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The French Revolution

The French Revolution. 1789-1791 1792-1794 NAPOLEON . What did the Enlightenment teach us?. Natural Rights  ALL people should have them Government should PROTECT the rights of the people Government should not be centralized instead divided

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The French Revolution

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  1. The French Revolution 1789-1791 1792-1794 NAPOLEON

  2. What did the Enlightenment teach us? • Natural Rights  ALL people should have them • Government should PROTECT the rights of the people • Government should not be centralized instead divided • Social and Economic inequality is not the only option

  3. France 1789 • 3 estates(classes) of society(Old Regime) a throwback to feudal society…lords, peasants, you get the idea • Paris if overcrowded  shortages of food

  4. Meeting of Estates General • Assembly of Representatives from all 3 estates • 1 vote each (2-1) • Hasn’t met for 175 years • Is the estates-general a product of the enlightenment? Why or why not?

  5. National Assembly • Bourgeoisie want change  formation of the National Assembly • All meet together, EVERYONE has a vote  advantage Third Estate • WOAH…pretty enlightened idea! • End of absolute monarchy • 1st challenge: Tennis Court Oath

  6. Louis XVI makes his move… • Fear sets in  Louis hires mercenaries(Swiss) to protect himself • Why not use French soldiers?? • French citizens think the worst  paranoia sets in  what do the peasants do?

  7. The Great Fear • Peasants raid countryside manors(homes of the nobles) • Purpose: • Destroy feudal records • Burn homes and fields • Nobles fear that the old regime is changing

  8. Declaration of Rights of Man • Truly “enlightened” document • What does that mean? • Natural Rights • Women excluded  Olympe de Gouges(no respect)

  9. Constitution of 1791 • Drafted by the National Assembly • Created a limited monarchy • Gave Legislative Assembly power to make laws • Emigres(nobles who fled) v sans-culottes(workers)

  10. Bread shortages = Bread Riots • Capture of the King and Queen • Imprisonment at Tuillerries Palace

  11. The Coalition • Britain, Spain, Austria, Holland, and Prussia join to fight revolutionary France • Why would they want to help Louis XVI put down the rebellion? • Enlightenment catches on…

  12. National Convention • Newest governing body in France(1791) • Followed the September Massacres  radical violent killings committed by angry mobs • King is deposed  need a new assembly

  13. Jacobins • Radicals that emerge as leaders of the Revolution  some were bourgeoisie • Revolution is lacking order and stability • Jacobin Club feels they are the answer • Jacobins tried Louis XVI for treason and had him executed by guillotine

  14. Robespierre, Committee, Reign of Terror • Robespierre saw the revolution was losing its ideals(beliefs) • He seized control of the revolution to bring order and stability  Committee of Public Safety • Goal: Put to death “enemies of the republic” • Instead led to the “Reign of Terror”  widespread chaos and killing

  15. Changes… • French people grew tired of the chaos and executed Robespierre • Drafted a new plan of government  a lot less revolutionary than previously • Government favored the wealthy  social unrest is brewing again

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