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Sentence Patterns…. A Walk Down Memory Lane. Simple Sentences. SS. S. V. O. +. +. =. Simple sentences express one idea: One Subject is doing One Verb Mary eats babies . The giant slimy octopus devoured the coastal town of Manteo, NC. Write a simple sentence at least 10 words long.
Sentence Patterns… A Walk Down Memory Lane
Simple Sentences SS S V O + + = • Simple sentences express one idea: One Subject is doing One Verb • Maryeatsbabies. • The giant slimy octopusdevoured the coastal town of Manteo, NC. • Write a simple sentence at least 10 words long.
Compound Subjects/Verbs SS S S V V O + + + + = • Simple sentences express one idea: • One Group of Subjects is doing One Group of Verbs • Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dykewrote and acted in the greatest television shows of all time. • Don and Diana movedto New York andauditionedfor acting gigs. • Write a simple sentence with a compound subject and compound verb in which the verbs are separated by objects.
SS SS Compound Sentences • Compound sentences combine Simple Sentences to express Two Ideas: • Two Different Subjects doing Two Different Verbs • Tim Tebowthrew a game winning touchdown pass in overtime, yet many fans still considerhim to be a terrible quarterback. • Write a Compound Sentence using a conjunction that isn’t “and”. • For, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So , C
Colons and Semis SS SS :/; Both Colons and Semi-Colons combine Simple Sentences. • Colons introduce an Example or Explanation • Semi-Colons connect Related ideas. I punched the small child right in the nose : little Billy called me a hoser. I punched the small child right in the nose ; Johnny kicked him in the neck. • Write two sentences, one with a colon and one with a semi-colon. The first half of each sentence (the first Simple Sentence) should be the same in both sentences.
Conjunctive Adverbs SS CA SS ; , Conjunctive Adverbsare used to indicate the type of relationship between two simple sentences..CAs are most often used with semi-colons. • Tom is a hulking specimen of a man; nevertheless, Daisy doesn’t love him. • Write a Compound Sentence using one of the following Conjunctive Adverbs: likewise, meanwhile, accordingly, furthermore, instead, nevertheless
Introductions SS Intro , Introductions to sentences can be words, phrases, or used to combine simple sentences: • Carefully, the thief broke into the shelter to steal the puppies. • Unbeknownst to him, the shelter was open 24 hours, and the manager called the cops. • When the police arrived, the thief was sobbing into a pile of fluffy Dalmatians.. • Write a sentence with an introduction. You can use a word, phrase or simple sentence.
The Interrupting Cow S V MODIFIER The Interrupting Cow, Modifier, adds information to the sentence: it describes the subject. • My mother, the greatest woman in the history of the world, is hungry. • Marky Mark, now known as Mark Walhberg, recorded an entire music video without wearing a shirt. • Write a sentence with an Interrupting Cow. , , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eSN8Cwit_s