists & Volunteers • 10 potential trustees were identified • 13 childcare professional expressed an interest in the posts if the nursery were to open • Volunteers were few and far between – the elderly did not want the responsibility; young people needed paid employment
Trends in Time Spent on Maternity Leave (months by age of child)
The Demand for Childcare Services 7 needed a childminder now; a further 6 within 1 year 16 are looking for a nursery place;9 immediate & 7 in 12 A holiday Club was deemed desirable but not an essential. This facility would have to be affordable
Working Practices of Young Parents Full time & part time worked 50 weeks of the year and not just during term time Part time was 8am to 17.15, 3 days per week, 50 weeks per year and not just 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday, term time only Shift work made childcare even more difficult
Conclusions & Recommendations (1) • Overwhelming support for nursery & wrap around care • Nursery is the highest priority with wrap around care a close second • Holiday Clubs were deemed desirable rather than essential although grandparents thought otherwise!
Conclusions & Recommendations (2) • There is no shortage of potential trustees or qualified personnel but volunteers are few & far between • Wrap around care recommended to the Primary School along with a positive PR campaign in support thereof • The downward trend in parental leave is driven by the lack of affordable homes, the cost of living and no such rise in incomes
Conclusions & Recommendations (3) • The number of infants and children needing childminders, nursery and wrap around care is increasing rapidly fuelled by working patterns and a baby boom • The development of a Nursery & Extended Childcare facility is recommended to the Parish Council to ensure care in the community for young families
Other Issues to be addressed • Primary School • Affordable homes • Cost of living • Care for the elderly • Policing & security • Youth Club (14-17 yr olds) • Flooding • Bus shelters • Quality of new build • Social integration • Sustainability of retail & services