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Discover the prominent features of nonferrous metals like characteristic color, low melting temperature, and high plasticity. Learn about the classification of nonferrous metals, including light, low-melting, noble, and refractory metals. Explore the properties of aluminum alloys, titanium alloys, native copper, and bronzes. This comprehensive guide delves into the structure, properties, and microstructures of various metallic materials, offering insights into their suitability for different applications.
Prominent Features of Nonferrous Metals • Characteristic colour • Low melting temperature • Low hardness • High plasticity • Absence of polymorphic transformations
Classification of Nonferrous Metals • Light: Al, Mg, Be, [ Ti ] • Low-melting: Sn, Pb, Zn, Bi • Noble: Au, Ag, Pt, [ Cu ] • Refractory: W, V, Nb, Zr, Ti
Aluminium Alloys W – wrought alloys, C – cast alloys, NS – alloys not strengthened by heat treatment, S – alloys strengthened by heat treatment
Phase Diagram Al – Cu The eutectic consists of two phases: E = α + CuAl2.
Microstructure of Duralumin AnnealingQuenching Ageing 60HB 75 HB 140 HB
Structural and Property Change in Duralumin in the process of Ageing
Microstructure ofhigh-strengthaluminium alloy: strengthening bydisperseparticles , whereR is distancebetweenparticles Структура сплава на основе алюминия:
Aluminium is an air-craft alloy(unit strength of its alloys is more than 20)
Titanium AlloysAlloying elements formsolidsolutions(а)oreutectoidmixes(b)withtitanium a b
PhasediagramTi – Al L L L
Microstructureof titaniumalloy ВТ6afterquenching (titaniummartensite)
Microstructureof titanium alloy ВТ15 after quenching and ageing
Copper is one of the most plastic metals.Slip lines on apolishedcopper surface
Rolledcopperwireis the most importantmaterial forelectrical industry
Specificcharacteristics of metallic materials Material Материал Марка σT, MPa σВ,МПа σT/(ρ·g), km σВ/(ρ·g), км E/(ρ·g)·10-3, км E/(ρ·g)·10-3, km Grade (Russian) Magnesium alloy Сплав магния МА10 МА10 430 430 21 21 2,3 2,3 Aluminium alloy Сплав алюминия В96 В96 700 700 23 23 2,4 2,4 Titanium alloy Сплав титана ВТ15 ВТ15 1500 1500 30 30 2,6 2,6 Сталь Steel 03Н18К9М5Т 03Н18К9М5Т 2000 2000 27 27 2,6 2,6 Бериллий Beryllium 680 680 37 37 16,1 16,1