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LHCb trigger: algorithms and performance

This presentation provides a detailed overview of the algorithms and performance of the LHCb trigger system, including Level 0, Level 1, and HLT stages. Hugo Ruiz explains the key components of the LHCb environment and describes the trigger system's function in detecting high-energy particles and secondary vertices. The workshop also covers the MC generation process, trigger strategies, pileup simulation, and decision-making at each trigger level. It delves into the specifics of the calorimeters, muon system, pileup system, and the decision unit, highlighting the innovative methods used by the LHCb collaboration. The presentation offers valuable insights into the intricate process of data collection and event selection at the LHCb experiment.

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LHCb trigger: algorithms and performance

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  1. LHCb trigger: algorithms and performance Introduction The LHCb trigger: Level 0 Level 1 HLT Performance Hugo Ruiz on behalf of the LHCb collaboration Hugo Ruiz

  2. LHCb environment • LHC: • 40 MHz crossing rate • 30 MHz with bunches from both directions • Luminosity: 2·1032 cm-2 s-1 • 10 to 50 times lower than @ ATLAS, CMS (well under machine design!) • Reason: single interaction preferred to identify secondary vertices from B mesons • Relevant rates: (for visible events  at least 2 tracks in acceptance) • Total rate (minimum bias): 10 MHz • bb:100KHz • Whole decay of one B in acceptance: 15KHz • cc: 600KHz HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  3. Detector overview Muon System RICHES: PID: K, separation VELO: primary vertex impact parameter displaced vertex PileUp System Interaction point Calorimeters: PID: e,, 0 Trigger Tracker: p for trigger Tracking Stations: p of charged particles HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  4. MC generation • PYTHIA 6.2 used • Minimum bias: hard QCD, single / double diffraction, elastic scattering • Signal: forcing B-mesons in a minimum bias event to decay into specific final state • Charged particle distributions tuned to data fors < 1.8 TeV • Predicted cross-sections: sinel = 79.2 mb, sbb=633 mb • Pileup (multiple interactions in single bunch crossing) simulated • GEANT3 for full simulation of all events (minimum bias, signal) • Moving to GEANT4 in this year’s Data Challenge • Additional backgrounds: off-beam muons, low-energy background at muon chambers • Spilloversimulated in detector response (from two preceding and one following bunch crossings). HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  5. Trigger overview Pileup system VELO + Trigger tracker Calorimeters + Muon system 10 MHz L0: hight pT + not too busy • Fully synchr. (40 MHz), 4ms latency • On custom boards 1 MHz L1: IP + high pT • Ave. latency: 1 ms (max 50 ms) • Buffer: 58254 events 40 KHz HLT + reconstruction • Full detector: ~ 40 kb / evt ~ 200 Hz Single PC farm ~1800 CPUs HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  6. Level 0 • Fast search for ‘high’ pT particles(calorimeters, muon syst) • Charged hadrons: HCAL (~ 3 GeV) • Electrons, photons, p0: ECAL (~ 3 GeV) • Muons: muon system (~ 1 GeV) • Cut on global variables: • Require minimum total ET in HCAL (calorimeters) • Reduces background from halo-muons • Rejection of multi-PV and busy events (Pileup system, SPD) : • fake B signatures (IP) • Busy events spend trigger resources without being more signal-like • Better throw them early and use bandwidth to relax other cuts HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  7. Level 0: calorimeter trigger ECAL HCAL SPD-PreShower FE Scintillator Pad Detector (SPD) • The LHCb calorimeter: • ECAL: 6000 cells, 8x8 to 24x24 cm2 • HCAL: 1500 cells, 26x26, 52x52 cm2 • Trigger strategy: look for high ET candidates: • In regions of 2x2 cells • Particle identification from • ECAL / HCAL energy • PS and SPD information • ET threshold ~ 3 GeV • Sent to L0 decision unit: • Highest ET candidate each type • Global variables: • Total calorimeter energy • SPD multiplicity ECAL HCAL Pre-Shower Detector Validation cards Selection crates g ETtot e± p0 hadr SPD mult HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  8. Level 0: muon trigger • The LHCb muon system: • 5 stations • Variable segmentation • Projective geometry • Trigger strategy: • Straight line