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Multiple-precision integer arithmetic. If (anan-1...a1a0)b is the base b representation of a and an ? 0, then the precision or length of a is n 1. If n=0, a is called single-precision integer, otherwise a is multiple precision integer.. Addition and subtraction. Addition/subtraction: x y /x-yc=0, w
1. Efficient Implementation
2. Multiple-precision integer arithmetic If (anan-1...a1a0)b is the base b representation of a and an ? 0, then the precision or length of a is n+1. If n=0, a is called single-precision integer, otherwise a is multiple precision integer.
3. Addition and subtraction Addition/subtraction: x+y /x-y
c=0, which is the carry digit
For i from to n do the following:
wi = (xi+/-yi+c) mod b
if (xi - yi+c) < b, c=0; otherwise c=1/-1;
Return (wn+1wn...w0)
4. Multiplication Multiplication: x: n+1bits; y: t+1 bits. w=xy
For i from 0 to (n+t+1) do wi=0
For i from 0 to t do following:
for j from 0 to n:
(uv)b=wi+j+xjyi+c, wi+j=v, c=u
wi+n+1 =u
Return (wn+t+t...w1w0)
(n+1)(t+1) single-precision multiplications
5. Squaring Squaring: t bits x, w=x2
For i from 0 to (2t-1) do: wi=0
For i from 0 to (t-1) do following
(uv)b=w2i+xixi, w2i=v, c=u
for j from i+1 to (t-1) do
(uv)b=wi+j+2xixj+c, wi+j=v, c= u
(uv)b=w2t-2+xt-1xt-1,w2t-2=v, w2t-1=u
Return (w2t-1w2t-1...w0)b
u may exceed single-precision.
about (t2+t)/2 single precision multiplication
squaring can be at best no more than twice faster than multiplication.
6. Modular arithmetic Montgomery reduction
Def: Let m be a positive integer; R>m and gcd(m,R)=1, 0?T<mR. TR-1mod m is called a Montgomery reduction of T modulo m with respect to R.
E.g. 0 ?x,y ?m. Let x1=xR mod m, y1=yR mod m. The M reduction of x1y1 is x1y1R-1 mod m= xyR mod m
If m is based on b with length n, R is chosen as bn (if gcd(b,m)=1)
7. Montgomery reduction Fact: Given m, R and gcd(m,R)=1; Let m1=-m-1mod R, If U=Tm1 mod R, then (T+Um)/R is integer and congruent to TR-1 mod m
Fact: Choose R=bn s.t. we can easily compute U
Fact: (T+Um)/R<2m,
hence (T+Um)/R =TR-1mod m or
(T+Um)/R = (TR-1 mod m)+m
8. Montgomery reduction Algorithm: m, R,b m1=-m-1mod b, T
A=T ( A =(a2n-1...a1a0)b)
For i to 0 to n-1 do:
ui = aim1 mod b
A = A+uimbi
If A>m then A=A-m
Return A
Efficiency: n(n+1) bit operation
9. Montgomery multiplication m,x,y n bits long. R, m1=-m-1mod b. Compute xyR-1 mod m
for i=0 to n-1 do:
ui= (a0+xiy0)m1 mod b
If A >m , A=A-m. return A
2n(n+1) bit multiplication
Montgomery is better for modular exponentiation, rather than modular multiplication
10. Barrett redution Algorithm: x=(x2k-1...x0), m=(mk-1...m0) u= ?b2k/m?. Compute r=x mod m
q1= ?x/bk-1 ?, q2=q1u, q3= ?q2/bk+1?
r1=x mod bk+1, r2=q3m mod bk+1, r=r1-r2
if r<0, the r = r+bk+1
while r?m do r=r-m. Return r
Partial justification
x=Qm+R, Q-1<q3<Q+1, Q=?x/m?
Q= ?(x/bk-1)(b2k/m)(1/bk+1)??q3
11. Barrett modular reduction Computation efficiency:
All division are simple right-shift ops
determine q3 requires (k+1)2-Ck2 single precision multiplication
r2 and q2 are computed by a partial multiple precision multiplication
12. Reduction for special moduli m=bt-c, c is l bit long, l<t, comp r=x mod m
q0= ?x/bt?, r0=x-q0bt, r=r0, i=0
While qi> 0 do
qi+1= ?qic/bt ?, ri+1=qic-qi+1bt
i++, r=r+ri
while r>m-1, do r=r-m. Return r
about sl bit multiplication, where s is the # of loop
Numbers of this form are more susceptible to factoring by the special number field sieve.
13. GCD algorithm Binary extended gcd algorithm
given x,y, comp a,b,v, ax+by=v,v=gcd(x,y)
while x,y are both even, x=x/2, y=y/2,g=2g
u=x, v=y, A=1,B=0,C=0,D=1
*while u is even,do:
if A=B=0mod 2, A=A/2, B=B/2, otherwise A=(A+y)/2, B=(B-x)/2
while v is even do following:
If C=D=0mod 2, C=C/2,D=D/2, otherwise C=(C+y)/2, D=(D-x)/2
if u?v, then u=u-v, A=A-C, B=B-D; otherwise v=v-u, C=C-A, D=D-B
If u=0, then a=C,b=D, return. Otherwise goto *
14. Binary extended GCD Computational efficiency:
Only multiple precision ops needed are addition and subtraction. Division is r-shift
The number of bits needed to represent u,v decreases by (at least) 1,after at most two iterations. Thus it takes at most 2(?lgx?+ ?lgy?+2) such iterations
to compute multiplicative inverse z, s.t. az=1mod m, which is D if D>0, or m-D
15. C.R.T for integers Residue number systems
modular representation or mixed radix representation of x for moduli m1,m2...mt is v(x)=(v1,v2...vt), where vi=x mod mi
v(x)=(v1,v2...vt), v(y)=(u1,u2...ut). Define v(x)+v(y)=(w1,w2...wt), wi=ui+vimod mi. Same for v(x)v(y)
v((x+y)mod M)=v(x)+v(y),v(xymodM)=v(x)v(y)
CRT is used in RSA decryption and sign
xdmod n can be computed as vd(x)=(v1dmodp, v2dmod q)
16. Garners Algorithm for CRT Algorithm:
For i=2 to t do:
For j=1 to (i-1) do:
u=mj-1mod mi
Ci= uCi mod mi
For i from 2 to t do:
u=(vi-x)Cimod mi, x=x+u?j=1i-1mj
Return x
17. Garners Algorithm for CRT Efficiency:
Step 1 can be used as pre-computation if same Modulus M is used
No modular reduction with M is required, which takes O((kt)2) while reduction with mi only takes O(k2).Totally t loops, to overall complexity is O(tk2)
p,q t-bit prime, d is 2bit prime
without CRT: (3/2)(2t)3=12t3 bit ops
with CRT: 2(3/2)(t3)=3t3 bit ops (smaller modulus)
18. Basic techniques for exponentiation: ge Right-to-left binary exponentiation
Left-to-right binary exponentiation
same # of ops as in RL, however, if g has special structure, it is easier for mulitplication
Left-to-right k-ary exponentiation(window method)
Modified left-to-right k-ary exponentiation
19. Basic techniques for exponentiation: ge Comparison: e: t+1 bit, l+1 for k-ary