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The History of Evolution. Darwin. Lamarck. Cuvier. lion. Species. Species : group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring Different species rarely breed Interspecies breeding often results in sterile offspring Ex: Horse x Donkey = Mule Ex: Lion x Tiger = Liger.

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  1. The History of Evolution Darwin Lamarck Cuvier

  2. lion Species • Species: group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring • Different species rarely breed • Interspecies breeding often results in sterile offspring • Ex: Horse x Donkey = Mule • Ex: Lion x Tiger = Liger tiger liger

  3. horse donkey mule

  4. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck • Acquired Inheritance: Early theory where organisms could acquire and pass traits after birth • Cause: environmental changes forced individuals to change • Early Belief: Giraffes & Long Necks • Long necks are result of stretching to reach leaves • Extra length was passed on to offspring • Problem: Traits acquired after fertilization cannot be passed to offspring PROVEN WRONG!

  5. Geologic Change • Early belief: • Earth ~6,000 years old • Life remained unchanged • “New” Observations • Rock layers (strata) contained differing fossils • Deeper fossils (older) less complex • Environmental changes thought to affect life characteristics

  6. Charles Darwin • Observed: • Organisms have variations based upon environment • Similarities between extinct fossils & modern life • Marine fossils atop mountains • Natural Selection: Process where organisms with favorable traits survive and reproduce • Major concept in biology published in The Origin of Species (1859)

  7. Variation: Inherited traits that make an individual different from others Green, flat wings of the insect above Adaptation: Variation increases the chance of survival Ability to blend with environment Adaptation & Variation

  8. Butterflies won't lay eggs on plants with fake egg spots

  9. Can you find the geckos?

  10. Gross....bird poop...or is it???

  11. Causes of Genetic Variation • Genetic variation increases chances some survive in changing environments • Gene Pool: All alleles within a population • Two main causes of genetic variation: 1) Mutations: Random genetic changes may affect phenotypes 2) Recombination(crossing over): During meiosis, genes recombine in varying patterns

  12. Variation: 4 Different Gametes Chromatids copied Crossing- over Crossing- Over finished Genetic variation! Four differing chromatids

  13. Review • When are two organisms considered a different species? • Even though incorrect, why is Lamarck’s theory still relevant? • How can the general age of rocks (and fossils) be determined? • How does a variation and adaptation differ? • What is natural selection?

  14. Quick Review • Features of a species can evolve, or change over time • Natural selection is when favorable traits allow survival & reproduction • Variations allow an organism to be better suited to its environment

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