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Wellbeing Nicole Lovas. How doe science affect it? Science can show people proof of what is right to eat and do in order to live a healthy, energetic lifestyle. Physical Wellness. How does technology affect it?
How doe science affect it? Science can show people proof of what is right to eat and do in order to live a healthy, energetic lifestyle. Physical Wellness How does technology affect it? New exercising methods and supplements are being created every year. There are new diets and weight loss plans created as well. How does media affect it? Media uses the “perfect” body type to advertise products. Celebrities set the trends of what the media thinks people should be like.
Physical Wellness and technology • New technology has been made to make working out a fun activity. For example, the Wii has made several fitness games such as Wii Fit.
Intellectual Wellness • How does science affect it? Science can affect the intellectual well being of someone by influencing the topics learned at school, the importance of getting an education and presenting to the public issues as well as solutions. The next generation must always surpass the last by creating better and better technologies.
Intellectual Wellness Continued If our generation can create such a large solar electricity plant now, then this makes the next generation of students responsible for making something even bigger, which influences textbooks to put more and more information into them. • DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center in Arcadia, Florida. This solar power plant will be producing electricity by the end of month. This project is ahead of its schedule. The plant has an impressive number of 90,000 photovoltaic panels. Experts claim that this solar power plant will generate around 110MW of electricity by the end of 2010. This will provide Florida with the distinction of the second largest solar power-producing state in the country. (http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/technology/solar-power/ )
Cultural Wellness • How does media affect cultural wellbeing? The media can present documentaries on cultures from around the world to educate people on other cultures. However, some media may present other cultures as inferior to others.
Cultural Wellness Continued • ANTHONY BOURDAIN: NO RESERVATIONS • Discovery/Travel Channel’s food and travel series hosted by chef and author Anthony Bourdain discovered the rich local culture of Indonesia through its food and people as he took us around the country to explore its diverse and unique cultures and cuisines. Experiencing Jakarta’s ‘kaki limas’ (street food), Bali’s lawar (fresh pig’s blood) and the local festivals and delicacies of Garut (Java). (http://www.balifilm.com/no_reservations.htm )
Emotional Wellness • How does media affect emotional wellbeing? The media may present images that may be disturbing to some, or promote a body type that one can’t achieve, lowering their self esteem. Current Literature has shown that there is a relationship between watching violent television programming and an increase in violent behaviour by children (http://www.cps.ca/english/statements/PP/pp03-01.htm#TELEVISION )
Social Wellness • How does technology affect social well being? • A majority (57%) of teens view their cell phone as the key to their social life. • Second only to clothing, teens say, a person’s cell phone tells the most about their social status or popularity, outranking jewelry, watches and shoes. (http://www.marketingcharts.com/interactive/cell-phones-key-to-teens-social-lives-47-can-text-with-eyes-closed-6126/# )
The study also confirmed that texting is replacing talking among teens. Teens admitted spending nearly an equal amount of time talking as they do texting each month. The feature is so important to them that if texting were no longer an option 47% of teens say their social life would end or be worsened - that’s especially so among females (54% vs. 40%). (http://www.marketingcharts.com/interactive/cell-phones-key-to-teens-social-lives-47-can-text-with-eyes-closed-6126/# )