search in M2-M5 • Look for compatible hits in M1 • Momentum measurement • Sent to L0 decision unit: 2 highest pT candidates per quadrant threshold HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  9. Level 0: Pile-up system Interaction region • Pileup system: • 2 silicon planes • Measure R coordinate • backwards from interaction point  no tracks from signal B • Trigger strategy: veto multi-PV evts • From hits on two planes  produce a histogram of z on beam axis • Sent to L0 Decision Unit: height of two highest peaks + multiplicity HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  10. Level 0: Decision • L0 decision unit: • OR of high ET candidates • Applies cuts on global properties • Thresholds and partial rates: (Trigger TDR, Sept 2003) • Composition: HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  11. L1-HLT infrastructure Front-end Electronics FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE FE TRM 126 links 44 kHz 5.5 GB/s Multiplexing Layer Switch Switch Switch Switch Switch 64 Links L1-Decision Readout Network Sorter 94 Links 7.1 GB/s 94 SFCs SFC SFC SFC SFC CPUFarm … ~1800 CPUs Switch Switch Switch Switch CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU Gb Ethernet Level-1 Traffic HLT Traffic Mixed Traffic • L1 & HLT share infrastructure: • Ethernet network • Sub-farm controllers • Computing nodes • Provides flexibility, scalability • HLT & reconstruction run in background • L1 task has top priority • CPU share: ~ 55% L1, 25% HLT, 20% reconstruction HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  12. Level 1  sensor R sensor 100 cm • Trigger strategy: • find high IP tracks (tracking in VELO) • Confirm track / Estimate pT from TT • Special treatment for clear L0 signatures • The LHCb VELO: • 21 stations (~ 100 cm) • Alternated R-f sensors • 40 μm to 100 μm pitch • Busy environment: • ~ 70 tracks/event after L0 • but low occupancy in VELO (~0.5%) Interaction region HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  13. Level 1: IP at VELO • Fast-tracking strategy: • First in R-Z view (only R sensors) • Primary vertex σZ ~ 60 mm • Select tracks with IP in (0.15, 3) mm • about 8.5 / event • 3D tracking for those tracks • pT measurement using TT • Silicon, 2 layers, 200 mm pitch • Only 0.15 T.m between VELO and TT DpT / pT ~ 20-40% • Rejects most low momentum tracks, which can fake high IP HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  14. Level 1 decision • Based on IP and pt of the two highest pt tracks • Decision modified on clear L0 signatures matching L1 tracks • High pT electrons & photons • High mass di-muons: • If mass lies within ±500MeV of J/y or B, accept automatically • Else, ‘bonus’ proportional to di-mass Minimum bias Signal events • Composition: HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  15. Possible HLT flow diagram 40 KHz (9.7% bb, 14.2% cc) Lepton-like evts Re-reconstruct L1 tracks (now using all tracking stations) “Lepton highway” Rest Confirm L1 decision (p)/p ~ 0.6 %! Reject uds, e > 95% HLT no 20 KHz (14.0% bb, 14.7% cc) Reconstruct whole event Specific: Exclusive (ex: BDsh) Inclusive (ex: DX) J/y-like + Tagging-lepton- enriched HLT no Generic algorithm Long-lived b sample (systs, backgrounds) CP channels with e ~100% Open charm Full reconstruction / Storage HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  16. Performance: L0 x L1 • Results from Trigger TDR (Sept 2003) • Efficiencies computed on offline selected events • Overall L0xL1 efficiency: • 30% for • hadronic channels • e/γ/π0 channels • 60-70% for di-muons • Software and hardware prototyped and working, within time budget • see Trigger TDR, Sept 2003 L0 efficiency L1 efficiency L0L1 efficiency HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  17. Performance: HLT • A complete implementation of HLT is being prepared for the Computing TDR (due summer 2005) • The reconstruction part has already been implemented and tested in terms of performance and time consumption, in particular: • Tracking • L1 confirmation • First results on exclusive selections show that individual b physics channels give rates of ~ 10Hz with • 500 MeV side bands for b mass • Affordable time consumptions • > 95% efficiencies HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

  18. Expected event yield • Taking into account efficiency from: • L0xL1 • Offline selection HERA-LHC workshop. Hugo Ruiz

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